Thread Number: 34046
Which washer would best fit this odd situation?
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Post# 511385   4/13/2011 at 23:25 (4,852 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

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Next year, I'll be living in a dorm once again while in college. The nice thing is that my room is DIRECTLY across the hall from the laundry room. The bad thing is that the washers are so gross and abused that they break down twice a month and there are 2 washers for 65 people. (Orbital Maytags.) The dryers are brand new though and through a glitch in the rulebook and following up with several RAs and my Hall Director, I apparently CAN have a washing machine in my room, but no dryer. Being so close to the laundry room full of brand new dryers, I see no issue with that! The only glitches are that the machine must be in an enclosure such as a cabinet or wardrobe and the machine cannot produce excessive noise.


I have 2 options, my LG FL washer which is no louder than a microwave while going full speed at 1,050RPM, or the Speed Queen coin-op that I bought brand new a few years ago.


The LG is quiet but takes forever! Plus it's rather boring and not all that well built, who knows if it will make it for a year washing for 2. Especially if one of them is me who uses a towel once!


The Speed Queen is much better quality and much more fun to watch! The downside is that it's louder. Granted, it's new so it runs pretty smoothly (incredibly smoothly) but still louder. About as loud as a Maytag Newton Drive. The good news is that I can play music, and the person who will be living below me is one of my best friends so they won't complain.



Do I risk it and bring the Speed Queen? Level of cleaning ability is NOT a factor in this. I know they both clean equally well with my methods for laundry. I would like to go the Speed Queen route but, if noise could be an issue... What should I do?

Post# 511386 , Reply# 1   4/13/2011 at 23:47 (4,852 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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Set the price on the Speed Queen coin-op to 50 cents less than the laundry room machines.  Anyone who complains about noise can wash for less and you'll make money to buy another new coin-op.

Plus, just think of the bags of money you'll make webcasting videos of you helping all those hot college guys wash their knickers in the washing machine...You could pay for college!


Post# 511387 , Reply# 2   4/14/2011 at 00:04 (4,852 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

Sounds like the LG has less value to you, based on that I take that one. You never know what can happen in a dorm, and I'd not want something valuable there. That and the reduced noise make it a better choice in my mind.

Post# 511395 , Reply# 3   4/14/2011 at 01:15 (4,852 days old) by mixfinder ()        

Jaime, you didn't mention it as an option, but what about the new Whirlpool?  My guess is that it would be more quiet than the Speed Queen.  There is also the consideration the LG will hold twice as much as the Speed queen so if it takes twice as long you'd still be doing less loads.  There is something to be said of buying less dryer time with the higher spin speeds of the LG.

Post# 511396 , Reply# 4   4/14/2011 at 01:24 (4,852 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

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The Whirlpool sadly is far too loud for this application. It's distinct motor noises for every stroke of agitation would give it away. Also, surprisingly, the LG and Speed Queen hold the same amount.


The dryers here are quite cheap. We're given a laundry card with $90 on it (covered in room and board costs) and the dryer runs for an hour each time you start it. It's costs $0.75 per load. The loads coming out of the Maytags at 618 RPM dry in the hour every time. Thicker things need to be done on medium heat but t-shirts, underwear, and socks can all be dried on low and still dry in the hour cycle. The Speed Queen reaches 710 RPM and the LG reaches 1,050 RPM. I could probably dry everything on low heat from either washer and have it dry in one cycle. The advantage of the Speed Queen is that if there is left over time from the previous load, I could take advantage of that time on a load of thicker things like towels or jeans. The LG takes so long that I won't be able to take advantage of spare time because the LG takes more than an hour for a load.

Post# 511399 , Reply# 5   4/14/2011 at 01:45 (4,852 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

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Noise is the factor in this equation. A top loader during the spin cycle is quieter than a front loader because difference in spin direction. Some of you may disagree with me but take it from one who lived in an apartment and the spin cycle by far is quieter with a top loader. Horizontal axle maybe quiet during the wash portion of the cycle but they generate noise during the spin, no matter how level the machine is. Since this is your best friend living beneath you, keeping the noise down is best for both of you to keep your friendship to last a life time.

