Thread Number: 33868
Another one exploads again, BOOOM!!
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Post# 508864   4/2/2011 at 20:02 (4,864 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

Another one exploads again, BOOOM!! is this a terrorist plot by candy or what?


Post# 508882 , Reply# 1   4/2/2011 at 20:45 (4,864 days old) by Hunter (Colorado)        
That is a true horror

I HAVE wondered what happened if the drum let go while it was running. Now I know. Ugh!

And here I like to watch them more!

Post# 508921 , Reply# 2   4/3/2011 at 01:52 (4,863 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

I can't believe it!
If they don't take actions soon (and might be too late already) I don't know what's going to happen to the company! Very very sad!

Post# 508923 , Reply# 3   4/3/2011 at 03:20 (4,863 days old) by nrones ()        
Congratulations! you guys seriously bored?

This is actually the 5th thread about this case... well you actually made 2 same threads.. is there you know.. just as plan B? You maybe want me to make another one?
And which in 1st paragraph said that it has knewn of 3cases!!!!!

Really alot of threads sh*tting on Candy, without even a fair reason. I mean THIS is fair reason but for ***1*** thread, every other is REDICULOUS!

It isn"t rare? Do you know that Candy produces aprox2.5 milion machines per year... 3 machines in that is about one faulty on every 830.000 machines... anyway let"s NOT call it rare.

Did anyone wondered what is going on with Indesit company?
well ofcourse... answer is nobody. When I shared a video with a Hotpoint ultima WMD960 where drum started ripping apart (still not broken completely), some people even said it was SETUP... here"s the vid of an angry owner who made a sarcastic vid, but deffinatley with a true story (we are familiar with it).
Also do you know how many of I/H/A washing machines are going nuts?? I didn"t even saw ONE Candy there..


Post# 508924 , Reply# 4   4/3/2011 at 04:05 (4,863 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        
3 machines

foraloysius's profile picture
And 5 in Germany, that makes 8.

Post# 508931 , Reply# 5   4/3/2011 at 05:16 (4,863 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
So what?

haxisfan's profile picture
Whether it's 5, 8, 10, or 20 is still a proportionally small number in relation the overall production as envisaged by the company. Does this pathetic saga has to repeat itself every time another failing sample is found?

Which? is searching high and low for these failing units, which is sadly more than can be said about Candy, as it's blatantly obvious that some more similarly failing machines bearing the faulty drum welds are going to be out there!

I would be baffled and perhaps more inclined to ridicule Candy/Hoover if they managed to find another similarly dangerous fault with these machines... but they keep referring to the same failing component over and over again... TBH this is getting tiresome!

It would be nice if the company got back to those potentially faulty models and annihilate them once and for all, but perhaps they didn't get track of which particular production line in that particular period of time was producing the faulty drum welds and getting back to them now might prove a tricky task. I'm just surmising anyway... but I believe that this matter is been blown out of proportion once again.

Post# 508932 , Reply# 6   4/3/2011 at 05:26 (4,863 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

I don't think it is being blown out of proportion at all, its not like its a water leak or a dodgy PCB, its a catastrophic failure that has real potential to cause serious harm.

If you are not happy with what's going on, then you need to blame Candy, not us!

Post# 508933 , Reply# 7   4/3/2011 at 05:38 (4,863 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        
@nrones Don't get upset now; it sounds like you are.

i know you are a faithful candy lover but seems like when anyone ready to talk about candy your the one who's ready to defend their backs and then go on to talk about other companies its so not relevant (it's like your working for candy or something *cringes*), but im not taking any sides from those companies end of the day, i'm not a bias person (even though i never liked candy) but this is truly unacceptable from both companies, more care should of been taking into quality control, instead of cutting back on materials, you don't hear zanussi, bosch, lg and even BEKO! exploding? seriously (tell me if im wrong) its just a greedy companies who don't give an F about the customer safety and the machine lasting for decent amount of years, majority of these machines are built in poland with cheap labour cost to polish employees. for you information its a new thread a new case of candy exploding in england! i am not talking about the case in germany and if i was ever to make a new thread about the same problem that my problem not yours, and to that video, all that person should of done is brought an extended warranty lol then he wouldn't have to pay extra charges for repairs simple!, nothing clear as black and white no more, you need to do your research before you go ahead and buy a product

Post# 508934 , Reply# 8   4/3/2011 at 05:57 (4,863 days old) by aeg03 (London, UK)        

I just hope that there is no incident where there is a small child near the machine when another one explodes. It is very poor.

Post# 508936 , Reply# 9   4/3/2011 at 06:15 (4,863 days old) by nrones ()        
Unable to understand??

Couldn"t you see I was blaming YOU not Candy?

I am constantly reading stuff about Candy, everything bad - and it it is so "unfair", people are just telling bad stugg about Candy just because they want Candy to be bad, and when they start "accusing it" it gets ridiculous... STOP IT PLEASE!

Here is an example.
Few years ago, when I came on here and YouTube, people were blaming Candy for having extreamly long cycles, even at low temperatures, and that their 2 rinses isn"t enough. Now, when Candy made a Time-manager function, and after that KGmode for reducing time NOBODY SAID something like "good job on that".
It turned out few months after that 2 rinses on Miele are perfect, and 2 rinses on Candy are still shame.

Or this thread few days ago with hoover "being noisy" on spin.. and in the video there was in 1 second unusual sound from a suspension that was "overloaded" when it distributed unbalanced.. it stopped, rebalanced, and spun perfectly quiet --- and again the whole thread made just to sh*t on Candy because of NOTHING - just like this thread... 6 threads made over 8 machines... but just Candy.. there wasn"t even one thread made for Indesit machines exploding..
It also turned out that Indesits 8 minutes of slow tumbling are deffinatley washing better than candy"s 17 minute of fast tumbling.. sorry, ENOUGH

WHY ARE YOU DOING IT??????? even telling that good reviews about their washers are invalid... are you ALONE in the world?? only your oppineon is right, every1"s wrong?? Maybe few guys on here found each other, so now what they make up it"s 100% true, even between washer puns there is quite a number of people that love Candy, but they aren"t as loud as those who hate it.

I mean Candy deffinatley isn"t the best, it had **SMALL (8)** faliures, quality could be better, but they are innovative, and their programmes are excellent, but it deffinatley IS NOT as bad as people could conclude when reading threads on here.

Post# 508937 , Reply# 10   4/3/2011 at 06:28 (4,863 days old) by hoover1100 (U.K.)        

The way that Candy is playing down this issue and not making consumers aware that they may have a death trap in their homes is whats unfair!

The more threads discussing this issue, the more chance people will see it, the more notoriety these machines will have and the greater the pressure will be from the public to force Candy to accept this issue and go to greater lengths to make up for it and resolve it.

At the end of the day, we are free to discuss any brand of machine and any issue as much as we like, the vast majority of washer enthusiasts that I know would rate Candy very close to the bottom of their "favourite brands" list (most of the public I know wouldn't think too highly of them either). That is why there is a lot of negative discussion about their machines.

This general dislike of the brand is not based on "nothing" and the machines exploding is not a "small" fault.

Now please, calm down and lets discuss the topic of the thread rationally!


Post# 508942 , Reply# 11   4/3/2011 at 06:59 (4,863 days old) by nrones ()        
YES, unfair

Candy published it on their website, it was on TV, it is in Which, it is in Washer forums...

Just go ahead make these threads.. just remember 8! machines exploded, not 8000000...

Now please, you stop doing it. make another 10 threads about that... you guys are just UBELEVABLE.

It"s good that you think good of your self, and it"s good that you think you are right, rational etc... not to mention a HUGE non-respecting for other peoples oppineons or experience

That way, there is no discussing, there is support Matt or not. Everything is about You, and people you are sorrounded with.. if you did a proper research on the internet you would see bunch of people loving it.. oh now I remember, what those people wrote is so invalid, as they know nothing about washing machines..

Can you please where is logic that Mieles 2 rinses ARE enough, and Candy"s arent?

It"s fine, really fine, go ahead... let"s say Candy"s are made from sugar, and that they are dissolving in water... (because if YOU see them like that, I will end up as a crazy, or irreasonable one if I say they"re not) it"s fine really fine.. cause now I understand... AW forum is good...but for sharing pictures. :/

So don"t worry, I am deffinatley not going to reply, so you can freely tell and repeat 100 times all fairytales you already wrote about Candy, and make ridiculous comparations... and when you are doing be happy, and keep thinking that "At the end of the day, we are free to discuss any brand of machine and any issue as much as we like"

Thank god you can make 100 ridiculous threads, you will never make an influence on Candy, nobody is doing nothing specially on such worthless posts. You know.. just not to waste your time...

Post# 508943 , Reply# 12   4/3/2011 at 07:08 (4,863 days old) by hoover1100 (U.K.)        
Can you please where is logic that Mieles 2 rinses ARE enou

Well 2 rinses is my Indesit are completely inadequate, because the spins are slower and shorter and the machine has no way of adding extra water or rinses if necessary. It also has almost no form of foam protection if the machine goes into sudslock during spin, it just stops and restarts or skips the spin.

My Mum's Miele rinses perfectly in 2 rinses because it is far more sophisticated and accurate in it's approach.

