Thread Number: 35073
Need compact dishwasher help me decide 18" GE profile or Single Kitchenaid Drawer
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Post# 524730   6/15/2011 at 19:27 (4,990 days old) by verizonbear (Glen Burnie )        

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Hello all, I am formatting a kitchen for a friend, he wants a single wall layout that will be 12 feet long, my objective is to maximize both counter and storage space. My budget for the dishwasher is 800.00 have it narrowed down to a 18" GE profile or a Kitchenaide single drawer dishwasher. I am leaning toward the Kitchenaid, think it will hold more larger pots and pans and it is not an F and P design. What are your thoughts ?

Post# 524742 , Reply# 1   6/15/2011 at 21:09 (4,989 days old) by PassatDoc (Orange County, California)        

Have not heard good reviews re: KA drawers.

How much does an 18" Miele cost? I think they still make them. At least then it wouldn't be a dice roll re: quality.

Checking on the net, the 18" model is still made, but probably over budget. See link below.


Post# 524746 , Reply# 2   6/15/2011 at 21:16 (4,989 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Rock and a Hard Place

I have trouble loading and enjoying the ghostly similar D&M designed 18 inch dishwashers with multiple brand names sold today.  I have seen Meile 18 inch that is quality through out.  I have also used the Kitchenaid drawers and had reasonable success.  It really won't matter either way if your friend isn't in to cooking or entertaining. Most anything will rinse out drink glasses and toast plates.

Post# 524762 , Reply# 3   6/15/2011 at 23:18 (4,989 days old) by henry200 ()        

When planning the kitchen for my previous house (a tiny 8x10 ft room) I deliberated long and hard about what dishwasher to choose.  A full-sized unit was out of the question.  I looked at both the KA and F&P drawers, the Frigidaire and GE 18" machines, and even the GE under-sink model.  I finally decided to rearrange my budget on some other items so I could afford an 18" Miele. (around $1200)  I couldn't possibly have been happier with the decision.  The separate cutlery tray plus the multiple ways the other racks could be adjusted/reconfigured offered tremendous loading flexibility and surprising capacity; much more than the other 18" machines out there.  The cleaning performance was shockingly good.  Day-old heavily soiled dishes and pans would come out spotless on even the quick cycle.  And, it was SO QUIET that around the corner in the diningroom just 3 feet away you could not tell it was running until you heard water gurgling down the drain as it emptied.

Post# 524791 , Reply# 4   6/16/2011 at 06:04 (4,989 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
me i would highly recomend the standar 24 inch dishwasher

pierreandreply4's profile picture
me i would highly recomend the standard 24 inch dishwasher model as they have more loging capacety and i would also recommend going with the kenmore elite dishwasher as they are quiet even when the dishwasher is draining you are not noticing that its working

CLICK HERE TO GO TO pierreandreply4's LINK

Post# 524795 , Reply# 5   6/16/2011 at 07:01 (4,989 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Neither of your first choses are great performers and have many other limitations as well. Almost all thew 18" machines are the same Chinese design now D & M no longer makes an 18" model. The 18" line up includes Frigidare, GE, WP, KM and Danby. Buy by price and availability, GE has the fanciest version in thier Profile series if you want style and don't mind paying twice as much for the same machine. 


The 24" under sink GE would be my first choice if I had to make this painful decision, but we are only talking about finding 6 more inches for a real DW. And I have seen some pretty small kitchens and have almost always been able to rearrange to find 6", its finding 8, 10 and 12 inches is usually harder LOL.


But seriously it is often better to down size the 30" range by using an under-counter 24" electric wall oven with a 30" cooktop which can go partly over the DW if necessary.


But it all depends on your priorities, I agree with Kelly [ mixfinder ] to me a DW that holds a ton of stuff and gets it clean quickly is a must.

Post# 524801 , Reply# 6   6/16/2011 at 07:51 (4,989 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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To me, in such a small space, quiet would jump to the forefront over performance. As someone else mentioned, anything will wash out a drinking glass. Just do it in silence would be my choice. I would investigate the Miele further...


Post# 524804 , Reply# 7   6/16/2011 at 08:03 (4,989 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

I didn't recommend the 18" Miele because it is basically not easily repaired, it has so much stuff crammed under neath it [ it even has a water softener built in it ] that it will be prohibitively expensive to repair. Think Mercedes Benz sports car. Quiet has never been a top concern with a DW for me, you don't have to start your machine and sit down next to it and read a book. And they all have delay wash anyway if you think you will forget to start it later.

Post# 524819 , Reply# 8   6/16/2011 at 10:25 (4,989 days old) by lovestowash (St. Petersburg, FL)        
6" does make a world of difference...

lovestowash's profile picture

In a dishwasher as well...

Our cabin came with the GE 18" GSM1860 Stainless, MSRP $799 on the GE website...

It is of Chinese heritage, and, although it has up to 8 water changes on the Pots&Pans cycle, the water pressure/velocity is tantamount to a lawn sprinkler...

