Thread Number: 33966
Presenting...'Her Majesty'....SPEED QUEEN 'Victoria'.....AWN552
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Post# 510346   4/8/2011 at 23:19 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        

mayfan69's profile picture
Hi guys,

Before anybody asks, Yes....I've named a machine! And why not? A 'majestic' name for a 'majestic' Speed QUEEN'! Lol

I've been saving for this for the past few months: the Australian export version of the Speed Queen top loader: AWN552.

You'll see a few differences in the video between the export version and the domestic version, but i'm not giving anything anyway.

I'm VERY happy with the machine! The last machine on the Australian market with a metal gearbox and long stroke wash action, not that Maytag have disappeared from Oz.

Some pics first...

Post# 510347 , Reply# 1   4/8/2011 at 23:20 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Pic 2

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More pics

Post# 510349 , Reply# 2   4/8/2011 at 23:23 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
More pics

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Another one

5 water temperatures and 4 selectable options

Post# 510351 , Reply# 3   4/8/2011 at 23:24 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Money Shot...

mayfan69's profile picture
Money Shot....

Post# 510354 , Reply# 4   4/8/2011 at 23:27 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Another shot

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DanmanTN has been kind enough to order for me the 'Royal Red' and 'Monarch Blue' inserts plus the Q crown logo to be placed on the front of the machine.

She'll certainly look 'majestic' once they arrive....

Post# 510355 , Reply# 5   4/8/2011 at 23:32 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
'Her Majesty' in action!

mayfan69's profile picture
Fourth load in the Speed Queen:

Extra large load, Warm wash, Heavy wash time.

You will notice a couple of differences between the export version and the US version. Comments after you've viewed the video.



Post# 510363 , Reply# 6   4/9/2011 at 00:38 (4,945 days old) by A440 ()        

Very Nice Machine.

Great Video.

Did you overload it on purpose to show what it could run with and not shut down?

It seems terribly overloaded.


Post# 510366 , Reply# 7   4/9/2011 at 00:53 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        

mayfan69's profile picture
Well Brent, maybe we both have different views of what constitues a full load.

In any case, the machine handled the load with aplomb!

Post# 510368 , Reply# 8   4/9/2011 at 02:06 (4,945 days old) by Streakers (Columbus Ohio)        
Love it!!!!!

So jealous Leon!

Thanks for sharing these pics... Can't wait to see the coloured inserts too!! Bring on a wash-in!!


Post# 510369 , Reply# 9   4/9/2011 at 02:08 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Full cycle on Youtube....

mayfan69's profile picture
Hey Ste

Thanks! The full cycle is now on my Youtube page without any edits.


Post# 510370 , Reply# 10   4/9/2011 at 02:14 (4,945 days old) by Streakers (Columbus Ohio)        
Great work Leon...

I'm watching the full cycle now....

However that 'pause' has still got me stumped... What you think of my recommendation from earlier this week to speak with Anne at SQ?? See if she knows about it and if it's supposed to behave like that??

You're very lucky!! It's a beautiful machine and I'm sure you'll be searching the house looking for anything to be washed this weekend!!


Post# 510371 , Reply# 11   4/9/2011 at 02:17 (4,945 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
The 'Pause'....

mayfan69's profile picture
Yes....those two pauses still have me stumped, considering it happens on every load.

I might contact them and see if they know anything about it.


Post# 510382 , Reply# 12   4/9/2011 at 04:46 (4,945 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
All I can say is WOW! I didnt expect to see a neutral drain and the spin picks up fast. Methinks that they did away with the idler on your machine since the spin cycle picks up so fast. Mine takes awhile to get up to speed. That spray rinse in the last spin gawd I wish I had in my machine. The first spray rinse in the first spin sprays way too early in my machine. That spray in the last spin you will appreciate. That will get rid of residue that I have issues with from time to time in mine.
But I will have to agree...your machine is overloaded. Unless you plan on raising the water level to the top of the vanes you really need to resist overloading the machine. Your clothes will thankyou. This washer will make alot of lint and if you hang your wash out it will be noticeable. Especially if its overloaded like that. If you use a dryer you will find the filter kinda fuller with lint.
But I do love the fact that you have the option to use a warm rinse if you want. And your cycle that! Nice machine! Now I wish we had there here in the states...even though we build it here...they wont sell it I think here.

