Thread Number: 34453
Need help with Miele T9800 dryer belt replacement
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Post# 516787   5/10/2011 at 10:36 (4,914 days old) by etchman1 ()        

Hi, the belt broke on my dryer and I need help replacing it. Any diagrams, photos, tips appreciated. I even need help getting the case apart. I got the top off but the sides are still attached to the front. Do I need to disassemble more?? Times are tight and I want to do it myself. Any help greatly appreciated!!
Thank you!

Post# 516791 , Reply# 1   5/10/2011 at 11:14 (4,913 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        
I have seen mine

I have watched the Miele tech open mine. I don't remember all of the steps but it started with taking the top off and maybe...removing the control panel or lifting it off to the side or top. I DO remember that you cannot get the sides off without taking the front off AND....not much.... to nothing slides...everything is screwed together.

Good luck.

Post# 516804 , Reply# 2   5/10/2011 at 11:50 (4,913 days old) by etchman1 ()        

Thanks Jerrod. Sounds like I have to bring the belt around the front of the drum. Getting the front off will be no picnic. Any other help anyone?


Post# 517993 , Reply# 3   5/15/2011 at 12:55 (4,908 days old) by mieleforme ()        

I've never tried to take the back off but I have had the front removed, it's not that hard. Pop the top off, remove the control panel, then the front can be unscrewed and removed. It is secured along the top, at the door (5), and the door latch (2). Having the front removed should provide you a good look into the back to see what else may need to be removed for further access. Also, I have the service manual for the washer and dryer if you'd like them, I'm sure it will help.

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