Thread Number: 33828
Dryer Lint question
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Post# 508401   3/31/2011 at 14:30 (4,866 days old) by franksdad (Greenville, South Carolina)        

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Lately I've noticed when I remove laundry from my 2007 BOSCH Nexxt Premium dryer there is a lot of lint around the inside door front. When I pull laundry out of the dryer this lint gets on my dried laundry. The lint filter which is in the front of the dryer is no more full of lint than before. I keep the inside of the lint trap vacuumed out. Since this is a new phenonomem I was wondering if you all had any suggestions why this might be occurring. Is there a problem I should look into? Thank you. Jim

Post# 508404 , Reply# 1   3/31/2011 at 14:43 (4,866 days old) by Spankomatic (Ukiah,CA)        

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Is your dryer hose clogged? Check the air flow. When the dryer is running go outside to the dryer vent and feel the air flow. It should be strong. Also,have your clothes been drying normally and the normal amount of time?


Post# 508410 , Reply# 2   3/31/2011 at 15:16 (4,866 days old) by franksdad (Greenville, South Carolina)        

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Hey Jim,
As for as I know everything is okay. I'll check the hose again tonight. Thank you for your suggestion. Jim

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