Post# 510383 , Reply# 13   4/9/2011 at 04:46 (4,945 days old) by angus (Fairfield, CT.)        

I like the fact that SQ offers warm rinse options on your models. That is something that is no longer available on the US models. Thank God mine was one of the last ones that has that and even then, it is only with the warm wash.

Post# 510411 , Reply# 14   4/9/2011 at 10:23 (4,945 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Service Information

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I expect you may find a tech sheet in the console of the machine that will explain the pausing spin. It is the same stepped spin I have seen on some of the newer Elux top loaders offered outside of the US. Of course I thought it was to keep from bogging down the electric pump.


Post# 510414 , Reply# 15   4/9/2011 at 10:54 (4,945 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

OH yeah, I agree.  That's wayy more than a BobLoad.  That's clothes abuse load!!

Post# 510417 , Reply# 16   4/9/2011 at 11:03 (4,944 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        
sorry for sounding thick but......

paulc's profile picture
what are the benefits of a warm rinse? I don't think we have ever had machines with that function in the UK (correct me if I am wrong). I always assumed warm water would set in wrinkles when the clothes were spun.

Post# 510424 , Reply# 17   4/9/2011 at 11:49 (4,944 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Congratulations on your new washer I love that they are using a separate drain pump to allow a neutral drain. Using a separate drain pump allows a much better acceleration in spin and should result in much better belt life. I do not think that washer is overloaded at all, that is a good full load and it turned over enough to allow even cleaning. A full load like this will get much cleaner than when everything is just swimming in water. The machine will also last much longer when loaded heavily like this as the real wear a machine faces is the number of loads it is asked to do not so much the size of the loads, remember these are commercial washers. I will 2nd the opinion that a warm rinse is useless for any reason except wasting hot water and causing mold and mildew and bad smells to grow in your machine, as cold water rinses better anyway I can't imagine why anyone would want a warm rinse.


I am curious what the hi spin speed of this washer is. The US versions spin at 710 RPMs I am sure hoping that SQ will update the ones here so they can keep selling them into the future rather than just discontinuing them as energy standards get more stringent.

Post# 510428 , Reply# 18   4/9/2011 at 12:37 (4,944 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
congratulation on your new washer and 1 of the advantages of a warm rinse is that it shortens the drying time in the dryer for those that do use a dryer lol

Post# 510445 , Reply# 19   4/9/2011 at 14:11 (4,944 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
The other advantage a warm rinse has that in the winter here in New England the cold water temps are brutally cold. I find that when the water is so cold that when I take the clothes out they sting the hands being so cold. Its true that rinsing is a process of dilution and if you live in a warmer climate then a cold rinse is not an issue.

Post# 510447 , Reply# 20   4/9/2011 at 14:43 (4,944 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Drying times are shortened by maybe a few minutes if the clothes are a little warmer going into the dryer. But heating 18 or more gallons to a warm temperature only to throw it down the drain in a few minutes takes 10 to 20 times as much energy as letting the dryer run three more minutes to heat the 1/2 gallon of water remaining in the damp clothes as they are placed in the dryer.


Mike you have probably the best reason I have ever heard for using a warm rinse in the winter. My 86 year old has  mother who lives in Minnesota and has arthritis has complained about how unpleasant it is to unload her 1982 LHA5705WO BD suds-saver WP washer in the winter when the clothes are rinsed in cold water. I have given my mother permission to use warm rinses , and you may too LOL.


But global warming is a real issue on the planet that I live on, and as a cold rinse actually works better [ every detergent manufacturer and every washer manufacturer recommends only cold rinses ] it is a very small sacrifice that most of us can make and still enjoy our old washers. 

Post# 510450 , Reply# 21   4/9/2011 at 15:13 (4,944 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Spin Speed.....

mayfan69's profile picture
Hi John,

The spin speed on our versions is still 710 rpm, as per your versions as well.


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