If you pre-wash the dishes, it does do a nice job of rinsing and drying...

If you can't secure the extra 6", I would forego the d/w, and keep the $800 in your pocket...JMHO...




Post# 524821 , Reply# 9   6/16/2011 at 10:52 (4,989 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Any dishwasher is better than no dishwasher at all!

I'd recommend this dishwasher here, made in Italy by SMEG.
Costs less than the Miele and cleans just as nicely if not better because it has the "shuttle" wash arm instead of the classic rotating one. Plus it costs 200 USD less than the other!

EAN13: 8017709114664 Hidden electronic control panel
Accepts custom door panel
Self-balancing door

5 wash cycles including Crystal washing,
and Extreme wash
Built-in water softener
Stainless steel tub and filter
Concealed heating element
Delay timer (up to 9 hours)
4 temperatures: 113°F, 131°F, 149°F, 158°F
Salt and Rinse Aid refill Indicators

Shuttle Wash System
Complete Water Leak Protection System

10 place settings capacity
Stainless steel baskets
Adjustable upper basket to accommodate
plates up to 11 ¾” in diameter
1 Cutlery basket
2 flip down tines in lower basket
2 glass support racks in upper basket
2 extra cutlery holders in upper basket
Easyglide basket movement

Noise level 45dB (A)
Energy star rated
Height leveling legs

Voltage rating: 120V - 60Hz
Connected load (nominal power): 120V - 1.3kW
13 Amps supply required

Water usage: normal cycle: 4.3 gal.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO dj-gabriele's LINK

Post# 524828 , Reply# 10   6/16/2011 at 11:10 (4,989 days old) by PassatDoc (Orange County, California)        

I never thought about the noise issue when I first considered your question, but if the rest of the living space is small, then noise is something to consider. I have three friends to whom I recommended Bosch as a replacement/upgrade. All three of these couples live in medium sized, newer homes, all of which feature a family room off the kitchen. That's where the flat screen tv with surround sound is located, that's where the family spends time together talking or watching entertainment. All three families have three kids, so they fill a DW every day, and generally mom needed to run the DW after dinner.

All three families are delighted with their Bosch DWs, not only because they clean well, but because they can use their family room and hear what they are saying (or hear the tv) instead of having to vacate the room. Some of these folks took to running their DW just before bedtime so that they could use their family rooms. Now, they can run the DW during tv, reading, or movie time, and still be able to unload it before bed. In all three cases, it's a two story home with bedrooms upstairs, but their prior DWs were noisy enough that they could not escape the noise while downstairs.

One of these families had a GE profile DW that came with the house when new. I remember that it had a delay wash feature (2-4-6 hours delay) and I never knew why, because I figured if the DW is full, run it now. That's because I'd never actually HEARD their DW operate---once I did, I discovered why they had the delay. It was so the owner could operate it in the middle of the night, when no one would hear the noise!! This was 15 years ago, before the advent of smart electric metering and differing rates based on time of use.

Post# 524898 , Reply# 11   6/16/2011 at 14:52 (4,989 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        
Just my own personal experience....

gmmcnair's profile picture
...but after living with an 18 inch model for 9 years, I was more than happy to sacrifice an extra 6" of space.

Post# 524974 , Reply# 12   6/16/2011 at 20:38 (4,989 days old) by verizonbear (Glen Burnie )        
Thank You you all

verizonbear's profile picture
I just remember that Bosch made and 18 model one and I am also thinking of the undersink GE too.

Post# 524998 , Reply# 13   6/16/2011 at 23:58 (4,988 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

How about showing us the layout of the kitchen?  There are lots of little tricks to maximize usage.  In my kitchen designs I always use a 30" sink base, and trim out the sides to accommodate a larger sink.  I agree I'd opt for a 24" wall oven and a cook top long before I'd opt for a too expensive and under performing 18" dishwasher.  I did a kitchen a few years back with the under sink GE dishwasher and I'd say it would be my second choice after shrinking the range.

Post# 525041 , Reply# 14   6/17/2011 at 07:44 (4,988 days old) by PassatDoc (Orange County, California)        
Bosch 18 inch dishwasher

Looks like it meets the budget, too.


Post# 525270 , Reply# 15   6/18/2011 at 07:38 (4,987 days old) by verizonbear (Glen Burnie )        
Thank You ALL!!!!!

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Thank You all for your feedback and assistance!!! I am going with the 18" Bosch because of the brand reputation and the 18 inch footprint is a standard for compact dishwashers. The drawer dishwasher have too many poor reviews, also the single drawer models are pretty much a custom install, I think fewer manufacturers will be offering drawer style units, I went to the local Baltimore sears outlet and saw they had a ton of drawer dishwashers most all customer returns.

Post# 525282 , Reply# 16   6/18/2011 at 08:55 (4,987 days old) by PassatDoc (Orange County, California)        

The 18" Bosch I found seemed to require a custom panel. I wonder if there is a ready-made 18" Bosch with a choice of white, black, or SS finish?

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