I guess when a small child is killed by flying shrapnel from a Candy machine exploding you'll be telling us it was their own stupid fault for being near the machine...


Post# 508947 , Reply# 13   4/3/2011 at 07:35 (4,863 days old) by Streakers (Columbus Ohio)        
one word.....


Post# 508949 , Reply# 14   4/3/2011 at 07:42 (4,863 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        

haxisfan's profile picture
I also tend to believe there is no smoke without fire! I can see there is a general dissatisfaction with some Candy products for several reasons mostly in the UK and in some other European countries (we all know about Germany) and even some Italians show bitterness towards this brand.

But what I said earlier about this incident being blown out of proportion means just that... the media has a lot to do with it... when already some decades ago there was a BBC report on a Candy washer dryer setting itself on fire. What effect can all this have on people? On top of that there's the fact that there have been several changes in the appliance industry in general which are seen as almost offensive in an engineer's point of view, and the consumer alike that asked for the changes in the first place but was not happy with the results... and of course Candy is the scapegoat.

I mentioned several reasons, that's right... I can list some more naturally: some might deliberately put a spoke in the wheel, they might even be envious of the success of a family based company, which despites the odds stands for over 60 years: look at what happened to Hotpoint, Hoover UK, Zanussi, Servis, Brandt or even on the other side of the pond with Maytag, Hoover US, Bendix etc: they're all been taken over by bigger companies!

Some might even be hating their basic cheap models which lacks many options (easy occurrence in the UK where Candy dispenses their most basic models regardless of the spin speed... and this affects Hoover too to a smaller extent) that Joe Bloggs next door enjoys on theirs... forgetting the fact that they probably paid twice as much for them!

Some have been unfortunate enough to experience malfunctions or break downs, and then they've been brain washed by Joe Bloggs who always knew that their machine was a bad choice... although they really didn't have the faintest... but had seen enough negativity (no matter was the negativity was about). Also, the Candy/Hoover repair man didn't help by showing utter lack of interest or competence for that matter!

I could continue endlessly... but all this is to say... I feel we should wait to vent our feelings about Candy until there is another issue to add up to this or at least until a few more models have been affected rather then starting up a new chapter of malevolence as soon as one more machine shows up! This is inevitable, as I've mentioned in a previous thread, those faulty drum welds are out there now and they'll show up sooner or later... it's a bit to early at this stage to issue a guilt sentence: I'm sure Candy is dealing at least with those affected models found.

It would be a little consolation if Candy could issue a warning on their British website as they did in the German one. They did it with something else but not with the hazardous (probably not so hazardous according to Bolton council) washing machines... I wonder why!

Post# 508950 , Reply# 15   4/3/2011 at 07:42 (4,863 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        

I just wonder: what seems happening is that the welding of the drum tears apart when spinning. Let's assume that it happens "suddenly" (although not sure: I expect that a bad welding takes a little to tear apart, let's say a couple of seconds). The drum is enclosed in the tub, above it there is the concrete counterweight, below there is the floor, beside there are the sides of the cabinets.

I would have expected that the effect is something like a heavy imbalance: the welding breaks, the tub "opens" and hits the tub, and then the counterweight hits the top and causes the machine to break. Pieces of plastic everywhere. It's a quite curious sort of plastic: light, soft, poor quality to blame and shame the machine, but hard, sturdy, dangerous plastic when this is better to shame and blame the same machine. A prodigy of modern technology, I would dare say. Maybe the molecular structure changes when the machine explodes?

Yes, it looks awful, but reality is not what "looks" and not even what Which? writes: reality is what "is", instead. I am quite doubtful about the use of the term "explosion". Incidentally, it seems that the counterweight never get detached from the poor quality plastic tub. Explosion?

"Explosion"? Like a bomb? Or maybe like a cheap way to "produce" a "sensational news" for the first page of Which?

"Explosion" to say "You could die if don't buy Which? Subscribe now and save your life for just £ 1 with our exclusive offer!"

Just wondering...

Post# 508952 , Reply# 16   4/3/2011 at 08:00 (4,863 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
Just a tought

pierreandreply4's profile picture
maybe it was a defective part in the washer that cause this and the candy washing machine company never sent a recall letter concerning that there could be a faulty part in the washer that would require a repair, in other words the candy washing machine company is not helping themeselves all of this might push customers away from there brand of washing machines and push consummers to go toward other brands like for exemple hotpoint or any other manufacturing company in the uk area. This is my tought on the matter at least because if this happen here in canada the company is oblige to send a recall letter to the customers buying this particular brand of washer, i bought for my mother the maytag neptune front load washer dryer set this set to be precise. and my mother was at her summer place and me i was looking on the maytag ws and saw that there was a recall for the washer and there never was a recall letter sent about a faulty part on the washer luckyly it was just concerning the electric plug that needed some sort safty plug now its fix.

Post# 508954 , Reply# 17   4/3/2011 at 08:11 (4,863 days old) by aeg03 (London, UK)        


At the end of the day. If you don't like what you read then why view the post? You are not being forced to read it and post on it. If you like Candy - good for you. I am glad to hear that you are not having any problems with them. Other people are entitled to their opinion, that is what a forum is for!

I agree with Hoover1100 that members of the public need to be aware.

I feel that sometimes, it depends on luck. I have a french car and its never given me any major problems and I get stick from people for having a french car. I don't care. My next car will be a french car from the same Peugeot/Citroen group. So same for you, you like Candy so just don't take it personally. I like Electrolux group products and will buy one again, if not then a Miele but that's my choice some people won't like that but, oh well.

Post# 508959 , Reply# 18   4/3/2011 at 09:02 (4,863 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
For aeg03

"If you don't like what you read then why view the post?"

I believed that in this place it was allowed expressing different opinions and discuss with mutual respect.


I believed that different opinions and ideas were a richness.


I appreciated that here there was space for everyone.


I am afraid I was wrong.

Post# 508962 , Reply# 19   4/3/2011 at 09:22 (4,863 days old) by nrones ()        
me too

Just agree with donprohel on that last one. Deffinatley. not just from what Aeg03 said.

Post# 508967 , Reply# 20   4/3/2011 at 10:02 (4,863 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

All washers have the potential for major failure, but this is being blown way out of proportion. No one has been seriously hurt by this type of failure and no one is likely to be. All owners of all washers should be advised to stop using any washer that gets extremely noisy in the spin cycle and have it inspected or replace it. I suspect that in most cases there was some warning as the welds started to fail but in any case it is a washing machine, not a car that could kill you.

Post# 508969 , Reply# 21   4/3/2011 at 10:09 (4,863 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        


"I HAVE wondered what happened if the drum let go while it was running. Now I know. Ugh!

And here I like to watch them more! "

The machines *DO* fail while the drum is revolving. The "hoop stress" tending to break the weld is caused because the drum is revolving. The stress is very little on the seam when the machine is off. It is the highest when in the highest spin rpm. It is low in the wash cycle.

About the only way the seam/weld fail is during maximum stress, ie the spin cycle

Post# 508980 , Reply# 22   4/3/2011 at 10:56 (4,863 days old) by aeg03 (London, UK)        


It appears that Nrones takes negative comments about Candy/Hoover personally and does not like it when others express this on the forum.

No matter what we say, he will always defend Candy and if you read my post properly you will see that is what I meant.

If it was a Miele or something else exploding in the spin then I would expect to see the same type of discussions online.

Post# 508983 , Reply# 23   4/3/2011 at 11:13 (4,863 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
No coments on this one

pierreandreply4's profile picture
for me i have no coments on this one as here in canada these brands are non existant but i do know that electrolux do make washer dryers for canada but mots of them have the fridgedair banner it rare to see a washer dryer set under the electrolux banner.

Post# 508986 , Reply# 24   4/3/2011 at 11:23 (4,863 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
"No matter what we say, he will always defend Candy"

Is there anything wrong in defending what you believe in?

Post# 508991 , Reply# 25   4/3/2011 at 11:57 (4,863 days old) by nrones ()        

1. If you seen me telling that TOL new miele on spin is very noisy, (and probobly broken), and it was just abit unbalanced, you probobly wouldn"t like it, right? So you deffinatley wouldn"t put a reply on that one?

2. So, you are being very carefull about what I"m saying, and as I have around 152 posts on this forum, you deffinatley changed your mind about Candy --- NO. No matter what I or anyone else say good about Candy, you will alway"s sh*t on it, even when there aren"t problems (btw Spin thread was S H A M E).

I was the one of you at first, I was the one sh*tting on Candy and Indesit (I easily went and belived in such threads like this). Then I got a GO510(by an accident), and I found out it was ALL LIE. Then I bought myself Aqualtis, and I wrote very positive comments about them (check YouTube), but then they failed on me, and I started writing bad comments (that you are deffinatley familiar with), so sorry until Candy fails to me, no bad comments for me, BECAUSE THINGS LIKE THESE THREADS ARE P R O O V E N OPPOSITE in my life in multiple cases (family and friends appliances).

