Thread Number: 33427
Servis and Hottie
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Post# 503016   3/10/2011 at 14:55 (4,974 days old) by zodawash (Lincolnshire,United Kingdom)        

zodawash's profile picture
I've just finished rejigging the laundry room and now have a Hottie WMA64 and a Servis M6854 side by side. Both can be run together should I have a mass of laundry waiting lol.

Now the Servis has been a problem since I aquired it a few moths ago. It had been used by the previous owner in an farm outbuilding and water got in and ruined the motor and control board. I had a new motor and board sent but the machine would not spin unless perfectly balanced if at all and then cut out on a full load of towels. The motor was in fact the wrong part number as i've now finally got it replaced and it spins perfectly.

This is an 8.5 KG Servis. Not come across many as the last one I had was 7KG. It seems to use more water on rinses than the 7kg ie higher up the door, but what I love about it is the choice of programs it has and the wash results.

The hottie is a recent addition to my laundry room having had new bearings and door seal. I like both machines, the Servis does a better job out of the two especially on spinning with such a huge drum, the hottie has the powerstream wash action so is more fun to watch.

My Beko was sold off recently with a niggling electronic fault that kept blowing the door lock every few weeks. It was also silver and no longer fitted in with my white scheme lol


Post# 503178 , Reply# 1   3/11/2011 at 05:46 (4,974 days old) by electron1100 (England)        

electron1100's profile picture
Hello Steve it is always nice to have a choice ;-)

Post# 503223 , Reply# 2   3/11/2011 at 09:36 (4,974 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hello Steve good selection, will be pleased to hear what you think of the Servis, I had reason to use one in a "Hoover Officionados" house recently (The Words Tell & Your Dead) where mentioned...LOl, we both thought it was gonna know....BUT we where both very surprised, the build quality and sturdiness of the cabinet was amazing, quiet in use & the larger drum holds a mega load...if fact it was due to go on ebay but its still "There"...

Will post pics later, love the way the Blue LED's light up the kitchen at night!!

Post# 503225 , Reply# 3   3/11/2011 at 09:39 (4,974 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        
that ultima extra

my aunt had an ultima extra like that but in a latte colour i realy like those ypes of ultimas but sadly it died from a faulty pcb board and i realy miss it :(
but here is the upside she canged it to a very sexy hotpoint aqualtis (tol 2009)in silver and black and it is fab (arnt all aqualtis machines fab). i also miss my 2007 collection peice wich was a servis m somthing it got stuck on the rinse programme back in november-december and got replaced with a god awful zanussi that was made in italy and i payed nerly £500 for it, it got changed with in a week as traiding standard officials declared it unsafe, my beko wme7427s changed it is silant when running and is allround the best machine next to my hottie aqualtis> :)

Post# 503342 , Reply# 4   3/11/2011 at 15:53 (4,973 days old) by zodawash (Lincolnshire,United Kingdom)        

zodawash's profile picture
Mike, well this is my second of that version of the Servis, the last one was the 7Kg and i was impressed by it. This being 8.5Kg is just as good but i can get duvets in no problem. It is in fact one of the best machines i've used and like you say suprisingly well made for a Servis. I also love the design of it and the programs are excellent. So many to choose from and its pretty quiet too and those blue lights are great! I'll probably keep it for a while anyway lol

Post# 503354 , Reply# 5   3/11/2011 at 17:05 (4,973 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

why is it that manufacturers finally get their quality right after years of mediocrity and then go belly up...

Post# 503355 , Reply# 6   3/11/2011 at 17:27 (4,973 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

I think it's a case of too little too late.

Post# 503370 , Reply# 7   3/11/2011 at 19:26 (4,973 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
Servis isn't really dead...

haxisfan's profile picture
Just the name 'Servis' is dead... but they're still around with other names... Ardo (link below), Bompani, Asko (I think) sprung to mind.


Post# 503442 , Reply# 8   3/12/2011 at 02:11 (4,973 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
Hey Steve!

