Thread Number: 34803
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Post# 521581   5/31/2011 at 05:38 (4,805 days old) by bellaboy ()        

Hi all is there anyone ho work in the laundry and drycleaning i am an owner in norway and i miss a forum for this .....

Post# 521601 , Reply# 1   5/31/2011 at 09:39 (4,805 days old) by MIELEFOREVER (SOUTH AFRICA)        

Hi I am from South Africa and have contemplated starting a Wetcleaning Business but have know idea where to start from. Would be good if you can give me some pointers.


Post# 521756 , Reply# 2   6/1/2011 at 07:48 (4,804 days old) by bellaboy ()        
to mielelover

Hi first you need to think about space mony and machinery i hawe rebuilt a perc drycleaning machine to a wet cleaning machinery it is ideel. put it in dry and take it out dry but it cost, but not as mutch as a new wet cleaning machine doz. next you need to seek out the market for wet cleaning this is a okay method for cleaning but not as efficent as perc. ther is also lots of fabric that doz not like water it bleeds or schrink in colour or the seems. i do not know the prices in ur contry but to open a cleaning fac in norway u need at least 186535 us dollars or 1 million nok maby less in ur contry. u need to think a bout water . electriks and etc. but do not think bad it is possible for everyone to start

Wath kind of experiance do you have

how and wher do you get the money from

location of the buisness

maby u need to invest in normal laundry as well to keep the inncom at balance

is ther other ones that provide this kind of service in the aeria

if you want mor info dont hesitate to contact me at mail or by facebook seartch for ryrent norway and se wath you find my name is Erling

Post# 525814 , Reply# 3   6/20/2011 at 12:48 (4,785 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
Hey ,

Now then how does dry cleaning work?

Post# 526067 , Reply# 4   6/21/2011 at 15:04 (4,784 days old) by bellaboy ()        

Hi the prosses is garments are pre spotted, brusched then put i a machinery almost like a washer and dryer combo ther is lots of different machinery and solvents, but the garments are tumbeld in a solvent instead of water spin dryed and dryed by hot air then cooled and taken to finish

the machine is re - cycling the solvent by destilation chek out vids on youtube and search for drycleaning

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