**If it was a Miele or something else exploding in the spin then I would expect to see the same type of discussions online** - Where"s the thread about Indesit?? We aren"t even close to Miele. Like somwhere on YouTube 2year old Miele shock absorbers broke, and it smashed things inside of it - ok, Miele is still the best, but there was one fail -- they said customer wasn"t LOADING machine properly...
And now final reply to what you wrote: nah I don"t think so

Post# 508994 , Reply# 26   4/3/2011 at 12:10 (4,863 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

one of my mates has a hoover washer dryer for 2+ yearsthe obly falt that she had with it was when the dryer cable pulled from the main control board durung a spin but it's not that bad a machine atall i like the splashy rinses

Post# 508995 , Reply# 27   4/3/2011 at 12:11 (4,863 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

They may be proven wrong by your experiences and your families, but other people are not as lucky. This is happening far more then what it should. I'm sure you would take a very different standpoint if it happened to you.

If Candy or Indesit were so good then these problems would not be happening, as the machines would be better designed in the first place, or they would at least have the decency to come clean and actually recall these machines.

Post# 508996 , Reply# 28   4/3/2011 at 12:12 (4,863 days old) by Aeg03 (London, UK)        


Post# 509001 , Reply# 29   4/3/2011 at 12:31 (4,863 days old) by riccardol5 ()        

Let's stop with this discussion, no need to fret too much! It may happen that some washer born bad, nobody is perfect! I also believe that a popular brand such as Candy will do something about it. I do not think all the owners were present at the time of failure, no one was involved, the better for them :-)

Post# 509003 , Reply# 30   4/3/2011 at 12:45 (4,863 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        
Bored already

aquarius1984's profile picture
I just wonder why different threads have to be made about the same subject.

Can one not just use the same thread that was originally made to discuss (if they really must) their opinions on these sorts of machines and their problems.

May I also enquire as to why the creator of this thread belongs to what is essentially a WASHING MACHINE PRESERVATION site when all they seem to post about is machines breaking or machines with problems.

Persoanlly feel the record needs to be changed - how many public members view this site and base opinions on machines to buy, I think there would be more joining up to engage in conversation about these machines if it really was a way for us to help them decide.

As it stands I cannot see the point of these threads so why bother to argue/discuss/whatever. Seems like certain people are getting a thrill out of "exploding machines" NOT something I want to be associated with.

I also find it a shame that so many other members fuel the fire with their opinions, yet cannot find it within themselves to contribute to more worthy threads and only throw the odd token comments about machines on Facebook!

I think we all need to think about the reasons we are here on this site as members and decide what we want from it.

Post# 509005 , Reply# 31   4/3/2011 at 12:49 (4,863 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Edit notes

Apologies to the Author of this thread,


May I also enquire as to why the creator of this thread belongs to what is essentially a WASHING MACHINE PRESERVATION site when all they seem to post about is machines breaking or machines with problems.


I didnt mean the author - I meant one of the contributors to this thread who has created countless other threads of the same mature about other machines along with his own.

apologies again :)

Post# 509006 , Reply# 32   4/3/2011 at 12:50 (4,863 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

The drum on many modern Front Load washers is 201 stainless steel.

They drum is made from sheets of 201 stainless that is rolled into a cylinder and then welded. This seam is what fails on the machines that have "exploded".

This seam sees stress, once this bad/poor/crummy/slacker seam fails the drum expands and hits the plastic tub, ie often in the spin cycle at 1000 to 1600 rpm. Since there is a lot of energy; the drum passes thru the tub and breaches the washer frame; or bends it.

If this concept is hard to fathom, imagine a tin can of beans with a vertical seam that is revolved until the seam breaks.

One may note that a 1940 to 1992 Front load westinghouse washrer does not have this issue. One has design margin, good welds and a lower rpm.

In the quest to have higher extract rpms and lower build cost, it is easy to see how a crummy weld causes field failures.

NONE OF THIS IS NEW; that is why back 150 years ago one got boiler codes, to protect the public.

Washers that fly apart is really a rather new thing. Predicting how long a crummy weld will hold has too many variables. That is why us registered Mechancal Engineers have stuff like boilers, pressure tanks, fire extingishers hydro tested every so many years.

****Your "exploding washers" is a classic old consumer issue where a maker has poor quality control and thus has field failures to downplay. Things like this happening are as old as man. Designs are pushed, newbies design things with no sense of old fart experience of field disasters.

There is a decent amount of potential energy in a spinning laundry drum with 7Kg of clothes at 1000 to 1600 rpm. That alone should have the newbie design engineer concerned about the weld.

None of this is really rocket science, an engineer 2000 years ago knew that stuff broke with high loading levels. In that era the newbie engineer feared beheading in a bridge failed due to his slacker assuming. Today with a big company, there really is damage control. They weigh a massive recall versus the damage of the few massive failures.

This issue might as well be a tiny percentage of heart valves that fail, or jets that explode. One has moral issues, issues of cost, issues of there are often no magic way to find if the fields items are in danger.

I am not sure why so many threads are started at once on this same subject at the same time.

On a carbide tipped saw blade, the tips can fly off if poorly welded; or if abused too.

Post# 509009 , Reply# 33   4/3/2011 at 13:07 (4,863 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

If you are talking about me, I don't remember starting countless threads.

Post# 509010 , Reply# 34   4/3/2011 at 13:16 (4,863 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
I didnt mention any names and I wont,

One thing that is for sure.

Contributors to this thread need to assess the reasons they joined this site and if those reasons they personally joined for fit in with the ethics and dynamics of what this site is ACTUALLY FOR.

Post# 509012 , Reply# 35   4/3/2011 at 13:21 (4,863 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

I don't have time for people who relish fun and games like that.

If you don't like the comments, don't read them. It's as simple as that.

Post# 509013 , Reply# 36   4/3/2011 at 13:23 (4,863 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Fatigue failures often give little warnings, or due but befo

Combo; RE

"All washers have the potential for major failure, but this is being blown way out of proportion. No one has been seriously hurt by this type of failure and no one is likely to be. All owners of all washers should be advised to stop using any washer that gets extremely noisy in the spin cycle and have it inspected or replace it. I suspect that in most cases there was some warning as the welds started to fail but in any case it is a washing machine, not a car that could kill you."

My biased option is that a Candy washer that "explodes" like this will have zero warning to the "Average JOE / Jane"

With a cyclic failure like a fatigue failure, there may or may not any warning, whether a washer, automobile's clutch, or a thrown rod on an old lawn mower, or Boeing 737 roof.

With my own stuff, after the failure I often can say it acted a bit weird or sounded a tad different. BUT that was not enough to have me halt the device.

I am not sure if they chaps at Candy have a way to spot in the field the poorer welds. Maybe made a change and it is easy to spot, or maybe it is subtle and thus really impossible to spot?

Post# 509015 , Reply# 37   4/3/2011 at 13:32 (4,863 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
I ask again,

Why only discuss the negatives then? Why only contribute to threads about negativity? Only reason I can think of is because thats all these members want to talk about which could just as easily be done ELSEWHERE where JOE PUBLIC CAN SEE IT AND CAN USE THE INFO.

Does it achieve anything amongst a group of collectors who can make their own decisions based upon their knowledge.

Do those who need to be updated daily on broken machines not already read review sites to find out the latest gossip????

As I said before, other sites cater for the general public as response and participation in conversation from those is almost non existant.

Please feel free to join in the threads about preservations and restorations, we all would love your input, after all its what we are here for! Not all doom and gloom about the latest machines off the production line.

:) :)

Post# 509016 , Reply# 38   4/3/2011 at 13:39 (4,863 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        
Noone was involved

foraloysius's profile picture
As a matter of fact in Germany a woman was in the bathroom with her back towards the washing machine. She had injuries. Fortunately she wasn't facing the machine. Otherwise her injuries would have been much worse. Here's a link to her story in German including a picture of the bathroom just after the event.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO foraloysius's LINK

Post# 509020 , Reply# 39   4/3/2011 at 13:48 (4,863 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

and what about that one in the uk that whent boom and badly bruised that womans back

Post# 509022 , Reply# 40   4/3/2011 at 13:57 (4,863 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

I don't really see what the problem is, at the end of the day, this is a forum for people who are interested in talking about washers, not just about preservation.

I have put my input into other discussions, and I'll be quite happy to continue doing so as well as this.

Post# 509035 , Reply# 41   4/3/2011 at 15:51 (4,863 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Sweeping flaws under the rug is more of a spineless marketin

From an engineering standpoint, an older flawed machine with a bad weld is more dangerous than a brand new one. An older machine usually has more hours, more unknowns, more risks.

This it is really quite selfish and immoral to say that a flaw that causes a device to fail in an explosive way has nothing to do with collectors or users of old stuff. In means you care little whether another collector gets hurt.

Many of us value when another mentions the dangers on a product; or some odd repair sequence that might cut ones fingers off.

Thus the average car, plane, washer, boat owner if sane wants to know of design flaws that cause their brakes to fail, propellers to fall off, drums to fly apart, through hull fittings that corrode and cause the boat to sink.

Others like marketing types like to quash flaws; ie discussion should be halted to preserve some fairy tale dogma that your brand is perfect.

No brand is perfect, exposing making the flaws known helps protect the public better. ie many of us do not care if your sacred bubble is popped that you ACME brand is perfect. ie we value human lives over marketing chaps egos.

