Thread Number: 33475
Maytag Calypso Washer
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Post# 503572   3/12/2011 at 17:17 (4,972 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

I work with a woman that mentioned one day that she has a Maytag Calypso Washer. I asked why was it called a calypso and she said she wasn't sure, but it probably had something to do with the way it washed the clothes and went on to explain that uses jets of water. I asked her to explain in more detail and she said she couldn't that I would have to ask her husband. Well since I've never met husband I still don't how it works. Please someone tell me what the difference is between a Maytag Calypso washer vs a conventional machine. I know she said she never wanted another one. I asked her why did it not get the clothes and she said no it got the clothes clean, but that they had to have it repaired twice.

Post# 503581 , Reply# 1   3/12/2011 at 17:58 (4,972 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

I observed a Whirlpool Calypso on Youtube. So it's a water saver model with a funky agitator. Looks like it recycles the water to keep the clothes wet. I don't know where my co-worker got that a calypso machine uses jets of water?!

Post# 503586 , Reply# 2   3/12/2011 at 18:24 (4,972 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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There are no "Maytag" Calypso washers.  The Calypso model was sold only under the Whirlpool and Kenmore brands.  They've been discussed here extensively.  Calypso was the first toploader marketed as an HE machine, introduced (I think) in 2000 or 2001 and discontinued several years ago.  Instead of an agitator, wash action is provided by a plate (nutator) that wobbles to bounce and rotate the load through a shower of water.  The tub does not fill to submerge the clothes, the water level is always below the wash plate.  Only enough water is used to saturate the load to dripping wet plus a couple gallons more to keep the pump primed for recirculation.


There is sometimes confusion between the Calypso and Cabrio, with people thinking the Cabrio is a redesign/reintroduction of the Calypso.  The only connection is that the Cabrio (and Oasis and Bravos) are HE toploaders like the Calypso.  Cabrio/Oasis/Bravos is a completely different mechanism and wash action.


Calypso picked up a bad reputation largely due to a lot of misunderstanding and misuse by consumers.  There were some mechanical issues, but the machines work OK and clean very well when used correctly, IMO.  Whirlpool made several changes on the design during production to help deal with the problems.


I have two.  One has been fully refurbished and I've used it as my "daily driver" for the past 2.5 years.  I've put up videos (5 clips) of a full cycle on YouTube, search for "whirlpool calypso."

Post# 503590 , Reply# 3   3/12/2011 at 18:46 (4,972 days old) by retromania (Anderson, South Carolina)        

Oh, ok. Thanks for this information. I did observe a Whirlpool Calypso in action YouTube.


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