Thread Number: 35134
Two new washers new models first time seen
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Post# 525600   6/19/2011 at 15:05 (4,786 days old) by nrones ()        


Recently I was able to see 2 new washers on something else different than a advertising picture from the manufacturer!

Hope we will make a good discussion of these two ;)


Post# 525602 , Reply# 1   6/19/2011 at 15:07 (4,786 days old) by nrones ()        
no1 - Samsung 12kg

Appliances online friday free washers! So a ''Super amazing mum'' won a Samsung 12kg newest model machine!

The video's in the link... waiting for your oppineon ;)



Post# 525607 , Reply# 2   6/19/2011 at 15:16 (4,786 days old) by nrones ()        
no2 - Candy EVO

Well, I saw this one myself!

I will tell no more than that, your oppineons and thoughts here first too ;)


Post# 525711 , Reply# 3   6/20/2011 at 04:12 (4,785 days old) by virabhadrasana (France / Italy)        
Samsung 12kg

The Samsung 12kg seems a standard size machine. So it should be the bigger capacity standard size washer available (LG 11kg on the 2nd place)!
What is the drum size?
In my opinion declared washing capacity is often bigger than reality.
As seen in others threads, Miele washers with 60 L. drum are supposed to handle 6.50 to 8 Kg loads; 6 kg washers have drums from 42 to 54 l.
I remember the first Whirlpool Dremspace approximately 8 years ago: it was bigger that standard washers, and had 78 l. drum for 8 Kg capacity. Nowadays, 78 l. machines are advertised for 11 kg!

Post# 525753 , Reply# 4   6/20/2011 at 08:52 (4,785 days old) by gorenje (Slovenia)        

gorenje's profile picture
Hi Dejan,

I have seen the new candy evo a few days ago when I was in a big appliances store in Italy. I must say that I like most the appearance of the new door and the easy opening on the top. This machine claim to do an optimal wash in controlled cold water because of the special mixing pump that mixes detergent and water.
It hase a very nice appearance.

Regarding the Samsung I agree with Marco (virabhadrasana) that the declared washing capacity is often bigger than reality. I mean, sure it is very big and (probably) can handle a 12 kg load, but if we calculate the volume of the drum per kg of laundry we will find that some space is missing.

Post# 525815 , Reply# 5   6/20/2011 at 12:57 (4,785 days old) by nrones ()        
90s passed while agoooo...

I think most of people on this forum need to update a bit!
In 90s 1000rpm machine was a ''super fast one'' and now 2000rpm is - everyone accepted that.
In 90s 10l of the drum was meant for 1kg of laundry, and now 0.7l of the drum is meant for 1kg of laundry - possible thanks to new technologies! I really don't understand why don't people go on with that (this is not ment for you 2 guys, just most of them on here seem to).

However there is one thing I dislike about some manufacturers and it's the same size drum and less/more kg on the label for example - hotpoint on has the same size drum in UK for 6,7 and 8kg machines (don't know if the story is same on the new ones), Mieles 7 and 8 kg drums are same, Electrolux too..

However on some brands, like Candy when you look at 5,6,7,8,9,10kg machine every drum is deeper (and indeed bigger) than the other, so at least when you get an 8kg machine, you will get bigger drum than when you buy a 6kg one - I say this simply because people never actually measure how many kg do they put, they just want to be orientated is it bigger drum or not - that's not the case with this Samsung, because I am sure it's ''12kg'' drum is exactly the same size as 10kg Hoover Dynamic ;)


Post# 526384 , Reply# 6   6/23/2011 at 04:05 (4,782 days old) by virabhadrasana (France / Italy)        
90s passed while agoooo...

Hi Dex
I do agree that new techologies applied to washers can emprove them and make them save water and power, but can you really get good results? New machines usually make only 2 rinses with low water level on cotton cycles (the only cycle which can be loaded to maximum capacity); 90s machines used to do 3 ou 4 rinses with high level; also, new machines reach the selected temperarure gradually, which means that the hot water action is not as effective as in older washers.
Besides, can thin belts and plastic components last for a long time with such heavy loads?
So if you stuff 12 kg into a 70 to 80 litres drum, I think you can't get good results, even if you select extra rinse or intensive wash options
Namaste :))

Post# 526389 , Reply# 7   6/23/2011 at 05:13 (4,782 days old) by nrones ()        
some yes, some not :)

Well, what you said can or can not be depending on situation or washing machine brand :)
I had experience with Gorenje (new, 7kg ones), Indesit (Ariston Aqualtis), and Candy (GrandOPlus new, and GrandO old).

