Thread Number: 34472
2004 Maytag SDE3606
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Post# 517028   5/11/2011 at 10:18 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        

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Hubby gets off the phone with Ex-wife a few weeks ago and tells me she went out and bought a new dryer because hers "Just died for no reason" Now she knows it's not my first rodeo when it comes to appliances...but proceeds to go out and buy a new one anyway....I say to hubby let's go get the old one and see what's wrong with it(his mother has been wanting a new dryer as her old mid eighties kenmore with the rusty top is starting to look a little worse for wear) So..we go get the maytag, did a little fishing around....found a soda can pop top jammed in the blower, and a blown fuse( I'm no Sherlock holmes but, I suspect that may have been the issue...LOL! did a little cleaning, New fuse , new drum glides....belt and rollers were in real good shape, I usually replace these as a rule of thumb, but no sense in spending money I don't have to....600.00 that hubby's ex spends on new machine, 22.00 I spend to fix old one, look on her face when we tell her what the problem was......PRICELESS!
A little gruby....

Post# 517030 , Reply# 1   5/11/2011 at 10:20 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        
a little dusty...

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drum out

Post# 517032 , Reply# 2   5/11/2011 at 10:21 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        

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After Drum out(Dog was Helping...LOL)

Post# 517033 , Reply# 3   5/11/2011 at 10:24 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        

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Surprised the place didn't go up in flames....(down Lint trap towards Blower)

Post# 517034 , Reply# 4   5/11/2011 at 10:25 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        

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poor thing can breathe now...

Post# 517037 , Reply# 5   5/11/2011 at 10:27 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        
A must Have

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couldn't live with out this

Post# 517038 , Reply# 6   5/11/2011 at 10:28 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        
a little of this..

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a little of that..

Post# 517040 , Reply# 7   5/11/2011 at 10:31 (4,904 days old) by searsbest (Attleboro, Ma)        

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Like new... (See The LK Visimatic hiding under the blue blanket in the background?)

Post# 517065 , Reply# 8   5/11/2011 at 13:18 (4,904 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

The top of the dryer looks brand new, you did an excellent job!  I need to order one of those dryer vent cleaning kits.  I had a brush, loaned it to my boss, she brought it back to work and another employee decided to borrow and I haven't gotten the darn thing back yet, and it's really starting to annoy me.


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