Thread Number: 335
You can stuff HOW many towels in that machine?!
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Post# 47477   10/20/2004 at 12:42 (7,306 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
OK, kids, I want to know this: How many bath towels comprise a load in your particular machine? I keep reading seemingly outrageous numbers from manufacturers' advertisements/sales literature. 23 towels in a Hettie? 15 towels in an Asko, for god's sake? How is this possible?

I have a 2003 Frigidaire (Electrolux-made) front-loader. Ten Sears Colormate towels (not Motel-6 tiny, but not supersize bath sheets, either) make up a very full load. I think the drum on my machine is about 2.7 or 3 cubic feet.

I know the Duet/Hettie/Ensembles have huge drums, but I don't see how they can possible handle 23 towels. How about your machines?

Post# 47479 , Reply# 1   10/20/2004 at 12:49 (7,306 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I don't think I have 23 towels, or even 15, but I'll 'scope it out with what I do have when I get some time.

Post# 47480 , Reply# 2   10/20/2004 at 12:55 (7,306 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Oh yeah! I can pack my " Frigimore" full but that does'nt mean I'll get clean clothes. When I was selling appliances, the Reps. from Frigidaire told us to tell prospective customers that "if you can close the door, the machine will hold the load". When I try to wash a queen-size comforter I can just get the door closed, but the thing only goes around---the middle gets wet but that is about it. When I put it in the 1-18 however, it gets washed with plenty of room! These companies have become like the politicians---all "spin" (lies), to try to beat the other! -Steve

Post# 47499 , Reply# 3   10/20/2004 at 18:11 (7,306 days old) by westytoploader ()        

I agree; I can't fit my double comforter in the DD Kenmore, otherwise it won't get clean. In 1998 it was the largest-capacity machine available, but still can't handle a double comforter. I have to put it in the dryer instead.

The Maytag's tub is smaller than the Kenmore's, but the Power-Fin can handle larger loads; go figure.

As for 23 towels in a Hettie?? I don't see how that's possible; I've looked at the tub and it isn't really all that big. A Milnor yes, a Bosch Axxis maybe, but a Hettie, I don't think so.


Post# 47503 , Reply# 4   10/20/2004 at 19:29 (7,306 days old) by petebldg9 ()        

Austin, a Bosch Axxis cannot hold 23 towels. The tub on mine is 1.9 cubic feet. Great machine though. I think you're referring to the new full-size Boschs that just hit the market.


Post# 47506 , Reply# 5   10/20/2004 at 20:12 (7,306 days old) by camMURRAY20 ()        
23 Bath Towels

I think the Unimacs can hold 125lbs worth the towels. My job washes a whole heap of towels, they also put the bibs in with the towels. The Milnor Superloader can hold 80lbs worth the towels.



Post# 47509 , Reply# 6   10/20/2004 at 21:01 (7,306 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Oops, my mistake. I meant to say Nexxt. Sorry if I mislead any of you.


Post# 47510 , Reply# 7   10/20/2004 at 21:13 (7,306 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        
Fine print

veg-o-matic's profile picture
In those "23 towels" ads, doesn't the fine print say "various sizes" or something like that? Maybe it's 7 towels and 16 washcloths!
Not that I own that many towels, but I think I can cram a bigger load into my Frigidaire FL than I could in my Super Capacity GE top loader.
And even when the Frig is full to the gills, once the water pours in, the drum is never more than half full. I don't think I've ever really loaded it up to the max.

Post# 47513 , Reply# 8   10/20/2004 at 21:31 (7,306 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
The fine print gives the dimensions of the 23 towels used.

Post# 47530 , Reply# 9   10/21/2004 at 00:22 (7,306 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Calypso brochure I have states it can handle 20 bath towels, sized 25"x 50".

Too much for my loading habits and cleaning "comfort level"! Bob, you let us know how it goes in your Frigemore when you get it. ;-) How many bath towels can you get in your Shredmore?

Post# 47543 , Reply# 10   10/21/2004 at 10:19 (7,306 days old) by christd1 ()        
Nexxt vs Hettie Capacity

3.8 cu.ft. on the HE4t is the largest in the industry, the Nexxt is only 3.5 cu.ft. (both IEC ratings).

As for the Frigidaire, I usually fill mine as full as I can and still close the door when it comes to towels. Our towels are pretty big and fluffy and I usually can do 12-15 I think.

Post# 47553 , Reply# 11   10/21/2004 at 14:32 (7,305 days old) by Joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

joe_in_philly's profile picture
When I bought my HE3t, I remember reading that the towels used were 15oz each. They must be very thin towels!

I bought several irregular Ritz-Carlton towels at a Springmaid-Wamsutta outlet, and they are very thick and heavy. Eight is the most I can fit into the machine. They soak up a lot of water; it takes about 5 minutes for the machine to fill.

Post# 47568 , Reply# 12   10/21/2004 at 19:31 (7,305 days old) by camMURRAY20 ()        
23 Towels in the Milnor Superloader

Try purchasing a Milnor, they can hold waaaay more than other leading brands.


