Thread Number: 35225
Fisher & Paykel Aquasmart
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Post# 526665   6/24/2011 at 13:12 (4,868 days old) by liberator1509 (Ireland)        

Hi all

I'm am soon to pick up a FP Aquasmart when I'm back in the UK at the beginning of July (thanks as ever to Rich who is going to mind it for me for a few days!). Can't wait to try it out - have wanted one of these for ages, and finally hunted one down in the UK - it is the LCD model, imported from Australia and will replace the Hotpoint TL as the daily driver.

I know a few US members have these machines - how easy is it to remove the low-profile agitator and tub. Rich has the FP smart-drive and it is a piece of cake to take apart - we're assuming the Aquasmart will be the same, but just wonder how easy the low-pro agitator is to get out, so we can have a snoop further inside.

WIll keep you posted on it...

D :-)

Post# 526787 , Reply# 1   6/25/2011 at 03:42 (4,868 days old) by richukbristol ()        

Hi David, can't wait to see you and the Aquasmart. I'm so glad you've finally got one, you've been after one for such along time congratulations. All we need to do now is get the matching dryer and I have to let Emerson know another washer will staying for awhile, he'll be thrilled lol.


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