I'm not sure what the dorm floor is made of, but this noise resonate which can be heard and felt by those below as well as above!
My machine noise varies from load to load.....

Post# 511400 , Reply# 6   4/14/2011 at 02:49 (4,852 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Thats real nice--a dorm that allows you to have your own machines-at the one I lived in during school-no water fixtures at all in the actual dorm room.You washed your clothes in the dorm laundramat-(the older style Maytag washers and dryers)and took your shower and went to the bathroom in the main bath area of the dorm building.and no cooking appliances in our dorm room other than a popcorn popper.Many a pheasent was cooked by boiling with a pan on the popper base-right good!

Post# 511422 , Reply# 7   4/14/2011 at 08:02 (4,852 days old) by aldspinboy (Philadelphia, Pa)        

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Goodmorning Jamie...

Question...Will anybody else be using the machine or just yourself..

And are you willing to take or monitor some of your friends laundry  ?

Have a good one.




Darren k

Post# 511427 , Reply# 8   4/14/2011 at 08:34 (4,852 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        
Dorms Have Definitely Changed...

gmmcnair's profile picture
...we had no water in ours so a washing machine was never an option. We could have a small fridge (not more than 3 cu ft), a microwave, and popcorn poppers, and of course an electric iron....grab some foil and you can make a very respectable grilled cheese with that! :)

Post# 511428 , Reply# 9   4/14/2011 at 08:52 (4,852 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

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No one else will have access to the washing machine. The way the rooms are set up, there are 2 rooms with a bathroom between them. Usually, 2 people occupy each room and so 4 use one bathroom. I however, will not stand for a roommate and nor will a dear friend of mine! So we pay an extra $2,000 each so that we can have our own rooms and share a bathroom together. He's aware of the washing machine (and totally excited) but has never used a washing machine before. I met him during our second week and have been doing his laundry for him ever since! (He always marvels at how soft everything is and how perfectly I fold everything so nothing gets wrinkles!) I will be doing his laundry for him next year as well as my own.


On another note, not only will I have a washing machine, but I will also have (and already do this year) my counter top dishwasher! I couldn't live without it! The maximum fridge capacity per room is 4.6 cubic feet (you can have more than one fridge in a room as long as their added capacities do not exceed 4.6 cubic feet) and the microwave must be less than 750 watts. We can have George Foreman type grills for cooking things but there is also a stove in the first floor laundry room for everyone to use if they wish and hot plates in the other laundry rooms. (I happen to be living directly across from the first floor laundry room next year! I'll be bringing pots and pans!) This dorm was built in the early 60's, bathrooms included. Our toilets flush for a full 20 seconds! They must use somewhere between 5 and 10 gallons per flush!

Post# 511430 , Reply# 10   4/14/2011 at 09:10 (4,852 days old) by supremewhirlpol ()        

Jamie, you are fortunate to occupy a dorm to which you have relax rules about washing machines. I would have lived on campus in a dorm this year, but the room & board fee is ~$4,000 per person for a room of 2 and you cannot have things such as washing machines. You are also limited by the amount of current one can draw from the outlets. I can't use the high voltage devices I've built, thus living on campus REALLY sucks for me. In that case I use my $4,000 to commute, thus I can come home to use my big machines and dangerous devices when I want!

I suppose if you have one, you can bring a wringer washer. They're kinda fun to use.

Post# 511432 , Reply# 11   4/14/2011 at 09:33 (4,852 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

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A wringer... There's an idea! Those are too much work though. I will be getting a Speed Queen wringer that only got used once or twice a year by a relative... It's in amazing condition! I do love wringers.... in the summertime! They are great laundry-outside machines!


I think I've decided on the Speed Queen. For now... lol! My reasons being that it's more fun, faster, and, I'll be able to put a light over it inside the cabinet. It'll be a little slice of well-lit paradise! I haven't decided between halogen and fluorescent though... I do know that I will have it set up so that the light comes on the when cabinet doors are opened though!

