Thread Number: 33965
Whirlpool trend
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Post# 510304   4/8/2011 at 18:26 (4,945 days old) by Supersurgilator (Indiana)        

I got to thinking the other day that the original BD Whirlpools were around for roughly 30+ years, and the DD's made it 30 years, I wonder if these new machines will still be in production for that long?

Post# 510331 , Reply# 1   4/8/2011 at 21:20 (4,945 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
IIRC, belt-drives were available for ~40 years, 1947 to 1987.

Post# 510373 , Reply# 2   4/9/2011 at 02:42 (4,945 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Isn't the new BD WP machine a "transmissionless" design-the motor is made to oscillate the agitator via the belt and an electronic drive circuit.Then the circuit makes the motor spin the drum when the cycle calls for spin.I thought Fisher Paykel machines worked this way.

Post# 510792 , Reply# 3   4/11/2011 at 07:03 (4,943 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

The new WP washers  HAVE A TRANSMISSION! I do believe that they will be around for a long time. They are diffidently better built than bigger machines with the Fisher & Paykel DD motor. You can tell by disassembling these machines that WP expects them to last and be easy to service, they could easily be the most durable TL washers ever made.

Post# 510979 , Reply# 4   4/12/2011 at 03:29 (4,942 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Maybe I should get one of these while they are available.How do these work?Do they work like the old BD models or is it completely different-I thought these didn't have transmissions.Learn something new.would be neat to see avideo of one these going thru its paces and a another film clips of what goes on "under the hood"to see the mechanism in action.

Post# 511069 , Reply# 5   4/12/2011 at 15:36 (4,941 days old) by Supersurgilator (Indiana)        

You guys really think that this design is more durable than the DD? Here is a link to Jamie's thread when he got his machine. There are also a couple of links showing the agitation,

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Supersurgilator's LINK

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