Thread Number: 34497
Looking For A "Last Generation" Dial Neptune
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Post# 517507   5/13/2011 at 16:09 (4,823 days old) by mrcleanjeans (milwaukee wi)        

My landlord has a MayNorge washer with bearings on the fritz! He would like to convert to a Neptune dial and pushbutton front loader to match the dryer which has a very similar control panel. Not the earliest models with thier moldy gasket, but the later ones that corrected that! Thanks guys!

Post# 517535 , Reply# 1   5/13/2011 at 18:27 (4,823 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

That would be a MAH4000.  Only the 3000 and 4000 had dials and buttons.  The electronic control panels came out with the 5000 series.

Post# 517543 , Reply# 2   5/13/2011 at 18:56 (4,823 days old) by mrcleanjeans (milwaukee wi)        

Thanks Bob! Say,is anyone selling a 4000 series?

Post# 518356 , Reply# 3   5/16/2011 at 20:36 (4,820 days old) by redcarpetdrew (Fairfield, CA)        

redcarpetdrew's profile picture
Actually, the last dial Neptune was the MAH5500AWW (not to be confused with the MAH5500BWW which was electronic controlled). These were a limited production run that appeared at the same time as the electronic controlled MAH5500B. (Maybe to use up some parts stock?) I've only seen a few and they were mostly sold over here by Circuit City. They already came from the factory with the updated latch wax motor and updated machine control board but were essentially a MAH4000 but with slightly brighter graphics on the console.

The boots can be changed for the mold issue with the new boots being resistant to mold/mildew BUT improper usage will cause it no matter what. When you find your MAH4000, let us know so we can help you with a little pre-flight maint to avoid some issues. Look for serial numbers with the first letter being W(1999),Y(2000) or possibly Z(2001) as these will be the later years of the 4000 series and have the best chance of already having the updated door venting, stronger pump and boot with a real drain to prevent water build up. If you could find a MAH5500A, then great!

They are to be found down there. Here's an example on L.A. C/L for a 4000...


CLICK HERE TO GO TO redcarpetdrew's LINK on Los Angeles Craigslist

Post# 518367 , Reply# 4   5/16/2011 at 21:39 (4,820 days old) by mrcleanjeans (milwaukee wi)        

Thanks Andrew, we'll check it out tomorrow, I already called!

Post# 518714 , Reply# 5   5/18/2011 at 01:40 (4,818 days old) by mrcleanjeans (milwaukee wi)        

Thabk you Andrew,got it ,it is fabo and so quiet! Love it, thank you all for your input! Hugs, Dave!

Post# 518780 , Reply# 6   5/18/2011 at 09:22 (4,818 days old) by PassatDoc (Orange County, California)        

I have friends in San Diego with a dial model purchased in 2004. It still works fine and I don't think they'd want to part with it.

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