Post# 511434 , Reply# 12   4/14/2011 at 09:55 (4,852 days old) by aldspinboy (Philadelphia, Pa)        

aldspinboy's profile picture

Ok I was thinking of a pulsator washer if you have one lol Haier , Advanti , etc there are pretty Quit in the wash & spin cycles.

But go for the Speed Queen you can manipulate it and do fast washes with it.

There not that noisy my friend has one in his apartment across the hall pretty stable spinning very maytag.

I like the LG for the high rpm spin but 710 rpm with a hour dry is fine .

Good luck !

Have a good one.



Darren k

Post# 511458 , Reply# 13   4/14/2011 at 12:01 (4,852 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

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The washer that is being shown is an Electrolux,not an L.G.My LGs are far more quiet. Even my Frigidaire Affinities and my Miele don't get that loud during any part of the cycle.

Post# 511477 , Reply# 14   4/14/2011 at 13:41 (4,852 days old) by KenmoreGuy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

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Jamie -

If this were me, I think I'd take the LG. It doesn't seem that this machine has as much value to you as the SQ, and I am pretty sure it can stand-up to your use for one year. My sister has been putting up with her LG steam washer for several years with a family of four. When did they come out anyway? Hers was one of the first, if not the very first, steam model. I asked her one day if she liked it. She said "Well, I want to like it!". It is on the second floor, and it shakes half the first floor of a 3,500 sq ft house in some of her spins. It has difficulties finding it's niche for spins and it drives her crazy.

I was reading with a big grin as I read your post about having the countertop dishwasher, etc. For my last year of college, my parents wanted me to live in a dorm (I had commuted from home before that). I basically said that as a senior, I'd rather not go at all vs. live in the dorms. They must have believed me because we wound up getting a 1,000 sq. ft. condo that was in walking distance of campus. I enjoyed it so much I stayed a second year and got a second major/degree. It was there though that I immediately bought my 1986 Kenmore 70 washer, brand new. My Mom thought I was nuts - "You don't need a washer in that place, just go to the laundry like everyone else". I am sure that everyone here can understand - when you have always wanted you own washer, and you live in a place with a brand new laundry room, it's not going to sit there unused!!!

Anyway, back to your topic - if the LG is quieter and more easily replaced than your SQ, I'd take that. If its not the most durable machine, it would be a good way to find out how it handles being a daily driver.


Post# 511502 , Reply# 15   4/14/2011 at 16:59 (4,852 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

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I guess my thoughts are more functional. Is the water pressure high enough to fill the TL washer in a reasonable time? Where will the washer be draining? If it is a regular bathroom sink or shower, will it be able to accommodate the volume of water the TL uses without overflowing?

You mentioned having to store the washer in a cabinet. Do you have to move and hook up the washer each time you use it? If so, which machine would be easier to move and store?

Post# 511503 , Reply# 16   4/14/2011 at 17:06 (4,852 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

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The water pressure is MORE than adequate for filling the TL in a reasonable amount of time! It will fill from the bathroom sink and drain into the shower. The machine will not only be stored in the cabinet, but used there as well. There will have to be relatively long hoses going from the back of the cabinet to the sink and shower in the bathroom. (Approximately 10 feet in length.)

Post# 511965 , Reply# 17   4/17/2011 at 15:06 (4,849 days old) by aladude ()        

I'm starting college as a freshman next year. My dorm will be a four bedroom two bath apartment sharing a common living area and kitchenette, and the laundry is very well equipped with new Maytags. (I guess WP) The dorm rules specifically say no dishwashers, washers, or dryers though.

Post# 511982 , Reply# 18   4/17/2011 at 17:00 (4,849 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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Why not add some sound insulation to the Speed Queen's cabinet? It's cheap and really helps.

Post# 511987 , Reply# 19   4/17/2011 at 17:21 (4,849 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        

pulsator's profile picture

Where would I get sound insulation?

Post# 512005 , Reply# 20   4/17/2011 at 20:08 (4,849 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Just use low pile carpeting scraps and cover the inside of the cabinet, I have one of the quietest 1-18s you ill ever hear that I did this to. P S I would diffidently take the SQ over the LG for this purpose, it sounds like this is what you want so just do it.

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