Thread Number: 339
Maytag 2-4012
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Post# 47500   10/20/2004 at 19:04 (7,306 days old) by Mr-elmo ()        

I Have a lot of the good quality depenable Maytag top loaders,unlike the wide mouth and newer models. Maytag has discontinued the original 2-4012 seal kit with the A4298 seal, and they only have available the crappy 2224012, which will not work more than 30 days on the old style transmission. Gemline or Westward had a aftermarket seal kit, but i can't locate a vendor-- help!!

Post# 47512 , Reply# 1   10/20/2004 at 21:29 (7,306 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

As far as I know, there are no aftermarket sten & seal kits anywhere. I do agree that the current one from Maytag is crappy. That thin seal will leak in no time!

Post# 47520 , Reply# 2   10/20/2004 at 23:04 (7,306 days old) by fixerman ()        

For what its worth,when I was rebuilding Maytags for resale, I never bought a new stem and seal kit (I'm too cheap). I was always able to stop one from leaking either by using a used accordion seal and cleaning up the stem piece and using a new 0A4298 on top or sometimes I would lap the sealing surface on the stem with fine emery cloth to seat the new (old) Seal. It is much more work than replacing the stem and seal kit new and it may take a couple tries to get it to seal but It might be an alternative in a pinch. It worked for me many times.

Post# 47587 , Reply# 3   10/22/2004 at 06:07 (7,305 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Also,I believe Gemline is out of business.

Post# 47589 , Reply# 4   10/22/2004 at 06:45 (7,305 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

Apparently, they've been revived

CLICK HERE TO GO TO kenmore1978's LINK

Post# 47602 , Reply# 5   10/22/2004 at 10:35 (7,305 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Hey Juane,

Thanks for the link to Gemline!

Post# 47603 , Reply# 6   10/22/2004 at 11:04 (7,304 days old) by fixerman ()        

One distributor I use, CE Sundberg, usually gives a Supco part when I ask for a Gemline number. Apparently Supco has many of the aftermarket parts that used to be sold by Gemline. Good news though that Gemline is back in business.

Post# 47605 , Reply# 7   10/22/2004 at 11:23 (7,304 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
That's good to know about Gemline!

Post# 47606 , Reply# 8   10/22/2004 at 11:23 (7,304 days old) by fixerman ()        

Here's A link to Supco. The stem kit is available from them as well as a stem boot seal separately. I don't think you can buy from them directly. You will have to find a distributor such as CE Sundberg.


Post# 47644 , Reply# 9   10/23/2004 at 16:47 (7,303 days old) by Mr-elmo ()        

I found it on gemline's new site , and a place called summit-see link


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