If exposing flaws on products that may harm others bothers you then this seems to be more of a moral issue.

many of us want to know of others failures on our *OLD* products, since we STILL ACTUALLY USE THEM. ie we do not have them glued to some floor in a gallery as trophys.

Products often degrade with time. Thus many of us want to know is some radio tends to have leaky transformers so the chassis is not. we want to know if the dryer catches on fire due to some hidden lint buildup. Others might down the road want to beware that front load washer model too "tends to explode: with its drum too.

Post# 509036 , Reply# 42   4/3/2011 at 15:54 (4,863 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

I might totally disagree with every stance from some opposite of me by some chap in Oz or the UK;

*BUT* still value dearly their concern that the OLD device I just bought tends to explode, catch fire, cause shocks.

Post# 509067 , Reply# 43   4/3/2011 at 19:28 (4,863 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Avoiding the Bitching......

and getting slightly more on topic, the trouble i have with this is the lack of action. I don't have anything against Candy machines as such, they seem pretty interesting & innovative machines.

It's gotta be said they don't have a shining reputation for quality & i wouldn't pay the money they ask for them, but does that bother me? No, not particularly. I drive a Fiat so i know all about reputations & after owning 3 totally problem-free Fiats i would challenge people who slate them. Similarly if you own a problem free Candy machine it's understandable you might defend them too.

However, the big difference is that if a car is deemed to have a fault that could cause injury, however minor & unlikely it may seem, the manufacturer is required to recall the affected vehicles & ensure the risk is elliminated. This system should be applied in the Candy case & they should be made to inspect, repair or replace ANY machine at risk of failure. Simply saying 'there's a risk' is far from good enough & authorities in the UK & Germany should force a recall if Candy won't act voluntarily.

In the meantime i think Which? should put a footnote on all Candy tests saying that 'whilst its believed the fault is now cured at the factory, a problem exists on older machines & Candy has not taken action'. This would inform potential buyers what sort of customer care they might experience should they buy a Candy. That alone may make Candy think twice about their laid-back approach. They won't act if everyone is too scared to challenge them. Judging by the number of failed 18 month old Candy (or Hoover) machines i've seen, there can't be many pre 2009 machines left in the UK.


Post# 509106 , Reply# 44   4/3/2011 at 23:56 (4,863 days old) by mrx ()        

This really doesn't look good for Candy.

I am amazed that some standards agency / product safety agency or customer who has suffered property damage hasn't decided to push this further.

Post# 509117 , Reply# 45   4/4/2011 at 01:50 (4,862 days old) by jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
I agree with 3belt

jetcone's profile picture

This is what is called "catastrophic failure" it occurs suddenly without warning. So you won't know its coming until it hits you. And as for the manufacturer, I have no experience with them, but their denial even at 2 machines is absurd in the least and will lead to their extinction if they don't get it under control and fix the perception in the minds of the their consumers.


Good for Which? They are doing their job.

Post# 509122 , Reply# 46   4/4/2011 at 03:44 (4,862 days old) by nrones ()        
Good for Which? They are doing their job.

No, they"re not. Indesit machines exploded aswell, made exactly same faliures, destroyed the kitchen, and I"ve never seen a post on Which? about that. So if their job is to inform people that they might have an affected machine - no, they aren"t doing it (There is possibility I"ve missed that one).

Now about negativity. Yes there is bunch of it. I mean if those people (some of them aren"t on this thread) were happy to complain that Candy has way too long programmes, that the R32 is at way too high 50, that they are putting too much in the drum (but without much mentioning the others), and after, when Candy made R 14-30-44 (40c variable), when Candy made **2** steps to reduce time (time manager and KG mode)- they didn"t say a SINGLE word - to me that prooves that they actually never cared about time or temperature, only thing they wanted is to find (or make out) something negative.

And about injuries... Injuries are horrible - should NEVER hapend with ANYTHING!! But there is difference between small injury, serious injury, and death. Here I could read that machine could kill someone - it didn"t killed anyone, can you tell me in detail what injury that woman from Germany got?

Ofourse there are plenty of institutions in Germany and UK that could MAKE candy do a recall. I think I even seen once somewhere that someone from the authtorities said that machines aren"t enough dangerous to be recalled.

And by the way, I am telling all this not to defend Candy, - telling this is just because I want less people to feel betrayed (as I did, and still doo) when they find out that what they read here was more/less a fairytale.

Post# 509155 , Reply# 47   4/4/2011 at 10:19 (4,862 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Well mr Dejan,

I think you are getting your panties quite in a bunch about this matter. Your favourite brand has problems with some models. Stop complaining about that other brands don't get treated the same. That they don't get criticism as much as Candy might be caused by all sorts of reasons, we can only speculate about that.

Fact is that Candy has serious problems with some models and the Candy company doesn't respond adequately. They are just trying to wipe the whole thing under the carpet. The attention this problem gets is justified as long as they don't take the appropriate measures.

Furthermore it is of no importance if people have light injuries or worse ones. Fact is that a consumer product fails the safety standards. One woman got slightly injured because she stood with the back towards the washing machine. She had scratches, bruises and a cut from the parts that flew around. You don't want to think about when a small child had been playing near that washer. It's not important what happened but what could have happened, that is the risk that Candy has to take into consideration and act accordingly to.

There are lots of Candy washing machines that don't have this problem, however there are some models that shouldn't have been put on the market. Your favourite brand is not perfect. Deal with it!

Post# 509164 , Reply# 48   4/4/2011 at 10:53 (4,862 days old) by mrx ()        

I really don't think that Candy should be defended in anyway for this. It's totally inexcusable and they should recall the faulty models and provide reassurance that this will not reoccur.

It seems to me that these failures are indeed happening without any warning. The drum's welds just give way and 'bang' the machine's blown to bits by expanding revolving metal.

This fault is potentially very dangerous if someone's standing in the wrong place at the wrong time or if a piece of the machine is shot across the room at the wrong angle.

There are serious forces in a high speed centrifuge hurling several kilos of wet laundry around. They care quite clearly not taking it seriously enough!

The damage done to those machines and particularly to the metal cabinets demonstrates just how much force is involved!!

A simple safety measure would be the installation of two solid metal rings around the outer drum to retain the inner drum in the event of a catastrophic failure like this.

Post# 509171 , Reply# 49   4/4/2011 at 11:14 (4,862 days old) by ariston4life ((Dublin) Ireland)        

ariston4life's profile picture
i can understand your love for Candy just as i love Ariston and i also get upset when many people on here constantly bash them for not being good enough, well excuse me my whole family for over 20 years has being using indesit, Hotpoint or Ariston machines and in most cases they lasted well over 10 years, our hotpoint is almost a year old and works perfect, however for 3 years we had a Candy Aquaviva AQ130, which i liked as i choose it for my mother, but it was not a good machine. 4 breakdowns in 3 years,thats not good, however my grandmother had a Candy Sprint Sp100 that worked for 9 years with no breakdowns, its the luck of the draw some of them are great and others not so great, just like Ariston, so are great and some although it kills me to say are not so great, dont let it get to you.

Post# 509177 , Reply# 50   4/4/2011 at 11:45 (4,862 days old) by Aeg03 (London, UK)        

At the end of the day, the consumer should push this further. We could argue all day long about this but the people who should do something are the ones who have had property damaged etc. My only concern is that a small child is not ever hurt. Children are priority over brand names.

I would not hesitate to claim further and go to the press if a product fails.

Post# 509184 , Reply# 51   4/4/2011 at 11:58 (4,862 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
stop crtizing other brands

pierreandreply4's profile picture
eather if there washers from the uk canada or the us everymajor brand may have problems and that gos for candy even do this brand is not avalable in canada or the us whirlpool or inglis or maytag each brands may have there problems to resovle at some point in time. thats was my 2 cent here

Post# 509223 , Reply# 52   4/4/2011 at 13:51 (4,862 days old) by nrones ()        
Your favourite brand is not perfect. Deal with it!


now, mr.foraloysius
all sorts of reasons? Tell me please, what is the reason to stay quiet about Indesit? maybe when Candy explodes, it kills, and when Indesit explodes it can"t hurt a person sitting on it while lt happend... anyway as you are way to reasonable, you will find an "adequate" answer for idiot me, in which basicly you won"t tell me anything, but it would still be the same. Just not to forget I am saying to you - CANDY IS NOT PERFECT.

ariston4life, compleatly understand you about that one - deffinatley with you-you have good experience I think I might have had bad luck, but still I"m not darring to buy one of Indesit"s soon.

Well, you guys still didn"t explained why aren"t UK/Germany consumer offices doing something. What I know, is that if you aren"t sattisfied with any kind of service, you report them in some institution.
Maybe you could doo that for all the people bought Candy?

Well, unfortunatley, I am again going to end up as one who claims Candy"s perfect, you are still going to write bad things about in important cases (like this), or unimportant (like that with programmes).. well with this envirnoment I"m defiinatley sure that this forum is good.. for sharing pictures.

Anyway, feel free to visit my YouTube channel (I know most of you watch my vids, because first time my candy distributed unbalanced for 5 seconds I got 100000comments about that), where you can feel free to leave positive comment and oppineon, among bunch of other commenters that (obviously) aren"t like you.

