Thread Number: 34788
When is a Primus not a Primus???
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Post# 521382   5/30/2011 at 01:13 (4,806 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        

seamusuk's profile picture
Hey Guys
Obviously the entry point Primus machine isnt made by them.... I would love a set though- how smart are they!!!


Post# 521389 , Reply# 1   5/30/2011 at 02:28 (4,806 days old) by nrones ()        
The one in the link

The one in the link is made by Asko, but I haven't understood quite clear do you think the one on the link is a real, or just badged primus?

If it is badged, can you show me the real Primuses? It's first time I hear of that washer manufacturer


Post# 521390 , Reply# 2   5/30/2011 at 02:47 (4,806 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        

seamusuk's profile picture
Hey Dex

Those are indeed Asko machines, Primus are one of the best known commercial laundry equipment companies- link below ;).



Post# 521394 , Reply# 3   5/30/2011 at 04:01 (4,806 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
The Clean show is next week. Primus is usually there, so I will see what they have...

Post# 521402 , Reply# 4   5/30/2011 at 06:01 (4,806 days old) by askomiele (Belgium Ghent)        
Primus in the rebadge industry

Primus is originally a Belgian company that started it's production around 1911, building washers with wooden tubs and laundry equipment for larger washing needs. By the 1930 they build washers and spindryers for both domestic and industrial use. In 1955 they started building fully automatic washers and washer-extractors for the domestic market, the laundromats that where comming-up and larger needs. In 1970 they dropped the domestic market and started focusing on the commercial market. In the beginning of 2000 they moved the whole production unit to Czech Republic, and started branding washers under the 'maytag industrial' logo.

The 'asko' washers and dryers (badged Maytag in the UK) where added to the productline to enter the nichemarket where only the Miele Little Giants offered semi industrial equipment for smaller laundry needs.

Around Heule, Kortrijk, many people still have a primus washer at home.

Also 40% of the market for coin-operated laundromats in Belgium belongs to Primus. The other 40% belongs to IPSO, who is still building there washers in Belgium (Wevelgem). The other 10% is Miele or now more and more Electrolux.

Post# 521483 , Reply# 5   5/30/2011 at 14:06 (4,806 days old) by nrones ()        

Thanks for the info! :D


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