Thread Number: 35250
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Post# 526945   6/26/2011 at 03:24 (4,779 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

Who are they? never heard of them till now...

CLICK HERE TO GO TO aquarius8000's LINK

Post# 526950 , Reply# 1   6/26/2011 at 04:27 (4,779 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
If I remember correctly...

Ocean ("Officina Costruzioni Elettriche Angelo Nocivelli", something like "Electrical Products Factory Angelo Nocivelli", from the name of the founder) was an Italian company owner of the brand Iberna (fridges and freezers).

In the 90s, they bought Italian brands as SanGiorgio, and other brands as Thomson-Brandt, Vedette in France, Blomberg, other companies in Eastern Europe, and became the fourth European home-appliances group (after Electrolux, whirlpool and Bosch-Siemens).

The company went bankrupt when it acquired the French company Moulinex: after the acquisition of Moulinex (small appliances, France) the company discovered that the debts of the French company were three times what declared. Moulinex went bankrupt and this caused the bankrupt of Ocean.

Some of the former Ocean brands are now property of Fagor.

Post# 526952 , Reply# 2   6/26/2011 at 04:41 (4,779 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
The brand name still exists, apparently Fagor/Brandt exploits this name.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO foraloysius's LINK

Post# 526954 , Reply# 3   6/26/2011 at 04:54 (4,779 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

I had a moulinex iron and i haded it! it actually put more creases into my washing than it took out.
thoes washers on oceans website look like vestel rebdadges

Post# 526955 , Reply# 4   6/26/2011 at 04:55 (4,779 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

they also sold through the iceland chain of shops in the uk

Post# 527066 , Reply# 5   6/26/2011 at 17:41 (4,779 days old) by FL1012 ()        

We've got a Moulinex Iron. A 'Brio 60' brought from Robert Dyas about 2 years ago, it's pretty good & has outlasted our previous two Philips irons. We'd had a few Philips ones & they had been good but after two only lasting 12-18 months each we decided to try something else.

Mums only critisism of the Moulinex is that it's heavier than the Philips ones, but that's partly our fault for comparing everything except the weights of the irons on the shortlist i drew up!

We also had a Moulinex vacuum cleaner in the 80s, which lasted ages. It did spectacularly blow-up though - with such force that it shot the screw out of its plug & cracked the socket it was plugged into! Oops.


Post# 528106 , Reply# 6   7/1/2011 at 16:27 (4,774 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Ive bit te bullt Liam, i bought a new bosch sensixx b4 iron and its absoloutly fab! its nice and heavy and it feels sturdy and it does a superb job of putting steaming garments and putting thoes smart looking creases bick into trousers.
my 20 year old black and decker started to get hot around the cord enterance hole and around the plug arera, my mum had a philips whe she got married in the 80's and the old philips iron was 10 years old before my mum accidentily dropped it and it cracked, then she bought the black and decker and then in 2003 that crap mounilex and then a crappy breville and now this nice new bosch, i cant tell you what the phillips looked like cos i was born in the late 90's :)

Post# 528264 , Reply# 7   7/2/2011 at 11:11 (4,773 days old) by hoovermatic (UK)        
Moulinex vacuum

Liam, was your Moulinex an upright or a canister?


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