Thread Number: 34405
interesting haier washer motor
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Post# 516283   5/7/2011 at 20:10 (4,961 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

at a flea market today found a front load washer motor rated for 380 and 3440
rpm,it was an induction motor with a v-belt pulley and said haier on it along
with a 2004 date...does anyone know what haier washer this might have come from?
it had a tach on one end so i don't know if it was driven by an inverter or
ran "across the line"old skool style-would be cool if it was just ran straight
off the mains like a "mini me"version of an elmo in a smaller single phase
commecial machine.I don't really care for chinese stuff,but if i found this
washer used might grab it and play if a decent enough machine to bother with

Post# 516294 , Reply# 1   5/7/2011 at 22:00 (4,961 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        
When I Was Washer Shopping in 2010...

gmmcnair's profile picture

...I considered a Haier front loader (energy efficient and inexpensive), until I read the comments on here, and the user reviews on virtually every site that sold them. While most were happy with the little Haier top loaders, almost everyone complained that the front loaders were a nightmare. They were glitchy, cheap, next to impossible to get parts for, and died an early death.


That may have changed with more recent models (some of the reviews were several years old), but it was enough to make me run, not walk, the opposite direction. Although, if I had the space for it, I wouldn't mind a little Haier top loader if I could find one for cheap for the quick small loads that I accumulate.

Post# 516329 , Reply# 2   5/8/2011 at 08:09 (4,960 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

looked on ebay and found a motor like the one i found at the flea market-
said it's from a XQG50-11,a front load combo-googled that model and plenty
of woe was spoken of;most of it caused by bad assembly quality(loose screws,etc)
with faulty parts 2nd-sounds like a real lemon and indeed the motor at the flea
market showed little signs of use so the washer it was in probably packed up
my local pamida sells some haier;mini fridges,small freezers,countertop DW,
A/Cs and TVs.One year they sold larger,almost full size fridges but haven't
seen those recently.wal mart has some haier too and i think menards had them
for a while too.

Post# 516335 , Reply# 3   5/8/2011 at 08:55 (4,960 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

A induction motor marked 380 and 3440rpm can be for 60HZ if both a 18 pole and 2 pole wound.

ie with zero friction the motor chases the synchronous speeds/rpms of 7200/2= 3600 and 7200/18= 400 rpm.

A label of 3440 rpm is fairly common for a 2 pole 60Hz Ac induction motor; so is 1720 or 1725 rpm for a 4 pole motor.

If your motor has a t.ach, that sounds like that it is not a simple induction motor; since no tach is needed with an induction motor


Post# 516340 , Reply# 4   5/8/2011 at 09:24 (4,960 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

that is one of the interesting details of this motor-it is a straight induction
with standard"squirrel cage"barred rotor,dual winding,yet has the tach-that
makes me suspect it may have been driven by an inverter in the washer,the 12
pole winding switched in to get more low speed torque during tumble than the
2 pole winding could if it was driven at very low frequency.

Post# 516344 , Reply# 5   5/8/2011 at 09:50 (4,960 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

The 18 and 2 pole rpms I quoted are with 60Hz. I did not mean that the 2 pole motor was driven at a lower frequency. This will not work since the laminations will saturate if one drives a 60 Hz motor at 1/9 the frequency.

The power required during wash is way way less than during the spin cycle. My 1976 westy 3 belt FL washer uses about 180 to 250 watts during the wash/rinse cycle. The LG FL 2010 washer during the wash cycle is all over the map and usually less than 100 watts.

Go a google search of the motors model number to find out more info.

There are often Haier FL washer motors all the time on ebay under "Haier motor".

Post# 516346 , Reply# 6   5/8/2011 at 09:54 (4,960 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

If one wants to run a 60HZ AC induction motor at 1/9th the frequency; it CAN be done. But one has to only use about 1/9th the input voltage.

The LG FL here has a giant stator that is about say 12" in diameter and the rotor has permanent magnets.

Post# 516349 , Reply# 7   5/8/2011 at 10:10 (4,960 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
LG direct drive motor

i saw one of those LG direct drive motors apart on the"horsey"LG repair thread
-looks like it could be modified into a nice small wind generator,if i find
one at the dump i will modify it into that purpose and play a little...

Post# 516351 , Reply# 8   5/8/2011 at 10:23 (4,960 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

Does your Haier motor look like these on ebay: ?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO 3beltwesty's LINK on eBay

Post# 516362 , Reply# 9   5/8/2011 at 11:43 (4,960 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

it did look like that one

Post# 516364 , Reply# 10   5/8/2011 at 12:14 (4,960 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Haier XQG50-11 Front Load All-in-One Washer / Dryer

has a rating of 1.5 out of 5 stars; rather poor! :)
These reviews go back 8 years.


Post# 516368 , Reply# 11   5/8/2011 at 12:37 (4,960 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

Hehe,my little antonio merloni built,2002 vintage,combo has actually been
very reliable so far-only thing i have had to do was pull the motor and
and do a light skim cut on the commutator as there was a surface flaw
causing the the brushes to jump and arc at spin speed,fixed that and no
problems since.

Post# 518157 , Reply# 12   5/16/2011 at 00:06 (4,953 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
haier motor

bought the haier motor from the flea market and played with it a bit-had to
ohm the windings to figure out the hookup-high speed winding meant for
single direction with different run and auxillary windings while low speed
windings designed to work equally well either direction.Did produce typical
induction motor sounds,deep hum on low speed-magnetic whirr on high speed
with a "yip"when switched from high to low-might get a good magnetic screech
if it was driving a loaded basket LOL(used to love listening to commercial
machines that switched motor speeds without pause..)
Now have a xqg50-11 on the "get list" to see if the rest of the little combo
is "old skool"and if they are as bad as the reveiws LOL

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