So, washing results can on all 3 brands be good, because instead of washers from 90s, these machines are having waaaaay longer main wash, and clothes are being in high temperature and rotating for longer :)

When it comes to rinsing, they all do 2 rinses, however when you press extra rinse, Indesit will just add 1 more rinse, so that will make 3.
However Gorenje and Candy will add more rinses, and change the entire cycle, with higher levels etc.. and make it almost look traditional like 4 high rinses ;)

However newer models from some manufacturers are having options like eco, or programme ''cottons eco'' where it will do everything like you said, however there is a ''normal'' available, and for example normal cottons on my Candy does 3rinses normally :)


What does ''Namaste'' means? :D

Post# 526516 , Reply# 8   6/23/2011 at 14:50 (4,782 days old) by virabhadrasana (France / Italy)        

Hope you can read this before the Webmaster removes it for being not pertinent with the Forum!;)
Namaste is a Indian salutation or greeting like good day, or good evening.
Usually at the end of a Yoga class people say it to each other.
Yoga is my biggest interest, almost as washers, and of course Virabhadrasana is the name of a Yoga posture ;)))

Post# 526875 , Reply# 9   6/25/2011 at 16:53 (4,780 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        
What has Yoga got to do with New Washing Machines?

sorry to virabhadrasana but Yoga has nothing to do with New Machines on the market, why did you post that, surely you should post that in the Super forum as thats for anything.

Anyway, Back to the point:)
I like those new Candys they look good, but obviously the Uk won't get them (or we will get a very basic machine).
(Nrones are you going to maybe purchase one of these new Candys?)

I hope they last a long time. Though I am wondering if the 1600rpm top speed will damage bearings.
Might have to reduce it to 1000rpm. Oh well there again, they might as well just sell a 1000rpm one, otherwise to much damage to the drum spider.

As for the Eco Bubble-I am impressed, shame that appliancesonline haven't uploaded any more videos of it and supercoolmum.
But as for the interims, I am told they are very long (Giving to much stress as you said) and may result in them not lasting very long. Saying that they have a magnetic motor so that should give a little longer life.

I hope you can fit 12KG in it anyway-otherwise it would look very bad on Samsung brand.

Thats probably loads to take in:) Just saying:)
I like both machines-to sum up! (Just wished Candy was better in the UK thats all!)

PS-Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes.

Post# 526879 , Reply# 10   6/25/2011 at 17:27 (4,780 days old) by nrones ()        

virabhadrasana talked about Yoga because I asked him something that he wrote, and he told me that he wished me a good day on language that is used for Yoga.. you know It's always goot to make a cultural rise, and make atmosphere better, and more natural ;)

I won't be getting those EVO's.. my parents told me that we will be getting a new machine earlest in 2021, since they said that GrandOPlus have to last at least 10 years.

You deffinatley can fit 12kg in the market, if it wasn't possible, tests wouldn't allow samsung to say it's 12kg washer ;) However, I am not sure that super cool mum did any more vids actually xD
You can inform yourself about that on Facebook's appliancesonline where she posts video from her own YouTube account :)


Post# 526992 , Reply# 11   6/26/2011 at 10:32 (4,779 days old) by nrones ()        

I just today found out that EVO is available in Comet for 399pounds!

And after a looong time, UK haven't got a basic Candy! This is actually quite advanced one (same as one on the picture I posted, just 8kg and 1400rpm).

To be honest I thought UK will get the most basic one, however a positive surprise came! Only if in UK was available 5 year free parts and labor guarantee and it would be perfect -- however it seems we'll have to wait for that! xD



Post# 527012 , Reply# 12   6/26/2011 at 12:33 (4,779 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Candy is available in the UK.... its called Hoover....Hoover is the dominant brand and Candy is the entrylevel....which works well here because of the Hoover History!!

Post# 527058 , Reply# 13   6/26/2011 at 16:21 (4,779 days old) by nrones ()        

I know that.. I just made this post because more and more I see comments on YouTube, here and everywhere how some users from UK want to have all those machines in Candy version (name and design) too :P I know it's a bit pointless, but it is xD

For example, Serbia is a total-Candy country market (no Hoover white good available, only vacs), however there is a lot of countries where you can get both Hoover and Candy on both dominant and entrylevel ;) maybe UK is now becoming one of them :)


Post# 527156 , Reply# 14   6/27/2011 at 08:42 (4,778 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

I spotted this Evo/Hoover hybrid washer dryer today in Costco:

Post# 528793 , Reply# 15   7/5/2011 at 10:41 (4,770 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        
Already discontinued in Comet stores!

Obviously that particular model didn't sell well, so Comet have already withdrawn it. After looking they do have the very basic evo model (But it doesn't have Power thing)!

Post# 528796 , Reply# 16   7/5/2011 at 11:04 (4,770 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

bet if they start advertising it like they did with the aqualtis ten thy would sell likr hot cakes!

Post# 528798 , Reply# 17   7/5/2011 at 11:10 (4,770 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        

I suspect so!

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