Thread Number: 33776
How to place a washer into storage?
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Post# 507584   3/28/2011 at 11:58 (4,956 days old) by danmantn (Tennessee)        

danmantn's profile picture
My beloved 2003 TOL Whirlpool Gold top load washer is going into storage for my sister to use when they build their house...which will be 1 to 2 years. Any pointers other than to do a "clean cycle" and make sure that it is dry? Gotta make way for my new Speed Queen set that is coming next week for the house.

Post# 507588 , Reply# 1   3/28/2011 at 12:17 (4,956 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

You could start running the hottest wash possible with some detergent and then another wash, hottest that you can without anything.
After that drain the machine lowering the drain tube to the floor and leave it to dry for 3-4 days.

Put something so the lid doesn't stay completely closed like styrofoam and cover it with a cloth so it doesn't get dust inside and on the control panel.

Post# 507593 , Reply# 2   3/28/2011 at 12:26 (4,956 days old) by danmantn (Tennessee)        

danmantn's profile picture
I'm doing a 140 degree wash now...great tip on the drain hose...forgot about that.

Post# 507611 , Reply# 3   3/28/2011 at 13:02 (4,956 days old) by kenmoreguy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
Dan -

Is the washer going to be exposed to freezing temps? If so, be sure the mixing valve is drained, and water is out of the pump.

If that is not a concern, then you're probably fine just packing it away. I think the suggestion of lowering the drain hose is good though - it will allow most of the excess water to drain out and not mildew later, etc.

So what are you getting new?


Post# 507612 , Reply# 4   3/28/2011 at 13:06 (4,956 days old) by danmantn (Tennessee)        

danmantn's profile picture
Speed Queen TOL washer/dryer top load set. The same as in my videos. That set is at the condo, I'm replacing the set in my house.

Post# 507613 , Reply# 5   3/28/2011 at 13:06 (4,956 days old) by danmantn (Tennessee)        

danmantn's profile picture
How do I drain the pump/mixing valve?

Post# 507621 , Reply# 6   3/28/2011 at 13:34 (4,956 days old) by kenmoreguy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
With the machine disconnected and the hoses in a bucket, plug the washer back in , and turn it on to the fill section of any cycle that allows warm water. That will let the water out of the mixing valve.

Then set it to spin. Any water still in the pump should head down the drain hose.


Post# 507622 , Reply# 7   3/28/2011 at 13:44 (4,956 days old) by danmantn (Tennessee)        

danmantn's profile picture
Great, thanks!

Post# 507667 , Reply# 8   3/28/2011 at 15:59 (4,956 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Complete Evacuation

mrb627's profile picture
If you want to completely remove all water from the machine, use a shop vac. suction hose to drain hose. The vac will suck all the standing water out of the pump.


Post# 507682 , Reply# 9   3/28/2011 at 16:27 (4,956 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
Do not drain washer completely before storing because the seals in the pump will dry rot. It is recommended to use RV Antifreeze, use more or less 1-2 quarts and run the last two minuets of a spin cycle to mix water and RV antifreeze to protect the pump from drying out and seizing.

Please read your manual for further instructions!


Post# 507731 , Reply# 10   3/28/2011 at 18:57 (4,956 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
RV antifreeze will work just as well......

I use simple Windshield Washer Antifreeze......

Post# 507742 , Reply# 11   3/28/2011 at 19:26 (4,956 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

One tip that was forgotten is to remove all three hoses and place in the tub, there should be no reason to run a clean cycle. Be sure to leave the washer upright if it will be subject to freezing temperature, other wise the balance ring may freeze and split.

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