Thread Number: 35107
Miele babies have arrived
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Post# 525217   6/18/2011 at 01:10 (4,964 days old) by omomatic ()        

You will have to excuse me everyone, as I feel like a father with the birth of twins LOL.

My new Miele washer and dryer arrived the other day and I have say how happy I am with them. They replace an Asko washer (15 years old)and an Asko Condenser Dryer (10 years old). The funny things is that the Miele twins were cheaper than what I paid for the Asko's. But from the several loads that I have done so far, the quaility is out of this world. I should have done this years ago.

The Miele washer is model W3725 and the condensor dryer is T8423C. I have been blown away in the difference in washing and drying quality compared to the ASKO. Difference being capacity of 2kg more, the ease of cycle selection, washing performance and overall quietness.

I would love to hear from other people who have Miele and any advise that you may have.

Happy washing days ahead.

Thanks Bruce

Post# 525219 , Reply# 1   6/18/2011 at 01:11 (4,964 days old) by omomatic ()        
Miele with doors open

Money shot

Post# 525221 , Reply# 2   6/18/2011 at 01:12 (4,964 days old) by omomatic ()        
Replaced ASKO's

Here is what was replaced

Post# 525232 , Reply# 3   6/18/2011 at 02:01 (4,964 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

I agree. Miele are great, my Auinte has a Miele d/w and she is proud of it. And congrats on your purchace.

Post# 525268 , Reply# 4   6/18/2011 at 07:34 (4,964 days old) by Westie2 ()        

Very nice

Post# 525447 , Reply# 5   6/18/2011 at 23:47 (4,963 days old) by brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

Hi Bruce,


I've got the Older W2888 and T4888C washer and dryer pair.  Mine are 5kg models and whilst I've been eyeing off the new 7.5kg models, I cant quite convince Michael that they're a must have.  Plus I'd need to get a new dryer as the 5kg dryer struggles to hold a full load from the 5kg machine, let alone a bigger one.


The washer is coming up to 5 years old without any real issues, I have it programmed in Allergy mode with an extra high level rinse.  I use Cottons 40 for colours, Cottons 50 for lights/whites and Minimum Iron 50 plus intensive for shirts.  I've tried using the shirts cycle and I find it doesnt rinse very well on a full load, so I went back to using Minimum iron.  It lives in Euro mode these days, so a Non intensive cycle (Short) ranges from 1:10 to 1:40 on cottons.


I do my wool blend dress pants on Woolens and spin at 1200 with no issues, Curtains etc I wash on Delicates at 50degC.


The dryer I've never been fussed with, in our damp hot Brisbane summers it can take over 3 hours to dry a load spun at 1800RPM, so these days, I've left the condensor out and just run it as a vented dryer.  In that config it works well, but struggles capacity wise with a full load from the machine.  With the condensor in, only use low heat for anything synthetic or knit otherwise the elastic wrinkles and the knits shrink badly.


They should serve you well for quite a long time, the problem is, once you've got one, you've never got any reason to replace it when a new model comes along :)





Post# 525509 , Reply# 6   6/19/2011 at 09:15 (4,963 days old) by PassatDoc (Orange County, California)        

Bonza, mate!

Post# 525533 , Reply# 7   6/19/2011 at 10:35 (4,963 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        

paulc's profile picture
I have a two and a half year old W1613 and love it to bits. I wish I had bought a Miele years ago! Mine is a 6kg model and it always amazes me how much it can actually hold and wash well. I mostly use cottons, short, 30, 40, 60 deg depending what I am washing.The Cotton programme on mine adjusts wash time, intensity and rinses dependent on how heavy the load is as I am sure yours does. If washing clothes I usually load about 2/3 full so the cycle time is under 60mins but with a full 1300rpm spin at the end, I do not own a dryer so a fast spin in Scotland is essential! I also use Express for freshening up v small loads ie washing jackets or delicates that won't stand a cotton wash, or washing my "at home" clothes. The only thing I think I would change is the Automatic programme, I would like it to do 3 rinses and the full final spin if it thinks it is washing a cotton load.

Post# 525597 , Reply# 8   6/19/2011 at 14:54 (4,963 days old) by northernmary (Huddersfield - West Yorkshire)        

northernmary's profile picture
ive got the vented miele T8722 dryer


Post# 525601 , Reply# 9   6/19/2011 at 15:06 (4,963 days old) by northernmary (Huddersfield - West Yorkshire)        

northernmary's profile picture
ive got the miele Premier W 500 Washer

Post# 525791 , Reply# 10   6/20/2011 at 11:16 (4,962 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Beautiful children, although I am sure the square corners precluded a natural birth. Anyone with good sense will appreciate Miele machines. I am happy you have your set.

