Thread Number: 35209
latest hysteria on our local news: dishwasher fungus
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Post# 526503   6/23/2011 at 13:49 (4,782 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I don't exactly understand this unless it is related to new low temperature dishwashers allowing this stuff to grow and the phosphate ban allowing deposits to build up in machines for the fungus to feed on.

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This post was last edited 06/23/2011 at 18:02

Post# 526507 , Reply# 1   6/23/2011 at 14:11 (4,782 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Maytag Neptune Syndrome...

Post# 526513 , Reply# 2   6/23/2011 at 14:25 (4,782 days old) by Toggleswitch (New York City, NY)        

toggleswitch's profile picture
Moist, hot environments are a common breeding ground for fungi. Yeah and yeast too.

That can be fixed with concrete and two stitches I always say.

Anyhow, one cant go wrong with a LITTLE bit of bleach occasionally in the dishwasher.

Post# 526564 , Reply# 3   6/23/2011 at 21:19 (4,781 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Well lets see, the dishwasher example shown is a 1970s GE with the light green raks. they probably have the water heater set very low and the machine does not do a water heat delay at all.

Post# 526591 , Reply# 4   6/24/2011 at 01:35 (4,781 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        
What's good for the gander is not good for the goose.

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Since we been going green, use less is more useless and starting to show it's big head!
It looks like this is one area of water waste that should be kicked to the curb because this was never a major problem when these units used more water and phosphates.

As I looked back at my first Kenmore dishwasher, there was greasy gunk under the door rim that did not kill us.
The PP cycle consists of prewash, two rinses, heated main wash, two rinses and the heated/non heated dry cycle.
So what's going on with these eco dishwashers that now is becoming a life hindering problem?

Post# 526597 , Reply# 5   6/24/2011 at 04:52 (4,781 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        
Since we been going green, use less is more useless and star

Again, that is the "usual American" perspective as you are rushed at being (not-so) "eco friendly" instead of choosing it by yourselves.

And I must add that the article is mostly hysteria: read "...can possibly lead to disease" so it will never bring disease! It's like saying that drinking water can possibly lead to water intoxication! It could but you have to drink 5 liters of water at once! Who does that?!

Most new European dishwasher, can do an "eco" cycle that really cleans and sanitizes while using just 9-10 liters of fresh water and under a kW of electricity. Without problems of mold growth and similar.
Even the other "less" green machines can do quite good with an average of 12-16 liters per "eco" cycle and manage the same thing. And of course they didn't remove the ability to use a "classic" pots&pans cycle that uses almost twice the water and the energy but usually it's not needed because the results are good the same.
The difference as "Appnut" pointed out it that these machines will self heat the water and so there isn't problem of washing at a temperature not high enough to prevent molds. A new machine rated "A+" or "A-20%" will use only around 0,85 kWh of electricity for a wash but will guarantee a last rinse at 70°C (158 °F) to sanitize everything.

Post# 526598 , Reply# 6   6/24/2011 at 05:10 (4,781 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
Stating the obvious

"it was discovered on the rubber band of the dishwasher door" means that it was discovered exactly on the only part of the dishwasher that is not cleaned by the washing process: that "rubber band" is simply the door seal.

By the way, the door seal is also the only part of the interior of the dishwasher that needs to be manually cleaned even when doing a maintenance wash and that can collect grime when the dishwasher is loaded (dishes can drop on the border of the open door where it gets in contact with the seal: if you don't clean, when you close the door the grime is trapped between the door and the seal and will not be washed away).

If I remember correctly, some dishwasher cleaning products recommend manually cleaning the door seal with some undiluted product before starting a maintenance wash.

There are rumors that "Which?" is studying the issue...

Post# 526616 , Reply# 7   6/24/2011 at 07:13 (4,781 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

Only in America...

Post# 526828 , Reply# 8   6/25/2011 at 10:42 (4,780 days old) by AZREOspecialist ()        

There is a fungus among us...

Post# 526935 , Reply# 9   6/26/2011 at 02:18 (4,779 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        


Post# 526963 , Reply# 10   6/26/2011 at 07:59 (4,779 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Makes you wonder...

mrb627's profile picture
Why don't the new dishwashers have a clean machine cycle? Which manufacturer will be the first to add one to the machine lineup?


Post# 526986 , Reply# 11   6/26/2011 at 09:48 (4,779 days old) by henry200 ()        

Wouldn't running a high temp wash cycle do the same thing?  It still wouldn't do anything about mold growing on the door gasket.  I think the basic problem is lots of people don't maintain their appliances.   What is so hard about wiping down the gasket periodically when you notice any gunk building up?  More times than I care to count I've heard people say things like "My fridge is a piece of junk.  It's only a few years old and doesn't get cold anymore."  And when I ask "Do you vacuum off the cooling coils?"  you can guess what the answer is.  And vacuum cleaners that never get emptied or filters changed, toasters with so many crumbs in the bottom they're a fire hazzard.......the list goes on.

Post# 527013 , Reply# 12   6/26/2011 at 12:36 (4,779 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Why don't the new dishwashers have a clean machine cycle

chestermikeuk's profile picture
I think this relates to under the rubber gard which sits under the bottom of the door, it doesnt get flushed & cleaned by any of the jets etc.....and have seen some rank ones in my time!!

Like you say preventative medicine, drop down the door, lift up the rubber flap and wipe clean with bleach!!

