Thread Number: 34462
Zanussi Condensor Dryer
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Post# 516847   5/10/2011 at 15:24 (4,826 days old) by keiththomas ()        

Hi I have recently acquired a Zanussi Dryer, were are these machine made I know that Zanussi is currently owned by Electroluz. I have e-mailed Zanussi but they do not reply.

Post# 516849 , Reply# 1   5/10/2011 at 15:35 (4,826 days old) by hoover1100 (U.K.)        
Where are they made?

All in Italy as far as I'm aware.



Post# 516861 , Reply# 2   5/10/2011 at 16:04 (4,826 days old) by keiththomas ()        

Thats good, I have tried allsorts to get a factory Video or photos of Zanussi no luck

Post# 518809 , Reply# 3   5/18/2011 at 11:55 (4,818 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        

Hi all, well I have never owned an Zannussi, but as far as condenser dryers are concerned we have bought a Condenser dryer, Miele at it and man I must tell you that thing is fast extremely fast, the clothes come out just right, I have even put some of my jerseys (jumpers) in and it is woolen, without any shrinkage. It is really an impressive machine. Just thought all should know.


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