Thread Number: 33473
is it me or do some zanussi's have.......................
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Post# 503567   3/12/2011 at 16:38 (4,885 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

strange and stupid balancing and wash pattons. my sisters zanussi zwf100070w has odd cycle pattons and likes walking around the kichen it is loud but is good and my sister said that i can choose her new one when thes on pegs it. it's an older zanussi thus it is a etter qualitly one, i think it's polish made cos the sticker on the back says made in eu and so dose my dishwasher. i like talikg about older zanussi's but i stop when i get past 2007 (2007 my sisters zanussi's era) anyway ive been doing her laundry for her to lend her a hand (she has a baby) i will poast some pix of it if requested

Post# 503650 , Reply# 1   3/12/2011 at 21:55 (4,884 days old) by FL1012 ()        

They usually seem pretty straightforward to me. There's three things that bug me a little with them:

1. Older ones can have overly gentle Synthetics cycles, so i tend to only use Cottons on my older ones (Z9292T & FL1012). Newer ones like my Mums 2007 Essential (ZWF14170W) seem to have quite decent Synthetics programming, cutting the spins down abit to make the cycle more gentle, that sortof thing.

2. Ones from late 1990s to early 2000's ie Jetsystem Excel, Aquacycle XC's (with program dial rather than push-buttons) have a tendency to spin without the Out of Balance sensor activating & the suspension sounds like it's about to snap into bits trying to hold the thing down. Our one of this era (WDA 1055W) has left it's space under the worktop on more than one occasion, as did it's Electrolux cousin that we owned a few years ago! Thankfully the Out of Balance system seems much improved from the point that the push-button machines including FJS 1225W (Jetsystem XC) and ZWF (Progress Hydrosystem etc) designs were introduced. This probably coincided with the drum capacities increasing to 6kg and beyond.

3. Some models from late 90s onwards have a great tendency not to top-up with water when they really need to, so detergent residue is left behind on clothes. The newest machines seem better, but there's still a slightly too large obsession with water-consumption over clean clothes. This can be levelled at other makes aswell though.

The newest Zanussi's seem to have corrected most of my annoyances, with the exception of the water consumption, though this has improved slightly. The unfortunate thing with new Zanussi's (or most from introduction of the ZWF models) is the drop in quality & gradual move to sealed tubs, which effectively writes off the machine if the bearings fail. Again though, this is much in-line with other makes of Zanussi's price range :(


Post# 503719 , Reply# 2   3/13/2011 at 01:58 (4,884 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
I can do a direct comparrison with this. The machine is the house is an aeg 74640 which is essential a zanussi xc of this time. It has the jetsystem which is good for soaking the load and on the longer lower water level progs it is actually quite good with toppin up with water. The annoyances are balancing back and forth is a little drawn out which is shorter on my zanussi zwf12070G1 which is italian made. On the superquick progs after the first spin burst it throws everything back into distribution and goes straight up to spin. One thing I prefer about the aeg is it tumbles when it fills for the rinses. The zanussi hits the max level and tumbles and soaks the load. This annoys me abit. The aeg is on its way out bad bearings and knackered suspension. It now thinks its a hotpoint of yesteryear launching and leaping around violently!! It will be replaced with the current aeg equvilent! Were moving in a month and as there is an extension being built the washer and dryer are going in the garage until the utility has been built. So I plan to run the zanussi at the same time. I have been pleased with the zanussi. It is quite well built as it is actually made in italy. The annoyances are no 30deg or less temp on cotton or synthetic and there are no progress indicators or time remaining. The later I could have lived without if It had progress indicators!!! And they stuck that stupid half load button where the extra rinse button should be! Why they release the first models with extra rinse and the 2nd releases with half load I'll never know! Darren

Post# 503774 , Reply# 3   3/13/2011 at 05:36 (4,884 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

my sister's zanussi dose it like this: mainwash pumpout fill rinse pump spin fill pump spin fill f-rinse pump spin end.
my nan's slimline zanussi is like this: mainwash pumpout fill-intrmitent rinse pumpout intermitent spin fill f-rinse slow spin med spin fast spin final drain anti craess end.

Post# 504616 , Reply# 4   3/16/2011 at 19:00 (4,881 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Progress indicators.......

Forgot about them, or lack of. That's annoying on the newer ZWF machines too, though we knew that when we bought the machine so i guess i shouldn't consider it as annoying as my other points.

Thankfully as our ZWF14170W is one of the early Essentials, it still has the Extra Rinse button rather than Half Load, and being a 141 rather than a 140 (or 120, 160) machine, it has a temperature dial so you can change the temperature to what you want (including 30c) across several programs :-)


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