Post# 526412 , Reply# 11   6/23/2011 at 07:55 (4,959 days old) by mieleforever (SOUTH AFRICA)        
To omomatic

Hi there we bought a Miele Dryer and Washer last year, W5740 washer and T8822C, both of them is extremely efficient and since buying them I have realised what good a make Miele is.

Ours just dont have the slanted facia, otherwise I cant see any difference.

Enjoy them, you wont be dissapointed.

Forever Better.

Post# 526416 , Reply# 12   6/23/2011 at 08:16 (4,959 days old) by omomatic ()        
Thank you for your feedback

Hi Everyone

Thanks to Christopher, James, Charles & Jim for your kind words and hopefully will enjoy them for many years.

Tom, yes you are right about the sharp edges........ knowing that ahead, I decided to have them via surrogate. With the thought of having an epidural or worse spinal block, I thought that someone else could go through the internal damage of delivery with those nasty corners!!!! All I remember is waking up and 2 Miele professionals turning up and doing a painless delivery out the back of a red Miele truck. Mind you, both professionals were not THAT purrty...... had plumbers crack from here back to Germany!!!

Nathan, nice to hear from you as I grew up in Brisbane, and thank you for your input, especially with your comments about the condenser dryer as I would have never thought about that in a humid environment. But regarding your washing machine, it is amazing how much changes in 5 years. My washer takes 6.5kg and I am still not able to fill it to its’ capacity. Still used to the old ASKO that only took 4.5kg. But doing my curtains in it, I just keep thinking of the ironing that would be involved...... wish I had a Miele Rotary Ironer!!!

Nathan & James
I am prone to use the Cottons programme but adjusting the programme in relation to temperature control, but I do take what you have mentioned to heart and will try them all. However I did like the aspect that you can select Automatic and choose a cold wash (I know that this would send chills down our US counterparts). What I do love is that I can select a Cotton wash, the select a short wash and a pre-wash selection, and the wash is only 80 minute wash. The complete range of flexibility is amazing.

Thank you to all for your comments. But still calling out to Laundress... I would like to hear your words of wisdom!

Cheers Bruce

Post# 526727 , Reply# 13   6/24/2011 at 19:09 (4,958 days old) by omomatic ()        

Hi Mieleforever

Yes I would have to agree that there is not much difference at all. Thank god I saw the same model but in all stainless steel after I bought mine, but being double in price, I think that saved me.

Enjoy your Miele's

Post# 526747 , Reply# 14   6/24/2011 at 21:02 (4,957 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Shirts Programme

launderess's profile picture
That is Miele's wash program designed without interim spins is called "Permanent Press" on my older W1070 and one is instructed to load the drum half full.

Have found for perhaps four of five shirts it can be fine, but you have to watch your detergent choice and dosage. Thankfully my washer uses about 11 gallons per deep rinse (there are three), so results are usually ok.

Personally find more creases are set in with long and or fast final spin cycles. To this end I either stop the washer after the series of graduated spins are done before the final spin, or if the shirts are of heavy material let the machine spin for about 1 to 2 minutes at 900, then stop.

Post# 526949 , Reply# 15   6/26/2011 at 04:08 (4,956 days old) by twinniefan (Sydney Australia)        
Beautiful pair

twinniefan's profile picture
Congratulations Bruce, what a beautiful matching pair and they will most likely last you for many years to come, well done.
By the way is that red stick thing a H2O mop?,we had the older white model and hated it the damn pads would not stay on it ended up giving it the heave ho, but ended up with a different type of steam mop for free when Godfreys sold us the Hoover vacuum cleaner,.
Congrats on the Miele's again.

Post# 527146 , Reply# 16   6/27/2011 at 07:26 (4,955 days old) by omomatic ()        
Thank you Laundress

Thanks for the advice on the shirt programe, as I must admit I have not tried it yet as I have primarily used Cottons or the Automatic programe. Must be getting lazy in my old age LOL. I will take your advice and try it this week.

Regards Bruce

Post# 527147 , Reply# 17   6/27/2011 at 07:30 (4,955 days old) by omomatic ()        
Hey Steve

Thanks for the kind words.

Regarding the steam mop, the sticker reads 'Aqua Lazer' and I bought it off a friend who had order 2 from one of those shocking shopping networks (she had a spare new one). Although it is working fine at the moment, I don't expect it to last. I had a Kenwood one previously that lasted me about 9 years, so I can't bitch too much.

Kindest regards Bruce

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