By the way... did we changed anything? Informed people? don"t sure Made you love Candy? No Made People who love it Hate it? No Influenced on Candy?ofcourse never

and don"t forget to reply about Indesit not presented on Which?, aswell as reaction of customer offices in countries - you mostly forgot those while you explained me how nuts I am.


Post# 509234 , Reply# 53   4/4/2011 at 14:23 (4,862 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
More reflections

haxisfan's profile picture
"At the end of the day, the consumer should push this further"

this sentence ‘Aeg03’ said just made me think back to when I had a potentially fatal car collision which wasn't my fault... my insurance and I did our best to bring a little justice for the moral and physical injuries suffered and we won in the end... all boiled down to compensation. Perhaps something similar happens on these situations, the afflicted party gets compensation so the consumers don't feel like taking this matter further.

Perhaps this is what has happened to the owners of these Candys as well as to some of the other brands having approached their consumers and taking action immediately before their unhappiness could spread with counterproductive effects.

What I don't get is the fact that Candy UK has already issued a safety warning for another product on their website (link below)... let alone the fact to recall these faulty machines, what would cost them to put up another warning on their site linked to a serial number checker as they did in Germany?

There is perhaps a reason behind it all. Don't cliché me with things like 'greedy company' at this stage as I was only considering a little safety warning on the site which wouldn't involve a massive expenditure... they could just translate the German one perhaps and use the same database :-P

I understand that it might be more difficult to trace the affected models, as far as I've seen the 3 UK exploded machines were different from one another and different models again from the German ones... and there was even a Hoover there: the only thing they had in common was the drum seal with the defective weld.

I’m not defending anyone although I am tempted to ;-)
I’m just pouring some more observations into this thread.


Post# 509235 , Reply# 54   4/4/2011 at 14:23 (4,862 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
what may cause danger in washer

pierreandreply4's profile picture
to nurone,

let me tell you a little story about a similar problem that was in this thread and also note that i am not bad mouthng the candy brand of washers since its a brand thats not avalable in canada i was making myself some lunch and a neighbor 's fridgedair dryer 's heating element caught fire i was in the kitchen cooking my 11:00 am lunch when i saw at the neighbor a fire truck outside and on the patio the dryer in question on the neighbor 's patio that was around 1989 that this happens so know that what causes accidents are eather the washer that was overloaded witch cause unblance or a part thats inside the washer that was wrongly screwd or the screw came lose and also please note that not all brands are perfect that go for uk brands of washing machine as well as canadian and us brands of washer dryer and this is my final post in the matter.

Post# 509244 , Reply# 55   4/4/2011 at 16:07 (4,862 days old) by mrwash ()        
Oh my lord

Sorry guys but every machine that explodes is one too much. Seriously, it doesn't matter if it is Candy or Indesit or which machine... it just should not happen !

I also think that Candy should have responded to those incidents in another way. More open, more caring, more interested in what happend and what could help those people who have been affected. I can just take a guess but I think companies like Miele, BSH would have reacted in a complete other way as the German market is very very important to them. Well, as important as the German market is for BSH and Miele, as unimportant it is for Candy. I think thats why Candy tries to ride it out. It was quite inconvenient to them that German Consumer Reports wouldn't give up on that story....

Post# 509249 , Reply# 56   4/4/2011 at 16:19 (4,862 days old) by dave886 (united kingdom)        

The main reason i posted this thread is to people to disgust the matter to why is this problem still occurring within these machines. Nothing man made is perfect full stop but there is a limit to where a product is dangerous and one day can cause serious harm or even death(touch wood it will never happen), i think some of you all need to come back to the real world and see that this is not a one off incident this is something which may happen around Europe(don't ever think it will never happen in your own home if you own one(im not trying to scare you imstating facts) you'll will never know and i'm sure there are other untold cases of these machine bursting out of its cabinet, the last thing a person would expect is there washing machine disintegrating in there own home and some may have children around which would be nearly every parents nightmare for an appliance to explode. End of day the i posted this for a reason, and i knew this will cause provocativeness (i dunno if thats the correct term? lol)amongst some because too many people have too much to say for them self this why it is a forum, express how you feel but at the same time respect people opinions, I'm going to draw the line here.

candy has a hell of a lot to do to change peoples minds about their products, if they spent a little extra time into designing machines then maybe threads like this will never exist, i own a hotpoint aqualtis i had concerns when i read about the indesit machines disintegrating, as for i know indesit owns hotpoint, i was told my model is not effected thank goodness, but even me as a hotpoint owner can admit that indesit-hotpoint has a lot to improve on there products and in a way they have hand down, but for me to even thinking buying another hotpoint if this one gives up, even though i am kinda happy with my machine they need to sort out the design of the glass doors and balancing system. im just glad i have the basic essential of having a washiing machine to wash my clothes seriously.

Post# 509253 , Reply# 57   4/4/2011 at 16:48 (4,862 days old) by nrones ()        
Now you guys reminded me! :D

I mean, why did I wrote all those texts... to a group of 20 people that are unbelivable.. as we all concluded this doesn"t have influence to market or other people at all... if it is so like you say, Candy deffinatley wouldn"t sell around 3.5milion washing machines last year (7.2milion units of all other appliances), so if some ridiculously small group is hating it, and making stories out---there is like 100000times more people that like them. Maybe it"s because Candy isn"t so focused on UK, and specially German market.. Especially people saying Candy had ALWAYS been bad.. well, the "bad Candy" have survived 66years, and there is no sign of failing in it, unlike bunch of "good ones" that are gone. inclooding Hoover.

Well, this is all about the pattern, person needs to have: favorite miele one and only, maybe consider about Electrolux and BSH, not mention Indesit in any case, and write negative texts when bored.. and all that being an optimist (influence thing xD).. with no point.. I"m not going to waste my time on this.. not worth it deffinatley.

By the way, you know that there was a short time when those drums were produced? So, some machines may have been used less, so they exploded now.. Remember that those aren"t NEW machines just ones from the same series as the others. Also, there is no post September 2009 machine affected, so all of them currently on the market are 100% safe.

Post# 509254 , Reply# 58   4/4/2011 at 17:07 (4,862 days old) by mrx ()        

I really don't understand why certain people on this thread are blindly defending a major appliance maker that is clearly not doing a very good job!

Candy may be a relatively minor player in some markets, but it is living on the Hoover legacy in the UK and Ireland and has quite a big market share because of the good reputation of the old Hoover brand.

If they don't respond to something like this very seriously and very promptly they'll destroy themselves through lack of sales and law suits / personal injuries claims.

I think the problem is that their really enormous load machines are just pushing beyond the laws of physics. They are using relatively cheap materials and thin drums in huge capacity machines with 1600rpm spins.

They either need to reduce the capacity, the spin speed or improve the quality.

Post# 509395 , Reply# 59   4/5/2011 at 09:03 (4,861 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
The issue is not one of materials, it is the seam/weld fails


"I think the problem is that their really enormous load machines are just pushing beyond the laws of physics. They are using relatively cheap materials and thin drums in huge capacity machines with 1600rpm spins.

They either need to reduce the capacity, the spin speed or improve the quality."

The issue is not one of materials, it is the seam/weld fails.

It really is NOT a high tech issue at all.

The issue is basic. ie it is like a many thousands of years old issue. ie somebody welds/bonds two pieces of metal together, and the darn joint fails.

Issues with the joint failing are thousands of years old.

When poor workmanship is done the joint can fail, whether a Roman piece of iron, a medieval suite of armour, an 1800's steam engines boiler, or a 2011 washing machine.

The problem is one of practical engineering, not physics which has zero legal standing with product liability.

What one has is some poor/bad/sloppy/slacker/crummy seams are in the joint of the 201 stainless steel drum, and a tiny few fail.

**** The base metal does not fail, the seam does.

This points to sloppy quality control, often a way corners are cut to get costs down. Or is is an oversight.

ISSUES like this often have no magical way to ferret out the few bad/poor actual devices in the field, without a total super costly recall.

Post# 509400 , Reply# 60   4/5/2011 at 09:19 (4,861 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

If this "Bad Seam" issue was Greek or Roman swords and a few broke in the field, the sword maker probably would worry about his head.

Most damage from Washers in the USA here is with flooding, the hose breaks, solenoid jams, the whole house floods.

Most damage from Dryers in the USA here is with fire, the exit hose is never cleaned, one gets a lint fire. The hose in many places can no longer be plastic, but often older houses or older localities allow plastic vents. One has roaring air passing through a plastic hose which is on fire.

Post# 509437 , Reply# 61   4/5/2011 at 10:40 (4,861 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
dryer Hose

pierreandreply4's profile picture
here in canada for newer dryer installation the dryer hose must eather be metal or aluminun the white plastic hose thats use for dryer today is no longer recommended and i am pretty sure the norm must be the same for us dryers electric or gas

Post# 509453 , Reply# 62   4/5/2011 at 11:57 (4,861 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

I *think* that in the USA; white/plastic/vinyl dryer hoses are made illegal for NEW installations via state, city and county codes; IN SOME LOCATIONS,

thus one has no blanket ban.


