Thread Number: 35278
Dual Action agitator question
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Post# 527304   6/28/2011 at 06:28 (4,865 days old) by rpms (ontario canada)        

rpms's profile picture
I noticed the washer was getting really noisy. The top portion of the agitaor isn't turning all the way. It is making a snapping, grinding sound. Its like its missing the cogs or something? Is this an easy fix or whole new agitator?

Post# 527336 , Reply# 1   6/28/2011 at 11:13 (4,864 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
just need to replace the can buy them seperate and they have a whole complete rebuild kits.....priced from 5.00 to 20.00........usually a 15 minute repair....

Post# 527338 , Reply# 2   6/28/2011 at 11:19 (4,864 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
heres a video to show you how easy and simple it can get the dogs from any parts place wether local or on-line......just have your model number


Post# 527353 , Reply# 3   6/28/2011 at 13:29 (4,864 days old) by MaytagA710 ()        
Parts stores

Since you're in Canada like me, I feel the pain about Repair Clinic not shipping to Canada. One company I deal with is Reliable Parts. They are pretty good, and always have quick service and very helpful.

Although it lists the Cam kits as "out of stock" just give the branch in your city a call, they are bound to be able to find it. (I just punched in the model number for my machine)


Post# 527358 , Reply# 4   6/28/2011 at 14:07 (4,864 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
try this in Canada.....and these are in stock

now their called COGS


Post# 527434 , Reply# 5   6/28/2011 at 19:45 (4,864 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Brain what kind of washer are you asking about? Please everyone when you ask for advice let us know the make model and age of the machine in question.

Post# 527470 , Reply# 6   6/28/2011 at 22:43 (4,864 days old) by MaytagA710 ()        
Thanks Yogitunes!

Hey Martin thanks for EasyAppliance Parts. I didn't know they shipped to Canada. Their prices are a bit better than Reliable Parts. I also have no idea why I referred to the cogs as cams... Must have something else on my mind lol.

Post# 527533 , Reply# 7   6/29/2011 at 07:06 (4,864 days old) by rpms (ontario canada)        

rpms's profile picture
Thanks for your help, You Tube is just the best. It is the dogs that are at fault. There are some broken teeth in the bottom of the agitator too.
I bought my Kenmore in 1995 and this is the first repair it has ever had. I called a repair store one town over. They have the parts for $4.00 and a service call is $46.00, good deal.
The parts are cheaper than Sears and I would spend $20.00 driving to the city to get them. I don't have a big wrench either, to remove the agitator.

Post# 527857 , Reply# 8   6/30/2011 at 12:46 (4,862 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

I replaced them several times one WP and KM machines, it's and quick and easy.


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