Thread Number: 34354
Maytag Epic (WP Duet clone) drain problems
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Post# 515627   5/4/2011 at 11:55 (4,832 days old) by dnastrau (Lords Valley, PA)        

Greetings everyone:

We have a 2007 Maytag Epic that started having problems draining and displaying an F code. I cleaned out the coin trap on the pump and that made it better (no more F code during the drain cycle) but now the washer makes a loud pulsing sound while draining and the drain hose bangs against the back of the washer and the wall: CLACK, CLACK, CLACK...

I do not see anything stuck in the end of the discharge hose. Is this likely to be a partial clog somewhere in either the internal or external drain hoses, or does this sound like a dying pump? Is there some sort of anti-suction check ball in there that could be stuck? I just wanted to see if anyone else had these symptoms in the past and see what they did about it before I tear into anything.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Andrew S.

Post# 515630 , Reply# 1   5/4/2011 at 12:05 (4,832 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Shop Vac

mrb627's profile picture

I suppose you could attach a shop vac hose to the end of the drain hose and see if it can suck the water out.  Might pull a partial blockage out too. 


You could look through the holes in the wash basket to see if something is sitting right at the tub outlet.  Use a good flashlight!



Post# 515685 , Reply# 2   5/4/2011 at 18:33 (4,832 days old) by dnastrau (Lords Valley, PA)        
Blocked tub drain?

Hi Malcolm:

The machine actually does drain all of the water - it just takes quite a bit longer than it used to (and makes a racket at the same time.) I will see if I can look through the drum holes to confirm if anything is blocking the drain at the bottom of the outer tub - thanks for the tip. I hope there is nothing in there as that will probably be a big job to remove if so.

Post# 516004 , Reply# 3   5/6/2011 at 11:49 (4,830 days old) by dnastrau (Lords Valley, PA)        
Problem solved

Thankfully this problem turned out to be pretty simple (which I never expect to be the case.) There was a broken piece of a plastic comb lodged inside the drain hose that had caught lint over time creating a partial clog. It is amazing to me that it was able to get past the trap in the pump (!)

Have a great weekend!

Andrew S.

Post# 516005 , Reply# 4   5/6/2011 at 11:57 (4,830 days old) by dnastrau (Lords Valley, PA)        
Spoke too soon

Oh well - I spoke too soon. I thought that HAD to be it, but it is still laboring and "clacking" while draining. I guess I will have to pull the pump trap again and perhaps all of the hoses and look through the tub holes to see if anything is blocking the tub drain. My guess is that there is still debris stuck somewhere.

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