Thread Number: 34258
Samsung with "Power Foam" Technology...What will they think of NEXT???
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Post# 514328   4/28/2011 at 06:04 (4,926 days old) by stainfighter (Columbia, SC)        

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Just saw the commercial of child in tub with Mom giving the favorite stuffed animal a 'bath' in the new Samsung with "Power FOAM Technology". Unbelievable what manufacturers will come up with is already bad enough how the average Joe and Jane add way too much detergent just to see suds in their laundry. The foam was above the mid-point on the door!?! I wonder if they have beefed up the pump to handle all of that...hmm

Post# 514334 , Reply# 1   4/28/2011 at 07:02 (4,926 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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The foam is supposed to penetrate fabrics faster... who knows.

Panasonic uses a similar technology to dissolve detergent: the detergent is flushed in the tub and then the drum begins to spin slowly. There are videos on YouTube of this system. I think the suds it created died down within two minutes. I think the YouTube channel to look for is "ad1969it"

Post# 514337 , Reply# 2   4/28/2011 at 07:16 (4,926 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
I saw the Samsung commercial Sunday

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My first thought was, don't we buy HE detergent and watch the dosage to prevent this from happening?  I am with others, I hope they beefed up the pump and seals to handle this.  OR I wonder what the life expectancy is on this machine?  In any case I could do this in my Maytag, Just buy regular Tide.


I also wonder what rinsing is like? 


Post# 514589 , Reply# 3   4/29/2011 at 11:09 (4,924 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Almost no washer durability problems are caused by using too much detergent. But the reverse is quite another matter, too little detergent causes the great majority of main seal failures in FL and TL washers which always leads to main bearing failure and usally machine replacement. Too little is also the leading cause of water pump failure, to say nothing of machines covered in mineral deposits, mold, mildew slime and just plain stinky.

Post# 515089 , Reply# 4   5/2/2011 at 01:12 (4,922 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

Here is part of the Samsung  story:

The power of PowerFoam ™.
Samsung has a new way to get your clothes cleaner. It’s kinder to fabrics, giving them the deep clean they need while treating them with the care required to ensure they last longer. It’s a gentle way to power out tough dirt, and it’s called PowerFoam ™. Available exclusively on the Samsung WF520 washer, it’s a better way to wash, with higher performance and superior fabric care. PowerFoam™ evenly distributes detergent by creating a foaming/bubbling action, removing deeper stains faster than normal detergent alone; leaving clothes thoroughly rinsed and residue-free.


Post# 515104 , Reply# 5   5/2/2011 at 04:05 (4,922 days old) by Barry_K_Nathan ()        
CR says PowerFoam is useless

Just for what it's worth, Consumer Reports compared two Samsung washers, one with PowerFoam and the other without, and they found no improvement from PowerFoam. (Unfortunately, I think the linked article is only available to subscribers. I think it's in the September 2010 issue.)


Post# 515182 , Reply# 6   5/2/2011 at 11:15 (4,921 days old) by AZREOspecialist ()        

CR's conclusion is not surprising when you consider that all of these new "features" are little more than marketing gimmicks to get consumers to plunk down cash for that "new shiny thing". All these new things are fads and gimmicks to get your attention and money. I wish they would pay as much attention to improving the build quality versus marketing "features" that don't do anything to clean your clothes or improve the longevity of the machine.

Post# 515484 , Reply# 7   5/3/2011 at 17:16 (4,920 days old) by nanook (Seattle)        
Everything That's Old is New Again

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Personally I prefer the Kelvinator Magic Minute Dirt Loosener.

Post# 515571 , Reply# 8   5/4/2011 at 07:00 (4,920 days old) by mrx ()        

I'm very skeptical that this would make even the slightest difference to the laundry performance.

The main thing you need in a front loader is plenty of water moving through the clothes i.e. good old-fashioned scooping technology tends to do the trick rather well. I'm not impressed with sprays and pumps. They seem like more components that are prone to failure.

A well designed drum, good tumbling patterns and a powerful motor are far more important than these gimmicks.

Also, you're generally best to dose the detergent (including liquid) via the drawer as it means that it's in solution right from the start of the wash. If you add detergent to the drum directly in a ball / tablet, it has to dissolve as the laundry's saturated, which is wasting valuable chemical / enzyme reaction time when the solution should be in contact with the laundry. This is particularly true where the machine is heavily loaded.

Post# 515589 , Reply# 9   5/4/2011 at 07:53 (4,920 days old) by amyswasher ()        
No Thanks,

I will keep my water guzzling LG thank you.

Post# 515591 , Reply# 10   5/4/2011 at 08:21 (4,920 days old) by henry200 ()        

This power foam business sounds to me like the same kind of hype as "scrubbing bubbles."   I don't see how bubbles, suds or foam contribute anything to the actual cleaning process other than sound or look impressive.   Isn't it really the chemical/enzymatic action of detergent, dilution (water) and agitation (scrubbing, plunging, tumbling, etc) that do the real work?

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