Post# 509455 , Reply# 63   4/5/2011 at 12:04 (4,861 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

"Note that white vinyl vent hoses are not UL-Approved and are a great way to start fires in your house. The American Household Appliance Manufacturers Association (AHAM) recommends the use of either rigid aluminum or steel duct or spiral-wound aluminum flex hose--NOT the white vinyl hose. For any dryer, but especially gas dryers, white vinyl vent hose should never be used. "

Here I had a white dryer vinyl dryer hose from 1971 to 2005 and replaced it with a metal on after Katrina. This is with an electric dryer. The odd thing is the old hose from 1971 still had its UL approval tag; thus this subject might be murky!

Here we always cleaned out the vent every few years and never had any issues.

When I was in California back in the 1990's they had plastic hoses banned there; then I moved here and all building stores still carried them.

In fact after Katrina when materials were in shortage, often the only hoses where white vinyl hoses, maybe dumped from other banned areas. I ordered my metal flex hose off of ebay in the fall of 2005; no local store had any.


Post# 509477 , Reply# 64   4/5/2011 at 14:18 (4,861 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        
@3beltsy "The issue is not one of materials, it is the s

haxisfan's profile picture
I am convinced of that otherwise the innumerable examples of machines distributed over Europe and UK would be affected in the exact same way but they are not! Likewise other models produced before and after that given period of time are exempt from this kind of failure. If this scenario stands, it would make sense to issue a safety warning and check those potentially affected machines… as someone stocking Candy appliances stated in an older thread that the faulty drum weld could be easily detected just by pushing down with one’s finger! I also included a link below of a review where a customer was delivered a model with a broken drum (by reading the review it seems it had a broken tub too)… that was the same model as the one featured in the Which? Article.

According to various sources the company said that only a few samples produced during that particular given period were affected as they happened to mount the drums with the faulty drum weld before correction could occur, and it's not a case of recalling a particular model or version as only a few instances were affected: they wouldn't necessarily have to be 1600rpm models either as a Candy themselves stated.

Nobody really knows what’s behind these incidents and how many more affected units are going to crop up (if any), yet, this thread is full of assumptions, negative at that. Well… let me make my assumptions now… does anyone really know what response the owners of those exploded machines had from Candy? It seems that at the moment it’s all about getting the manufacturer to recall these products… however, if what Candy says is true, it might not be necessary to take such a huge step as it might prove very costly. As you've probably gathered I'm not ready to condemn this firm yet, but things might change... even though I am absolutely satisfied with my Candy/Hoover products.

3belt you mentioning dryers' hoses is making me think that I never ever cleaned or even inspected mine... I hope I'm not going to get a fire anytime soon!
Having said that, if a modern dryer (mine having been built in this millenium) can't vent properly, would detect a higher temperature which triggers a safety switch. Happy ever after aye ;-)


Post# 509491 , Reply# 65   4/5/2011 at 15:40 (4,861 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

I think Candy needs to think about saving costs of not recalling Vs the potential PR fallout if any more machines do this, potentially causing serious injury or worse.

There were still lingering aftershocks over Hoover's Free Flights promotion, as the was still legal action been taken in the last decade, and Hoover did loose the Royal Warrant.

Post# 509511 , Reply# 66   4/5/2011 at 17:13 (4,861 days old) by reversomatic (east anglia,england,u.k.)        
There are worse potetntial dangers out there.

reversomatic's profile picture
Ive only been called out to 1 failed drum weld Candy Go1682 ,It was about 11 months old and was a complete mess.It was stood in the the middle of the customers kitchen held together with gaffer tape to keep all the bits in 1 place,thankfuly no one was hurt.Perhaps Candy are doing what i beleive an Amercan car manufacturer did some years ago.There accountants worked out it would be cheaper to settle claims than do a recall.I think it was something to do with the petrol tank rupturing in the event of a rear end shunt.What worries me at the moment is that certain manufacturers are having issues with moulded on 13a plugs.Yet not one word in the press or anywhere.The scenario is that the customer complains that the appliance trips electrics but in fact its the moulded on 13a plug that has shorted internaly between the earth and live pin before the fuse.In the worst cases where its an old instalatrion with no breaker and just a 30a fuse at the distrbution board the plug tops explode.I have had loads of call outs to appliances with this fault now, its only going to be a mater of time before someones socket has a bad earth and the appliance becomes live.Perhaps these problems dont make the press because they don,t sound as dramatic as EXPLODING ,DESTRUCTION,BOMB etc.Regards Nige.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO reversomatic's LINK

Post# 509512 , Reply# 67   4/5/2011 at 17:19 (4,861 days old) by FL1012 ()        
USA Dryers.......

.....i never knew dryer fires had been a (fairly) common occurance in the USA.

Why is it that the UK doesn't seem to suffer from this issue? Do USA dryers not have lint filters like ours in the UK, or is it purely down to tumble drying being more widely used in the USA than here, where many still 'peg out' the washing on the line in the garden?

Regarding Candy, it'd be interesting an affected owner spoke up and said what Candy's response was to them as the owner of the machine. This might have already been said but it could be possible that Candy have acted well towards the owners of affected machines & thus prevented any further action from them to claim compensation etc. There's alot of unanswered questions at present.

Post# 509513 , Reply# 68   4/5/2011 at 17:22 (4,861 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Your unbroken machines have good seams!

RE "The issue is not one of materials, it is the seam/weld fails"

and RE "I am convinced of that otherwise the innumerable examples of machines distributed over Europe and UK would be affected in the exact same way but they are not! Likewise other models produced before and after that given period of time are exempt from this kind of failure."

After the isolated incidents the raw drum stamping is the same piece. It is like a can of beans with a vertical seam that is broken, the unrolled piece of sheet metal is the same. ie the seam broke; ie the weld or joint failed.

After the event the raw piece of rectangular stainless steel metal is still there.

It is all just distorted like if one places a firecracker in a cab of beans; the can splits at the seams

What failed is the joints/seam/crimps/welds..

The tensile strength of 201 stainless is very high

The weak seam failed; thus the whole drum splits apart.

Just because so many others do not fail is no reason to support shoddy seams.

In fact a cocky they never fail attitude is why quality control gets quashed; until the low bidders luck fails. ie one gets field failures due to shoddy poor quality control.

This failure is really a human one, releasing a shoddy poor joint on a rotating component thus one has field failures. If this was a Roman cart wheel, the wheel maker could too say that other cart wheels do to fail; thus his slacker shoddy work is ok too?

Post# 509514 , Reply# 69   4/5/2011 at 17:23 (4,861 days old) by FL1012 ()        

...i was writing my response as you submitted yours hence we raise the same theory towards Candy settling claims.

What interested me most was which manufacturers/appliances have been worst affected by the 13amp plug problem? Cheers.


Post# 509515 , Reply# 70   4/5/2011 at 17:24 (4,861 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i mostly tumble dry

1) because i live in a condo

2) the canadian city i live in it is not allowed to have a drying clothe line du to city regulation and also say so in the condo rules of the condo where i live

Post# 509517 , Reply# 71   4/5/2011 at 17:29 (4,861 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Clothes Line's not Allowed!

Blimey, we're told that in some flats in the UK we can't hang out laundry to dry, but never seen a blanket ban on them across a city before! That goes a long way to answering my question. Thanks :-)

Post# 509523 , Reply# 72   4/5/2011 at 17:49 (4,861 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
If it is not the SEAM; what else is IT?

Here is a failed machine; the image from this site of "fredriksam";

where I purposely added text and notes to show the failed seam/joint.

It just split apart and opened up like a can of beans. The can's metal is all still there; the seam failed. ie poor crimps; or poor welds or poor pins or poor whatever holds side A to side B.

An engineer two thousand years ago could spot this. It is like a steel rim /hoop around a wooden wheel. The wheel fails. The General sees the twisted steel rim broken at the weld/joint. The slacker blacksmith can confess and fix or say it never happens thus is beheaded.

One can do the marketing dance and say other washers, other cars; other jets never fail too. That is why the Comet might be the top jet in a FRINGE TV alternate universe in 1960; folks said who cares if they drop out of the sky?

Post# 509774 , Reply# 73   4/6/2011 at 17:59 (4,860 days old) by mrx ()        
@reversomatic Re: 13A plug


Could you please cut off and keep it and contact the Trading Standards Institute in the UK, or if you're in Ireland, the NCA (National Consumer Agency).

Tell them that you have noticed that there is an on-going problem and give the manufactuer's name, the plug manufacturer's name (if any is visible) and the model numbers etc and tell them that you have retained the plug for analysis.

Plugs sold in the UK or Ireland must legally conform to BS1363 or BS1363/A in the UK or, IS401 in Ireland (Same standard). It's a very specific standard and it's enforced pretty seriously and compliance is absolutely required by law.

If a plug's shorting out, then it's likely that it does not comply with the above standards and should be reported.

I've included a link below for contacting Trading Standards in the UK.


Post# 509775 , Reply# 74   4/6/2011 at 18:00 (4,860 days old) by mrx ()        
@reversomatic Re: 13A plug

Do you know which plug brand / appliance maker is involved?

The same plug/cord assembly is likely to be used on lots of devices from lots of manufactures!

Post# 509776 , Reply# 75   4/6/2011 at 18:03 (4,860 days old) by mrx ()        
Trading standards link again :)

Sorry that link didn't quite work as planned!

