Thread Number: 34402
My Newest Toy...
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Post# 516266   5/7/2011 at 18:44 (4,908 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        

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My little Kenmore 18 inch dishwasher started dying a while back, and rather than repair what was a very mediocre machine, I replaced it with a new full sized portable. Since I did some minor renovations so the kitchen could have a full-sized washer and dryer, I also had space for a full sized dishwasher. So far, I'm pleased with the machine's simplicity and extra capacity, not to mention that this BOL machine is much quieter than the old Frigidaire made KM.


Washing ability is also quite good when properly loaded and using Finish Powerball All in One tabs...don't know how it would do with regular detergent. Those Finish tablets seem to be the great equalizer as far as dishwasher performance is concerned. Not bad for less than $450. Below is the link to the model I bought.


Post# 516269 , Reply# 1   5/7/2011 at 19:03 (4,908 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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congratulations and glaed you are pleased with its performance.

Post# 516296 , Reply# 2   5/7/2011 at 22:09 (4,908 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        

gmmcnair's profile picture

...I'm happy with it for what I paid for it (that was about the max I could manage and pay it all at once). It certainly cleans more evenly than the old one did. I think the Finish tabs are a huge part of that. Even the old dying Frigidmore did a good job with those, and it was notorious for needing to meticulously scrape anything visible from the dishes or risk it showing up in the top rack.

Post# 516297 , Reply# 3   5/7/2011 at 22:12 (4,908 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
I have the immediate previous version

of your machine, and I have been very pleased by its performance.

Happy dishwashing!


Post# 516306 , Reply# 4   5/7/2011 at 23:49 (4,908 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        
That's good to know Lawrence....

gmmcnair's profile picture

I'm glad to know that you're still pleased. Bodes well for longevity (that's usually not a problem for me--most appliances hold up for ages under my care). I wasn't sorry to see the compact really wasn't enough for my family gatherings.

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