Thread Number: 34194
Yibbles with MDC4000 Portable Dishwasher
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Post# 513424   4/24/2011 at 15:22 (4,929 days old) by jakeseacrest (Massachusetts)        

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I had posted that I received a Maytag Portable Dishwasher and had to clean out some plastic from the arms possibly due to Cascade Pacs. Anyway, most of the glasses in the top rack have some yibbles on the inside of a few glasses and mugs and not the outside. I tried Dishwasher Magic and CLR to give it a run through, my water is 135F, I don't block the tower that services the upper rack, I've used both Cascade with phosphates and Electrasol Tabs w/o phosphates, I always run it on Pots and Pans or Normal with Temp Sense on. What more can I do? I am so disappointed already after only 2-3 weeks of having this machine! Any other suggestions? Should I try Tang or Lemishine? Help me everyone.....

Post# 513428 , Reply# 1   4/24/2011 at 15:45 (4,929 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

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Are you rinsing everything off before you load???? that's absolutely a "no no".There are chemicals in your detergent that eat away the food particles and sauces.They need protean and will do everything needed to find it.Whether it be the dirt on your load of dishes or the plastic/rubber parts like the seals.If you rinse the food(s) off the dishes,there's nothing there for them except the parts.The film on your glasses was probably more in fault of Cascade,not Electrosol (Finish).When the water is below 160F.and the detergent isn't desolving as well as it does in hotter water,it tends to leave film streaks on glass and porcelain plates,glassware and Pyrex cookware.

Post# 513429 , Reply# 2   4/24/2011 at 15:52 (4,929 days old) by jakeseacrest (Massachusetts)        

jakeseacrest's profile picture
My God I may have solved my own problem lol. I unscrewed the bottom spray arm and was going to dismantle it when I noticed a HUGE glob of plastic and wet paper, possibly from a label, in the middle section that services the wash tower. It was at least an inch long. We shall see if this was the cause and I'm assuming it had to be as this jet was filled with this gunk! Thanks everyone for my premature post.

Post# 513435 , Reply# 3   4/24/2011 at 16:14 (4,929 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Michael, please keep us posted.  I hope that's the problem-solver too!!!

Post# 513444 , Reply# 4   4/24/2011 at 16:55 (4,929 days old) by jakeseacrest (Massachusetts)        

jakeseacrest's profile picture
God me too appnut! Right now I have 3 portable dishwashers in my house and cannot buy another one lol!

Post# 513506 , Reply# 5   4/24/2011 at 22:19 (4,929 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        

Chuck IS right about not having the dishes too clean before loading them into the machine. Scraped is plenty.


Post# 516270 , Reply# 6   5/7/2011 at 19:07 (4,916 days old) by jakeseacrest (Massachusetts)        

jakeseacrest's profile picture
Problem solved :) This dishwasher rocks! Unbelievably quiet and all of my dishes come out so shiny and hot. Far cry from the Kitchen Aid KDC-20A it replaced. It is on the recall list so I do keep it unplugged when it's not being used. My only issue is Maytag's customer service. It's been almost a month and I still haven't gotten the kit for them to fix the rinse aid dispenser. I called 2 weeks ago and they said it was on it's way. Still waiting....

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