Always nice to have a choice! We had 2 of those hotpoint first the wma64 the first release which died of the horrific glitch with bad bearings after a year that range had and hotpoint replaced it with the 6kg 1600 equivilent for the trouble. I liked it alot but when we moved here and dad told me the whole kitchen would be aeg i begged for an aeg washer which is now on its way out some 8years later and sterling service!

I like the servis 2 my best friend had thst same machine recently until it died of bad bearings spinning at 1500 everyday! it didnt do bad washing for 5! Now replaced with a 7kg indesit with the black digital display in silver.

I will always wish that the true servis never fel to its demise and would have found and 8kg quartz far more up my street :-p

Haxisfan! You were on the button there. Servis has many disguises in europe lol. Though i'm pleased to say servis no longer own asko and they are infact owned by gorenje now which i think will be interesting!


Post# 503444 , Reply# 9   3/12/2011 at 02:44 (4,973 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        

haxisfan's profile picture
Thanks Darren... I wasn't sure if they still owned Asko... it's clear now ;-)

You mentioned Quartz... I guess that was when Servis was ahead of its time... but since Servis became A. Merloni it was more or less just run of the mill.

I visited some friends the other day... and I knew they had a somewhat 4 year old Servis washer, before getting to their house I kept thinking, well, I doubt they still have that washer, considering the horrid reputation this brand had in the last decade or so, but to my surprise the Servis was still there... I don't know whether it's been repaired during the course of its life though... I didn't ask :-P

Post# 503445 , Reply# 10   3/12/2011 at 03:20 (4,973 days old) by hoovermatic (UK)        

My very first H-axis washer was a Servis (1999) and it was a a real solidly built workhorse. I was gutted when it broke down and although it was repairable it was much cheaper to get a 'new' machine from Ebay, which was a Hotpoint. That was also an excellent machine which in a fit of peak, I replaced with a Hoover (initially pleased but RAPIDLY realised was a BIG mistake). I was lucky enough to find another Servis H-Axis, ex-display and probably the last model they made. I am delighted with it. It has 3 proper baffles, a really good selection of programmes and is a sturdy built machine. Time will tell how long it lasts but at the moment it is staying put.

Post# 503685 , Reply# 11   3/12/2011 at 23:10 (4,972 days old) by FL1012 ()        

My Sister had a Servis machine much like zodawash's, though it was 7kg or 7.5kg and silver. Still had some damn good program choices and the funky blue LEDs.

My sister said it was very noisy, but it was her first machine so it might've been a case of her never paying attention to the machine's we've had at home due to them being in the utility room out the way. I thought it seemed pretty quiet to me, a kinda electrical buzz while tumbling, rather than the usual wine that modern machines can make.

She sold it after 18months when she moved so i can't comment on longevity, but it never went wrong. I have seen a few broken on eBay, but you dunno how heavily they've been used. Plus they seem to be just PCB failures, which seems a rather minor complaint when compared to Candy & Indesit's wonderful exploding drums. A shame we've lost Servis really. Ive always fancied an old Quartz.


Post# 504806 , Reply# 12   3/17/2011 at 14:57 (4,967 days old) by zodawash (Lincolnshire,United Kingdom)        

zodawash's profile picture
Well It is quiet compared to the Hotpoint. I think it makes some nice noises especially when in ramps up to full spin speed. It would be amazing to have an 8KG quartz. I've died and gone to heaven lol.
Someone design one please! lol

Post# 720594 , Reply# 13   12/11/2013 at 14:03 (3,967 days old) by chanceskydiver (West Linton)        

Hi Steve just came across your thread I do have a passion for Servis machines. Goodness knows where from lol. I do love your Hotpoint and Servis but fancy getting a 8.5 kilo 1600 spin 1 day as have a soft spot for them. Soon going to a female know she has a M6XXS, and asked a friend if could do a video. He says why no lol

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