Thread Number: 34411
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Post# 516366   5/8/2011 at 12:22 (4,828 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

hi all. I am here asking if servis still make washing machines. The last one I saw in the shop was in 2005.


Post# 516369 , Reply# 1   5/8/2011 at 12:42 (4,828 days old) by FL1012 ()        
They don't :(

The plug was pulled on Servis a couple of years ago unfortunately.

I don't think they went bankrupt but their owners, one of the dreaded Merloni companies, just stopped trading with the Servis name. That's as i understand it, could be slightly different.

A shame as they were once a respectable British name & even their final machines from a couple of years ago have lasted longer than some of the tat on sale recently, with some very good program choices too.


Post# 516392 , Reply# 2   5/8/2011 at 15:40 (4,828 days old) by ariston4life ((Dublin) Ireland)        
There not gone

ariston4life's profile picture
That are still made and sold in ireland in the power city stores, they are made by vestel now :) here's one of the new ones.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ariston4life's LINK

Post# 516451 , Reply# 3   5/8/2011 at 23:05 (4,828 days old) by FL1012 ()        

I was just referring to the situation as i know it to be in the UK.

Sadly the Servis on that link is just another example of slapping a different brand name onto one generic machine (im sure i've seen an idential 'Bush' or 'Swan' branded machine over here).

It'd probably be better if they just left the name dead rather than resurecting it using questionable products from other companies :(


Post# 516467 , Reply# 4   5/9/2011 at 02:10 (4,828 days old) by ariston4life ((Dublin) Ireland)        

ariston4life's profile picture
the servis machines over here are the same as the swan ones in the uk

Post# 516808 , Reply# 5   5/10/2011 at 11:57 (4,826 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Not Good....

I thought that looked the case. That's a shame as i presume theyre not very well built?

Post# 516883 , Reply# 6   5/10/2011 at 18:13 (4,826 days old) by ariston4life ((Dublin) Ireland)        

ariston4life's profile picture
they would be ok, havnt heard any complaints about them yet

Post# 517076 , Reply# 7   5/11/2011 at 14:07 (4,825 days old) by keiththomas ()        

I remember servis and the build quality was poor especially their machines from around late 1990 and naughties, proper brands like zanussi and bosch are better. The Bush machines and Hair are a false economy along with Beko which I have heard is poor. Best to stay clear not worth it.

Post# 517260 , Reply# 8   5/12/2011 at 17:14 (4,824 days old) by ultimafan ()        

It seems even Servis is now under the wing of Vestel...

Another example of cheaply made machinery with a branded logo slapped onto it. Zanussi, Electrolux, now Servis I wonder what brand will be next...

Post# 517265 , Reply# 9   5/12/2011 at 17:42 (4,824 days old) by hoover1100 (U.K.)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

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