Thread Number: 34556
Rinse Cycles and Water Levels in GE (Hydrowave) GTWN4000MWS
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Post# 518286   5/16/2011 at 14:47 (4,820 days old) by blueheron13 ()        

Hi all,

This is my first post in this very interesting forum.

I was searching all over the internet for information about the GE GTWN4000MWS washer and not finding what I'm looking for. The customer support folks were not very helpful either, so I'm hoping someone here knows the answers.

1. How high does the water level go on the maximum setting?

2. On the COTTONS and EASY CARE cycles, there is no mention of a first rinse on the dial--just a "Drain & Spin". I have a sneaking suspicion that this means the first rinse is just a spray rinse and that if you want a full rinse, you need to use the second (fabric softener) rinse. But am I right? (And for that matter, why does the DELICATES cycle have a "Rinse & Spin" spot on the dial, but no "Drain & Spin"?)

Any insight would be much appreciated! My parents are considering buying this washer--mainly because it has an agitator; has slow/fast, fast/fast, and slow/slow speed wash/spin combinations; allows the user to set the water level (no auto-sensing features); and has a dial that moves through the cycle instead of a push-button start.

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