Thread Number: 34693
I have an ASKO Condensing Dryer listed For Sale on Craigslist
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Post# 520280   5/24/2011 at 22:22 (4,899 days old) by dishwashercrazy (West Peoria, IL)        

dishwashercrazy's profile picture

I thought I would create this thread to announce that I have listed this dryer on Craigslist. Model: TD 77A-7705, S/N: 9609-023945 (February 1996). The pictures in the listing look like crap, but they appear fine on my computer.

I have also listed a Maytag Halo-of-Heat Avacodo KDG407 Dryer on Craigslist, which is mentioned in Imperial.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO dishwashercrazy's LINK on Peoria Craigslist

Post# 520685 , Reply# 1   5/26/2011 at 19:28 (4,897 days old) by dishwashercrazy (West Peoria, IL)        
The ASKO Dryer is Sold

dishwashercrazy's profile picture

The ASKO Dryer has been spoken for, to be used for parts to replace the logic boards in another ASKO residing in the Cayman Islands. I spoke this afternoon to a couple of guys who have been searching desperately for the boards, even as far away as the U.K. But they were not having any luck finding the boards they need. At first, they were going to drive down to Peoria to pick the dryer up, but I offered to remove what parts they wanted. I ended up removing the three electronic boards, the motor, and the complete wiring harness. I took a whole box of parts to the UPS Store, and they are on their way to Chicago, and will be on their way to the Cayman Islands this Sunday.

Post# 521011 , Reply# 2   5/28/2011 at 10:53 (4,896 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

That is a wonderful use for it, keeping another one alive. I have an ASKO electronic regular air flow dryer that was found with blown circuit boards so its beauty and utility are being used to support my TV machine, which did not crush it. The TV is one of those 27" child killer models with glass a half inch thick on the tube. There have been several fatalities here when a similar set fell forward on a child.

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