Thread Number: 33658
Help with my kenwood mini?
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Post# 506039   3/23/2011 at 04:01 (4,874 days old) by hooverzodiac12 (Melbourne, Australia)        

hooverzodiac12's profile picture
Guys i REALLY need help.
i had the mini washer on the cotton 30 wash cycle. it finished the last rinse but it stoped with water in it and flashed "F7" and it wont reset itself. i have drained the water out from the filter plug and it still wont go. any ideas? is there a reset button under the hood or something?i really need help because i doubt ill be able to have it fixed in australia so ill be binning it if i cant fix that and that'll break my heart :X

Please help me

Post# 506118 , Reply# 1   3/23/2011 at 09:53 (4,874 days old) by timon90 (Norway)        

timon90's profile picture
Check if the pump impeller is stuck, or if the drain hose is clogged. Maybe the pump is defect and need to be replaced?

Post# 506136 , Reply# 2   3/23/2011 at 11:40 (4,874 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
Might be the motor thats burn try unpluging the washer from the main outlet and if you have a drain spin option on your washer set it on the drain and spin option to see if the washer will drain the water?

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