Post# 527025 , Reply# 13   6/26/2011 at 13:23 (4,779 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture

If it happens in washers,refrigerators and freezrs,it will sure as hell happen in dishwashers or ANY appliance that uses water if it's kept closed,not open,to let all the moisture and dampness that accumulates inside evaporate.I have a small piece of wood I use to keep my Kenmore convertible clean and sweet smelling.It keeps the door open enough to air the inside out.I keep all the washer doors wide open when not in use. The new Frigidaire Affinities have a small device on the door switch-lock that opens and holds the door open just enough for it to air out the inside. Great new feature!!

Post# 527094 , Reply# 14   6/26/2011 at 20:29 (4,779 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

I clean my DW every month. I get on my knees, reach inside and wipe the sides, top and bottom, I clean the gaskets with warm soapy water since these are on the outside of the machine not the inside where hot water is, I rinse the filter and remove the arms and make sure they are not clogged. I wonder how many people are actually cleaning their DW?

Post# 527099 , Reply# 15   6/26/2011 at 21:12 (4,778 days old) by MaytagA710 ()        

I usually do the same thing too, Jared. I just clean the door seals, and anywhere where the water doesn't reach but snots like to build up. I check the filters and spray arms to see if any snots built up in there too. Then I send it through Rinse & Hold cycle empty just to wash it out.

Post# 527177 , Reply# 16   6/27/2011 at 11:14 (4,778 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

iheartmaytag's profile picture

The fungi I am not so worried about.  A little Liquid Chlorine Bleach takes care of that.  

As for the Anti-American comments, I think a high dose of ionizing radiation should do it.


Post# 527182 , Reply# 17   6/27/2011 at 11:35 (4,778 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
For Iheartmaytag

I am not sure why you propose two different solutions: they both are suitable to resolve both the two issues you mention; wouldn't be better to let the user decide? :)

(I am just kidding...)

Post# 527260 , Reply# 18   6/27/2011 at 18:44 (4,778 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

I wipe the door seals and the metal mating surfaces of the door just prior to starting a cycle, each and every time I use the machine.

And I carefully flush the area where the bottom doorseal contacts the lip of the steel tub, with a small jug of hot tap water.

I can't use the "Normal Automatic" cycle in my machine (basically, a mainwash + 2 rinses) for anything remotely greasy, else everything has a greasy feel and a smell/taste. I think the wash temperature is pretty dire for this programme; I never feel much heat coming from the machine on this cycle.

I have to use the "Super Auto" programme (usually a mainwash + 3 rinses). Temperature is at least 60°C. I like my dishes to feel squeaky clean and taste-free.

Post# 528322 , Reply# 19   7/2/2011 at 17:59 (4,773 days old) by hoovermatic (UK)        

another reason to produce a product for the gullible consumer to buy. Sanitise, schmanitise. I have never used one of those dishwasher cleaners and the inside of my machine is spotless. Bol**cks to the manufacturers and their 'essential' products.

Post# 528338 , Reply# 20   7/2/2011 at 20:14 (4,773 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Bol**cks to the manufacturers and their 'essential'

ronhic's profile picture

Correct! for the 'Anti-America' comment on possibly my comment of 'only in America', well, please show me another media outlet in another country that has seen fit to make it a story?


It isn't a story at's a complete non-story caused by people, yet again, having no blasted idea about how to look after an appliance and wanting to blame someone else for their failings...detergent manufacturers, manufacturers, government etc...only this time, there is really no problem that a damp cloth once a month and leaving the door ajar doesn't sort...



Post# 528342 , Reply# 21   7/2/2011 at 20:47 (4,772 days old) by bwoods ()        
..and more fungi

When I purchase used dishwashers, the first thing I do is partially dissassemble them and thoroughly clean various parts with a toothbrush and bleach.

More often than not, I fund some form of fungus/mold growth somewhere. Some is just the typical black mold on the bottom of the door seal. But, especially on GE's, I have noticed a hairy type fungus/mold (like you see on food you forgot about in the refrigerator.) on the underside of the water level float and hidden side of the sump grate.

I am sure many of you have encountered the same.

Most people don't think to pull the float out or unscrew the sump grate and look on the underside. Back when some DW detergents had chlorine in them, this may have been less of an issue.

However, I don't recall any older GE's, that I have bought, that didn't have these
nasty looking deposits tosome extent. My guess is that food residue build up on the underside and serves as a growth medium for the fungi spores, aided by warmth and moisture.

Regardless,it's very nasty looking.

When cleaning two or three machines at once,I usually just takes the parts out and put them in my good dishwasher in the kitchen with a little bleach and it scrubs all these nasties away quite nicely.

Whether or not anyone has ever developed health issues from fungi spores left on dishes, I don't know. It doesn't seem probable, unless someone had large amounts of fungal growth all over the inside of the machine. The rare exception might be theindividual who has a hyper sensitive allergic reaction to mold.

The press like to sell their papers and the writers their magazines, and TV news programs like to have viewers. Thus, they tend to write stories that get us at the emotional level. I think this axiom holds true in Europe as well as the U.S.

People are people.

Post# 528358 , Reply# 22   7/2/2011 at 22:20 (4,772 days old) by surgilator_68 (Maryland)        

surgilator_68's profile picture

We've been scrubbing that crap out of dishwashers for about 3 years now. Recently I went on a call for a smelly dishwasher and when I opened the door I almost fell over. It smelled of rotting garbage and was covered in mold spots. It looked like a Dalmatian.

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