Thread Number: 34846
Zanussi washer.
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Post# 521992   6/2/2011 at 13:17 (4,803 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

This washer belonges to my relatives. It replaced a fjs 1225 w. The machine spins at 1200 rpm, 7kg washload. However it is _NOT_ made in Italy,it is made in Thailand!!!!???? Why is an Itallian product made in Thailand when our Zanny dryer is Itallian and so is the cooker. Any help would be great.


Post# 521996 , Reply# 1   6/2/2011 at 13:32 (4,803 days old) by aeg03 (London, UK)        

That is absolutely disgusting. Our next washing machine was going to be a Zanussi Inverter with jet system washing machine but I don't think I will bother. Just put extra and buy a Miele.

I am not against goods from Far East as I have 3 Dysons which are Malaysian made and have been just fine but it seems that Electrolux is sending everything to low cost countries. Soon no Zanussi will be made in Italy. They took AEG from Germany. Some of the machines they have in their line up are subcontracted machines and not of Electrolux design, just badged Zanussi etc. What a great shame.

Post# 521999 , Reply# 2   6/2/2011 at 13:43 (4,803 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Were once owned by Zanussi at one point but there is no signs of Electrolux on it and to my opingion it looks nice. The Zanussi studio though Timon has one Exactly the same but is an Electrolux.

Post# 522004 , Reply# 3   6/2/2011 at 13:53 (4,803 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

ive got a lot of things against zanussi as some people will know and i have slowley restored my trust in them recently, ah well ive ripped zanussi and e-lux from my buy next list anyway so it dont matter

Post# 522017 , Reply# 4   6/2/2011 at 14:35 (4,803 days old) by nrones ()        
Someone maybe agreeing with me in this?

There is one thing that I hate more than anything - it's literally steeling ideas from another manufacturers! Well, every one gets things from another, but this is kinda bigger... why is RANGE Flexi-dose ''special''?

Zanussi dared to made a WHOLE range and campagin because they added an ability that Bosch, Gorenje and Whirlpool have for years, and it is to put a small blue plate at the end of the draw when using liquid detergent - when I first saw it I said like ''ok, and...???''..

And to make things even worse, instead of Gorenje and Bosch, in which you can easily just put that plate down, you have to pull the whole draw out, and put the plate down

And one more worse thing.. I will just copy-paste a word from the manual:
"*When using prewash, put the detergent directly into the drum"

So, machine in general is ok, but making something from nothing, that has been out there for years is shame if you ask me - Specially with disadvantages I mentioned above


Post# 522027 , Reply# 5   6/2/2011 at 14:47 (4,803 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

i agree with you Dex. it's annoying wehn one company launches a new feature then all other companys jump on the banwagon

Post# 522050 , Reply# 6   6/2/2011 at 17:11 (4,803 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
I don't know...

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...why any of you would be surprised.

Electrolux have been building 'Zanussi' machines in Thailand for at least 3 years and importing them to Oz. It may even be longer.

The only machines that we get that are made in Italy are, I believe, washer-dryers or top-end machines.

Mind, Bosch do the same thing....

...and Miele have a vacuum cleaner factory in China.

Post# 522057 , Reply# 7   6/2/2011 at 17:21 (4,803 days old) by FL1012 ()        
I agree

that the Flexi-Dose is nothing special. I saw the same thing on a Whirlpool 6th Sense last week & it was much better executed than Zanussis. As already mentioned, on the Zanussis you have to pull the whole drawer out whereas on the Whirlpool you could adjust the drawer from powder to liquid with it just pulled-out normally. It did make me laugh that the machines that make no big deal out of it actually did it better than Zanussi who make a point of putting a badge on the front about it!

However, just because something is made in Thailand does not mean it's necessarily poorly made. I admit the quality didn't seem great on some new Zanussi stuff i saw last week, but that could be down to general cost cutting, not necessarily because of where it's made.

Chances are the top end Jetsystem models are still made in Italy anyway, as these still use the previous facia design, not like the Flexi-Dose & Easy Iron models.


Post# 522060 , Reply# 8   6/2/2011 at 17:22 (4,803 days old) by FL1012 ()        
Also Chris....

It's a shame your relatives got rid of the FJS 1225W. What was wrong with it? I'd personally have paid well over £100 to keep that running as it was one of the last decent modern Zanussis made :(


Post# 522147 , Reply# 9   6/2/2011 at 22:54 (4,802 days old) by paulinroyton (B)        

Hi ex partner just bought a new Zanussi machine. Not sure of model number, but has a 1600 spin. The quality of the machine looks crap.

Wonder how long it will last. He bought it from John Lewis so he got 2 years warrenty on it, think he needs more cover on it.


Post# 522169 , Reply# 10   6/3/2011 at 02:57 (4,802 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
thank you

Very much. Are candy still Itallian as my aquamatic is???

I know, its stupid!!! Whats more the detergent I use says to place in the drum fullstop!!!!

The bearings went out and if it was purchased new on 5/10/00 and went out on Christmas 2010, it lasted a good 10 years!


Post# 522418 , Reply# 11   6/4/2011 at 09:14 (4,801 days old) by mattywashboy (Perth, Western Australia)        

mattywashboy's profile picture
We have Simpson front loaders that are made by Electrolux but in Thailand and look somewhat similar to that machine. My friend has one and she loves it, it doesn't do too bad a job, not a lot of noise to it, seems pretty solid too. I have just decided to move out with my partner and we wanted to get a new machine and I was considering one of these, think I am going to go with an Electrolux front loader thats actually electrolux since they are actually made in Italy. The Time Manager models are on special so might consider it depending on how much my partner wants to spend (we are splitting the price in half).

Anyway heres a pic of the Simpson/Electrolux machines... They come in either 5.5kg capacity with 850RPM or 7.0kg capacity with 1000RPM, my friend has the 7kg model.

Post# 522509 , Reply# 12   6/4/2011 at 18:44 (4,801 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

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I hate to rain on your parade, but unless you are looking to spend close to Miele money, the machine you get will be made in Thailand....


If it doesn't have the country of origin on the label near where the bellows are secured to the outer cabinet or on the inner edge of the door, then it is coming from Thailand...


Only the very top-end Electrolux machines are coming out of Italy these days.

Post# 523849 , Reply# 13   6/11/2011 at 02:21 (4,794 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Now the door and dispenser look exactly the same to the zanny above.

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