Thread Number: 33554
older ka problems
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Post# 504826   3/17/2011 at 17:32 (5,079 days old) by christfr (st louis mo)        

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this ka dw that i have put into the house 4 years ago i got used and love it. the machine is over 15 years old mod KUDS230Y2. the machine has run fine for years until a few weeks ago when it started having a short fill prob and i sort of think since its a time fill the timer is acting up, well today i ran the machine that was fine, 8 hours later all the lights start blinking on there own and the motor starts running no fill with the door unlatched. so i walk over open the door and yep the motor is running with the door open. close and latch the door and push cancle and it runs the cancle cycle and quits. whats up? i know there are 2 switches to prevent the machine running with the door open or unlatched. has anyone else had this happen? i mean its crazy ha ha

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