Post# 47571 , Reply# 13   10/21/2004 at 20:02 (7,305 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
IIRC Milnor washer/extractors are the "built like tanks" of the commercial laundry world. Some say you can't kill em!

Wasn't that a huge Milnor machine they use in Shawshank prison's laundry room?

Anyone thinking of getting one better plan on pouring lots of concrete.


Post# 47573 , Reply# 14   10/21/2004 at 20:10 (7,305 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
One problem with towels and front loaders, besides their weight is that they absorb lots of water,and create lots of foam. During spins water and suds may bet spun out faster than the washer's pump can cope.

Commercial washers that use gravity drains do not have a problem with, but most home front loaders slow the spin down to give the pump a chance to catch up/prevent damage. If this happens too many times the first spin after a wash will finish with way too much suds/water left in the load. This could result in poor rinsing.

IIRC, someone posted over on THS the new SQ front loaders actually turn the pump off and and during portions of the spin cycle. I'm guessing this is to try and mimic a gravity drain washer by letting water just go through the pump relying on the force of water/gravity to drain. If I'm right,this in theory would allow the washer to spin like a commercial front loader; that is finish spinning at speed regardless of the flow of water/suds coming out of the tub.

As an aside; went with a friend today over to the laundrette so she could do her down comforters. Loaded 2 king sized comforters into a 50lb washer and let it do it's thing. During the spin could actually feel the vibrations coming up from the tile/concrete floor, but the washer was rock solid on it's concrete base. Give you some idea of the forces involved.


Post# 47574 , Reply# 15   10/21/2004 at 20:20 (7,305 days old) by westytoploader ()        

LOVE those machines, unfortunately they're more than $5,000 new! The Milnor's that would be most suitable for home use would be the G series, their smallest models. They're 500 lbs. and have to be bolted down as the smallest soft-mount models weigh 1,877 lbs. empty!. That's when you need a lot of concrete!!

There's a Milnor at my school and I saw it in action a few times; IMHO the washing action looks much like a vintage Bendix (very splashy, fun, single-direction tumbling). Milnors also fill while tumbling, like the Bendix. Here's a safety page covering older machines; the school's Milnor is like the one at the bottom center. Notice how high the water level indicator fun fun!

Fortunately you can get used, working, good condition, rigid-mount Milnors at relatively low prices on eBay. I've seen many at $250 or less. Refurbished Milnors run in the $1000s to the $2000s.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO westytoploader's LINK

Post# 47575 , Reply# 16   10/21/2004 at 21:25 (7,305 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Yeah you can get a used Milnor on Fleabay, but still where are you going to install it? *LOL*

Am almost certian doing that much work and pouring that much concrete would require permits. Can you imagine the neighboors as the concrete truck pulls up to your house?

Neighboor: Are you putting in a new patio?
WestyTopLoader: No,
Neighboor: Oh, you must be putting in that new pool?
WestyTopLoader: No,

Neighboor: Well if you don't mind me asking, what is all that concrete for?

WestyTopLoader: I'm having a washing machine installed!

Cue the flatbed truck hauling the Milnor, then watch poor WestyTopLoader faint dead when he realises the darn thing won't fit though the cellar door! *LOL*

New SQ's coin op front loaders fill while tumbling. Still would love to have a Milnor tough.

Post# 47578 , Reply# 17   10/21/2004 at 22:10 (7,305 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
sq tumbles during fill

Launderess, Given that info, maybe the short wash time is because the washings going on during the fill, if you think about it, and given the detergent is injected, its kinda like a front load magic minute IMHO. somewhere there was a discussion about the short cycle time, I did not realize the hetties and duets did not tumble during fill? I think someone posted the frigemore tumbles during fill on the "heavy soil cycle" If this is the case i would be disappointed with one of them, I like em moving.

Post# 47579 , Reply# 18   10/21/2004 at 22:36 (7,305 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Looked at Westytoploader's link-The G machine does sound interesting-In theory you could run its 1.5Hp motor off a household circuit-The Milnor doco in the link says NOTHING about power requirements-very strange.Probably have to tell them what voltage you want to run the machine from.1.5Hp motors are common in "contractor" style table saws sold for home and commercial use.They don't tell you if the motor is single or three phase.I would suppose if you bought a used machine from EBAY-you would need to know what voltage and phase the motor is.Also the machine should--pass thru a 30 in wide or wider doorway.Also the safety note in the link is something to consider as well-they mention in old machines the interlock on the door may not work.I have heard of a case of someone having an arm torn off from a machine with a bad door switch.A 1.5Hp motor geared down to turn the tub could do it.I think I will watch them at a laundramat!!

Post# 47612 , Reply# 19   10/22/2004 at 13:39 (7,304 days old) by glenn ()        

I have the Lg's and I can get about 20 regular bath towels in and they all come out clean and fresh. These are the plush bath towels.Drying time is very quick too with the high extract rpm's

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