Use the one below and select: General Consumer Issues


Post# 510402 , Reply# 76   4/9/2011 at 08:55 (4,857 days old) by AEG03 (London, UK)        

As consumers we should all be careful and never leave appliances unattended.

A few days ago I came home and went into the kitchen and saw my AEG Oko Lavamat 72640 which is 8 n half years old mis-aligned and facing slightly to the right. I was baffled but thought that someone had been cleaning and maybe pulled the machine out and didnt position it properly. I asked and no one had moved it so I wondered why the machine had moved. Anyway, I positioned it back.

Today I put in a load and had the machine on for around 25 mins. I was in the kitchen making some food and I heard an almighty bang, so I looked around and saw the machine jump forward and to the left whilst it was on its 50 degree cotton wash! It scared the s***t out of me. If I had been standing in front of the machine prepering food on the work top and it did this and didn't stop then the machine could have potentially jumped on my bare feet or something. I am now scared to leave the machine unattended and don't feel safe in front of it now.

This has shown me that no matter how reliable a product may be, you just don't know when it could malfunction and cause damage. I am urging others in the household not to use this machine and go out after what I saw today.

I think that there is a problem with the Microprocessor board getting confused as the machine was supposed to do a tumble and instead it jumped into a spin. I do not think its anything to do with the tacho, but then again, after 8 and half years, it could be. Who knows.

Post# 510415 , Reply# 77   4/9/2011 at 10:55 (4,857 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
Your suspension is going then. That happened to my AEG 76740 everytime it span. Combined with bad bearings and a perishing door seal sadly saw it make way for my zanussi essential.


Post# 510418 , Reply# 78   4/9/2011 at 11:16 (4,857 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i never leave the house when an appliance is on as it might be very dangerous if you have an appliance on its best to pause the cycle or push in the timer knob and restart the washer when you return from running errands.

Post# 510420 , Reply# 79   4/9/2011 at 11:32 (4,857 days old) by AquaCycle (West Yorkshire, UK)        
just remember 8! machines exploded, not 8000000...

aquacycle's profile picture
...yes, but how many exploding drums in Miele, Bosch, Zanussi or even Indesit machines do you hear of in comparison?

I know you are a Candy fan, but you need to be able to at least accept the flaws of them as well as the positive points.

Post# 510452 , Reply# 80   4/9/2011 at 15:40 (4,857 days old) by AEG03 (London, UK)        

Hi Newwave,

Its not the suspension, its the machine as its fine on spin cycles. The washing machine was on its main 50 degree cotton wash. It wasn't supposed to spin, just tumble clockwise and anticlockwise etc when it just went into a mad spin for 1 - 2 seconds, I noticed it had spun clockwise.

On the spin cycles, the machine never spins clockwise, always anti clockwise. I wish I had caught the machine do this so I could demonstrate it. It was totally messed up for those few seconds.
I think the microprocessor is on its way out :-(

Post# 510468 , Reply# 81   4/9/2011 at 17:58 (4,857 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

Re :

"just remember 8! machines exploded, not 8000000...

...yes, but how many exploding drums in Miele, Bosch, Zanussi or even Indesit machines do you hear of in comparison?"

Here in the states, the better/great makers of consumer items sometimes just buy back the ruined item to keep up a great reputation *AND* to improve the wayward design and fix quality. It is done as damage control, as why to not loose customers. It allows a post morteum / CSI /Bones review of the design. With these eat crow buybacks, the real number of published failures is less; the buyback is hush money. Thus 8 published failures might be really 32 or 132 too, the sqeaky wheel got the grease/money; a new free gizmo.

This whole thing of fixing/replacing stuff is hampered because many will try to get a new widget, when their variant already has the fix. Ie they want to work the system for welfare. It is also hampered because few register their products. It is hampered because the usa has an entire lawyer system designed to sue makers of products. Thus a non published secret buyback is used at times. There are also products where folks do NOT want to give back their items, like old gas refrigerators. These items work, they maintain them well; they understand the risks.

Post# 510469 , Reply# 82   4/9/2011 at 18:05 (4,857 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
Rpalcement parts

pierreandreply4's profile picture
and here in canada its hard to get genuine new replacement parts as most parts use for repairs in washers are refurbish or the tech doing the repair tell to buy a new machine and thats here in canda and i don't know if it the same for the us in order to have a repair today you need to keep the purchuse papers or no repair

Post# 510484 , Reply# 83   4/9/2011 at 19:01 (4,857 days old) by FL1012 ()        

If it's not the suspension then i guess it must be the microprocessor beginning to pack-up. There seems to be more equivilent age Zanussi's on eBay for spares at present, and i've noticed a few of these are described as 'working intermitently' or pausing mid-cycle, which i suppose are also signs of computer failure.

Most of the ones i've seen on eBay so far are the old Jetsystem XC's, such as the FJS 1225W, but i guess your AEG may use similar/the same components and therefore failure in the same sort of time frame could be expected.

It's a shame as these seem to be the last series of decently made Electrolux group machines, but where electronics are concerned i suspect the repair price will prohibit replacing parts.

Still, 8 years for a 'modern' machine can't be sniffed at. Will you buy AEG again or just get a Zanussi now, bearing in mind theyre very similar underneath? AEG obviously have the bonus of a 5 yr warranty, but you pay for it in the purchase price.


Post# 510550 , Reply# 84   4/10/2011 at 06:36 (4,856 days old) by mrx ()        

European appliance makers, and other consumer product companies, do exactly the same thing.

For example, I had a faulty Hotpoint (Hotpoint-Ariston) Aqualtis. There was a very minor flaw in the motor baring which was causing a squeak. I rang Hotpoint (Ariston) and they sent a repair guy out to assess it. He diagnosed a faulty motor and sent a report back explaining the fault.

About 24 hours later, I had a call from Hotpoint in Dublin apologising and offering me a free upgrade to the TOL Aqualtis.

2 days later, they picked up the old machine and delivered a brand new TOL model.

I couldn't really fault that kind of customer care. It was excellent.

I'd a similar experience with Sony. Our 42" TV developed some really weird distortions on the screen and I called Sony. They sent a guy from the local Sony Centre up to us to check the screen and within 24 hours we had a replacement and the old TV was shipped back for analysis.

That TV was 3 years old which is what surprised me as it was outside the terms of their guarantee. Although, under Irish law the manufacturers limited warranty means squat really. You're legally entitled to expect a 'reasonable operating life' for any appliance, and for an expensive major appliance, that is not 12 months. If they refuse to play ball, you can take them to Small Claims Court (at almost no cost to you) and have a judge decide what a reasonable life expectancy for an appliance is!

I've had a few other minor issues like that over the years and I've found most companies excellent to deal with. Including : Apple (failed logic board in iMac), Nokia (faulty screen), Hotpoint/Ariston (as described above), Miele (faulty vacuum attachment), De Dietrich (electronic controller problem) & quite a few others too :)

The only problems I've ever had were with certain electrical retailers who were trying to force me to deal with manufacturers when the contract of sale under law here is with them, and they're supposed to interface with the manufacturer if the goods are faulty. Once I actually got speaking to the manufacturer, they were invariably very friendly.

I am *very* surprised that Candy's not making more of a public gesture to deal with this problem! Although, you can be 100% sure they've replaced the actual washing machines. It's the fact that the problem seems to be reoccurring that is a little worrying.

Post# 510571 , Reply# 85   4/10/2011 at 07:26 (4,856 days old) by Haxisfan (Europe - UK / Italy)        

haxisfan's profile picture
I have experienced Candy/Hoover customer service in more than one occasion and I could say the outcomes were on the same lines as you described with the other manufacturers.

Just over a decade ago I was suspecting a fault with my Candy freezer as it was starting and stopping too many times within a short period of time... Candy did not hesitate to send out an engineer (it was still under warranty) and dealt with the issue promptly.

When I bought the Hoover back in 2004, as I wasn't happy with the scratches found on the first and second models, Candy/Hoover would quickly give me uplift codes to replace the appliances in question, which is more than I could have said say for the retailer who washed their hands completely and kept sending out scratched or dented units.

Last but not least... a year or so ago I heard a little explosion in the kitchen and after checking what had happened I could see nothing but detect some electrical burning smell so I assumed that it was the dishwasher as it was the only thing on at the time: I took it apart but still couldn't find anything, yet I assumed that it needed a new immersion heater so I ordered one online through Candy (Gias). I then called them as the part showed on the picture did not convince me: they were ever so polite (probably they felt guilty LOL cos’ the spare part I was about to purchase was there in error) and they even offered me a discount that I didn't ask for... but after a day or so, having realised that the explosion and burning smell from the kitchen were related to a CFL light bulb, I called Candy again to cancel the order, the were more than happy to oblige.

With the kind of experience I had throughout the years with their products as well as their service, I frankly cannot fault them either, but then... that's just my experience... naturally somebody else's might be different.

