Thread Number: 33934
where could I get hold of...
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Post# 509912   4/7/2011 at 03:31 (4,947 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Hi all. My aquamatic is making a rattle noise and to my conviction I am presuming it is the bearings. Sofar I have tried Espares and Ebay. I cannot think of anywhere else to go. If it is not what I am presuming please could one of you load some more suggestions

Thanks, Chris

Post# 509913 , Reply# 1   4/7/2011 at 03:38 (4,947 days old) by paulinroyton (B)        

Hi Aquarius 8000

Try this site,



Post# 509914 , Reply# 2   4/7/2011 at 03:43 (4,947 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
sorry paul

no joy

Post# 509915 , Reply# 3   4/7/2011 at 03:53 (4,947 days old) by paulinroyton (B)        
No Joy

Try a search on google, some firm must still sell them.

Good luck


Post# 509932 , Reply# 4   4/7/2011 at 06:37 (4,947 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
sorry paul,

i am having no joy so realt i am stuffed

Post# 509943 , Reply# 5   4/7/2011 at 07:44 (4,947 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i would think about maybe a replacement washer as the parts might be discotinued or no longer avalable

Post# 510153 , Reply# 6   4/8/2011 at 06:57 (4,946 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

The washer is still my friend but my dream machine is on Ebay. If I did buy it then i may see abuot making a bearings my self as it is a family airlune. I would be sad to see it be taken to the tip.


Post# 510154 , Reply# 7   4/8/2011 at 07:01 (4,946 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i know what you mean and i do hope you find the part you could always ask in a appliance store where they seel applioance with your washer model and serial number to see if they know a appliance part store that would have the part?

Post# 510165 , Reply# 8   4/8/2011 at 08:00 (4,946 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

This was bought 120miles away and about 23 years ago but i could try.


Post# 510168 , Reply# 9   4/8/2011 at 08:35 (4,946 days old) by hoovermad (England)        

What model was it? Was it the aqua10? If it is I have a scrap one that has just come in with bearings that are fine. If that any help, gimme a holler. I am also not far away from you, about 15 miles!

Post# 510169 , Reply# 10   4/8/2011 at 08:49 (4,946 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
no sorry

it is an aquamatic 3.

Post# 512107 , Reply# 11   4/18/2011 at 02:30 (4,936 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
any more

sites I could try???

Post# 512111 , Reply# 12   4/18/2011 at 05:24 (4,936 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        
Aquamatic 3

The bearing is available in the link below.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hotpoint9534's LINK

Post# 512112 , Reply# 13   4/18/2011 at 05:45 (4,936 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        

Bearing seal here:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hotpoint9534's LINK

Post# 512113 , Reply# 14   4/18/2011 at 05:50 (4,936 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        

There should be a second bearing but I can't tell which one it is, although if you got the old one out you should be able to buy a generic one to match.


Post# 512146 , Reply# 15   4/18/2011 at 12:16 (4,935 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
Thanks hotpoint9534,

For that, I am realy wowed at finding it as the aqua3 is very old.

Post# 512360 , Reply# 16   4/19/2011 at 12:01 (4,934 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
problem solved!!!!!

thank you


Post# 512443 , Reply# 17   4/19/2011 at 19:47 (4,934 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

a google search shows this as a common 6203 bearing; sounds small. ie a 17mm bore 40mm od and 12mm width. This bearing is very common.It was used on the Generator of Fords 1930's model A car; it is used on a 2011 car too. Here in the USA they are so common that that cost about 2 dollars as singles at a auto parts parts house.

Post# 512562 , Reply# 18   4/20/2011 at 06:53 (4,934 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        

Yeah like I say, there are two bearings, I'm just not sure which is the second because there are multiple parts listed for the same model.

It's important you replace the bearing seal because the reason the bearings fail in the first place is because the seal has gone. The seal is the only part which is a potential problem, luckily it is still available in this case.


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