Thread Number: 34747
countertop dishwashers etc
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Post# 520960   5/28/2011 at 06:45 (5,008 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
I thought this was a dishdrawer type of DW but it is a countertop type

The thing costs 900 dollars

At that rate you could get a 200 dollar countertop DW use it replace it a few times for the cost of this one

If I'm going to pay 900 dollars for a countertop DW it better last like a vintage DW does because I'm not going to replace something like this every few years

Does my reasoning sound logical or am i just conditioned to want quality for a dollar not junk shoved down out throats

Maybe I should have Robert put this in DL cause the things I could say about stuff like this belong there

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bpetersxx's LINK on eBay

Post# 520994 , Reply# 1   5/28/2011 at 08:36 (5,008 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        
I can understand your perspective...

gmmcnair's profile picture
I considered a countertop dishwasher on a few occasions myself, and was appalled at the prices of some of them. $900??! It better be a solid company with a very LONG and comprehensive warranty....especially when I can get a portable that does an adequate job and holds a regular load for half that. It's definitely all about value in addition to quality, and some of this stuff is incredibly overpriced for what you get.

Post# 521010 , Reply# 2   5/28/2011 at 10:43 (5,008 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Oh dear! I don't think I would plan on anything LG working well for long and heaven help you if you ever need service because servicers don't seem to stock parts here.

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