Post# 510573 , Reply# 86   4/10/2011 at 07:27 (4,856 days old) by AEG03 (London, UK)        


It is a shame if this machine is now going to fail completely sometime soon as it will be 9 years I've had it in September and this machine does the 'Spin Rinses' similar to the old type Zanussi 'Spin washes' just it does it on rinse and not the wash. This system seems to work by some sort of fuzzy logic sensor as it adapts the rinse according to the amount of laundry in the drum. The newer AEG's and Zanussi's don't seem to do this :-(

When the time comes I will consider going for the Zanussi ZWF16581W which looks very good and is quiet (though we have been always discussing on getting a Miele when the AEG packs up, I don't know if this is what we will get when the time comes) I like the fact the Zanussi has a whisper quiet motor and Jet System to constantly spray the clothes as the AEG has this too and I think it helps to saturate the clothes better. Why just bath the clothes when you can shower them too. We have a Zanussi fridge freezer and chest freezer which have been fine for years.

I did consider a TOL Indesit but seen some Youtube videos and I don't like the noise the motor makes on the washes, it seems excessively loud, like old Hotpoints from the 80s. I had an Indesit in 1996 and it only lasted 5 years. The Indesit tumble drier we got in 2004 is still going strong though.

A link to the machine I'm considering getting. I like the wash action. My AEG does this rhythm on the cotton wash but its not as noticable as this Zanussi, maybe due to the Zanussi having a different type motor than my one which has a universal carbon brush type.


Post# 510687 , Reply# 87   4/10/2011 at 17:56 (4,856 days old) by cornutt (Huntsville, AL USA)        

"i never knew dryer fires had been a (fairly) common occurance in the USA.

Why is it that the UK doesn't seem to suffer from this issue? "

I think one reason is that there are a lot of people in the States these days who want their laundry area to be inside of a master bedroom suite, often in a closet or bath. Some architects don't think about the dryer vent routing when they place the laundry in the design; they position it on an inside wall well away from the exterior and then leave it up to the builder to figure out how to route the vent. And then, because most builders are clueless and/or don't give a damn, you wind up with a vent run that's 25' long and has 7-8 90" bends, or has a long upwards vertical run, or runs through an unheated attic where the moisture freezes in the winter. On a short vent run, the dryer's exhaust flow will usually be sufficient to keep the line clear even if the owner forgets to clean the lint filter or runs the dryer without the filter. However, with one of these ridiculous runs, the dryer can't do that and eventually the vent line stops up. My understanding of how things are done in the UK is that no one is stupid enough to do that; dryers are always positioned on or near an outside wall, or else you use a condensing dryer.

Post# 510708 , Reply# 88   4/10/2011 at 18:55 (4,856 days old) by FL1012 ()        

I suppose you could ask an engineer what sortof cost youre looking at to get the AEG in full order again, but i shouild imagine because the recirculation pump is also getting tired (i saw your youtube vids), then it probably isnt cost effective bearing in mind other parts that might fail soon too (bearings, motor components).

The Zanussi Jetsystem you posted appears good value - Comet had it on their website for £349 i believe, and i think it'll do distribution rinses even if it doesn't spin during the wash/rinse like the AEG. I'd imagine its the repeated spinning whilst full of water that puts pay to the suspension, so doing away with it probably isn't a bad idea.

The only thing i would look at is whether some AEG's do still have Jetsystem, as on the link below it looks like there is a spout for it on the door rubber :-/
Obviously the AEG is more expensive than the Zanussi and is slightly lower spec (1400rpm/6kg rather than 1600rpm/7kg) but it does have a proper 5 year warranty where the Zanussi makes do with 1 year. I believe this is parts and labour rather than just parts like a few manufacturers offer.


Thanks for that explanation. That would make sense if people have a tendency to position the dryers in places where venting is tricky. As you mentioned, in the UK we either have a vented dryer on an external wall or if that can't be achieved we use a condensor dryer. Are condensors not a popular choice in the USA? I can't say ive ever seen one mentioned by any guys in the USA.



Post# 510759 , Reply# 89   4/10/2011 at 23:20 (4,856 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        


RE :"I think one reason is that there are a lot of people in the States these days who want their laundry area to be inside of a master bedroom suite, often in a closet or bath. Some architects don't think about the dryer vent routing when they place the laundry in the design; they position it on an inside wall well away from the exterior and then leave it up to the builder to figure out how to route the vent. And then, because most builders are clueless and/or don't give a damn, you wind up with a vent run that's 25' long and has 7-8 90" bends, or has a long upwards vertical run, or runs through an unheated attic where the moisture freezes in the winter. On a short vent run, the dryer's exhaust flow will usually be sufficient to keep the line clear even if the owner forgets to clean the lint filter or runs the dryer without the filter. However, with one of these ridiculous runs, the dryer can't do that and eventually the vent line stops up. "

Here in the USA one cannot LEGALLY have a house pass the building code with such an ILLEGAL LONG Dryer vent hose.

The code over about 40 to 50 years limits the max length ;and delimits for every bend too. The max length is 25 feet; every 90 degree bend is 5 feet; every 45 degree bend is 2.5 feet.

Thus your example is a comical absurd goof. ie Seven 90 degree bends means the max length is 25 - 7*5=; minus 10 feet. Thus your example is grossly illegal.

Since your example is so grossly illegal; I assume it is a total joke.

I look at house plans all day; a dryer in a master bedroom is about a 1 in 10,000 houses or less, absurd too.

I just point out to non usa folks that having a dryer in master bedroom is probably like if folks in the UK kept riding mowers in their master bedroom, rather rare. Also a grossly illegal set installation voids ones fire insurance too

Post# 510781 , Reply# 90   4/11/2011 at 05:28 (4,855 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Today I just had a look at Candy's Italian website and strangely, all the 1600 rpm machines disappeared, now the maximum spin speed you can find is 1400...

And the same goes for the French website!

And in Germany all the machines at 1400 and 1600 rpm are marked as "NEU", new model.

Post# 510834 , Reply# 91   4/11/2011 at 13:18 (4,855 days old) by AEG03 (London, UK)        


The recirculation pump is fine now. I carried out a few maintenance washes and it seemed to have cured the problem with the machine - No longer makes that horrible noise.

Seeing as its just the PCB Board I will make enquries about a possible repair.

I don't think that the spins with the drum/tub full of water caused any problems with the suspension. My machine has been fine with carrying out the spin rinses. Even when stuffed full with a duvet. The suspension isn't anything special in this machine and it has been fine, in fact I think the extra weight helped keep the drum/tub more stable, when only normal spin with no water present, everything seems to move about more. But I do think that perhaps Electrolux stopped it as perhaps they might not be making their newer machines as well as they did. The tubs and now completely sealed if I remember reading correctly. The extra pressure of the drum spinning full of water at 400RPM must certainly put a great deal of strain on seals and the bearings.

Post# 510882 , Reply# 92   4/11/2011 at 18:28 (4,855 days old) by slimstar ()        

Hello folks, fairly new member here.
Interesting to see such a heated discussion. Brings to mind something my nan used to say...
.."If you buy cheap. you buy twice!"
Just a thought.

Post# 510929 , Reply# 93   4/11/2011 at 20:53 (4,855 days old) by cornutt (Huntsville, AL USA)        

Hey 3belt, I could easily point out a dozen homes around here that have the laundry somewhere in the master suite. A few years ago I looked through a house being built where the dryer vent routing went like this:

1. From the dryer upwards through an interior wall (bend 1).
2. Through the ceiling space between floors (bend 2).
3. A jog to accommodate the tray ceiling in the mater BR (bends 3 and 4).
4. Down the wall on the other side (bend 5).
6. A jog to the right and then out (bends 6 and 7).

The length of the run had to be at least 30 feet. The town that the house was being built in has no inspectors.

Post# 510976 , Reply# 94   4/12/2011 at 03:16 (4,854 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

when I was househunting in Manassas several years ago-the realter showed me a place in Manassas Park,just outside of Manassas-was weird-the Washer Dryer was moved from an attic alcove to the master bedroom.Its just to strange to have a washer and dryer right by the bed-what happens if you want to wash while taking a nap?Passed on that place.Other homes the washer was in the kitchen or the little alcove beside the kitchen or in the attic-off the hallway.

Post# 511298 , Reply# 95   4/13/2011 at 15:01 (4,853 days old) by securitybearuk ()        
have candy can do

I have a Candy cm462s Washer, had it 2 years only had 1 call out to remove a coin that was rattling underneath the drum. The service was good friendly and professional, and nothing was a bother to the tech guy. He checked over the machine for safty issues and found none, he was happy I was happy. job done.
This machine I have is excellent, main wash is 90mins at 40 degrees.There are 3 function buttons I use, fast wash, stain remove, and allergy. The allergy button gives me 6 deep rinses all with a fast pre spin for 3 mins then a step up 4 phase to hi 1400 spin. I am a very happy candy user, if I was to turn off those buttons. The wash time increses to 3 hours and a very slow drum roataion. and only 4 low water rinses. I know this is frustrating to some guys but, I have no problems here

Post# 511334 , Reply# 96   4/13/2011 at 17:19 (4,853 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

cornutt; when a town has no codes or inspectors, then folks can build treehouses, have exposed wires, place sockets in bathtubs!

The 25 foot max length has been in the building codes over 1/2 century ; and it is derated for each bend. If Beavis and Butthead want to build a fire trap not up to proper codes; many insurance companys will not cover jackleg settups.

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