Thread Number: 35281
How Your New Top Load Washer Works
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Post# 527341   6/28/2011 at 12:18 (4,976 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

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It seems that that lid is locked all cycle. I guess the idea of watching a TL washer wash is dying. Perhaps it is to prevent people from freaking out when they see how little water it is using.

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Post# 527355 , Reply# 1   6/28/2011 at 13:48 (4,976 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
just a tought here

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me in my tought and don't say i don't stick to realty here i am and i also think thats using so little water in a washer leeds to a poor wash efficency i for 1 thing prefer the good old fashion top load washers with agitator and i also don't see the use of having a lid lock on the washer as well and if i have to rely in buying for my next washer in a couple of years from now to the one i am linking i will.

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Post# 527357 , Reply# 2   6/28/2011 at 13:53 (4,976 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

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It is my understanding that the lid lock feature is for safety reasons.  Because there is no center agitator the tub is more open and easier for a child to fall into the machine.  Because they would be in an upside down position it would be difficult for them to get out or call for help.  Since one can drown in as little as 2 inches of water the lid is locked and if raised many of the machines will immediately drain. 



Post# 527360 , Reply# 3   6/28/2011 at 14:15 (4,976 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture
That would drive me crazy. How can you tell if you've put enough detergent? Where's my wire snips?

No kids and I know better than to stick my hand in while it's running, I did that once about 60 years ago. It only takes once.

Post# 527369 , Reply# 4   6/28/2011 at 14:55 (4,976 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i don't have any kids as well and me with a top load washer my wash pattern is

1-start washer

2-had liquid bleach if (*loads needes liquid bleach)(on rare occassion where i set the washer to a hot water wash) then had the detergent when not using bleach i add the detergent as the washer fills

3-then i put the clothes in the washer as the washer fills that way i know the detergent is desolve as it desolve as the washer fills.

Post# 527395 , Reply# 5   6/28/2011 at 16:23 (4,976 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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The machine in the video is a "normal" deep-fill agitator machine regards to washing.  Water is saved via the shower rinse function, unless Fabric Softener Yes is selected.


Pay attention to the video.  She points out the EnergyStar designation ... but the machine she USES for the demo is not an HE unit, I don't see an EnergyStar logo on the full-shots of the console (although the shots are quick and somewhat from afar so maybe I'm missing it), and the detergent choice is not labeled HE.


There are also some editorial errors in the narration.  She says "If your washer does not have an agitator, use the Downy ball included with your washer."  I believe that line should rightly be "If your washer does not have an agitator dispenser, use the Downy ball included with your washer."

Post# 527406 , Reply# 6   6/28/2011 at 17:13 (4,976 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

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why use a downy ball when you can simply had the fabric softner in the tub as the washer fills for the rinse well me from time to time i use liquid fabric softner and if i did not have a fabric softner dispenser i would had my fabric softner in the rinse water as the washer would fill for the rinse {in a top loading washer}

Post# 527437 , Reply# 7   6/28/2011 at 19:55 (4,976 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

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your not understanding the purpose of what a Downy ball is used for. It is for CONVENIENCE of not having the be at the washing machine at the right time, and for machines that do NOT have a fabric dispenser.

Post# 527452 , Reply# 8   6/28/2011 at 20:51 (4,976 days old) by gr81nknox ()        
lid locking

I too wondered if the locking lid is to prevent one from seeing how little water is inside, although the top end models actually have a glass lid(and a light on some!) which allows you to watch the action. My guess is the locking is due to the higher spin speeds(1100 RPMs on some) and no tub brake. On my parents HE Kenmore, the basket coasts down for about 2 minutes after the cycle stops and it unlocks.

Post# 527495 , Reply# 9   6/29/2011 at 01:47 (4,976 days old) by AutowasherFreak ()        

I wish my WP Cabrio had the glass lid, I like to watch the wash action, but if I was continually watching the washer, I wouldn't get anything else done, LOL.


Post# 527498 , Reply# 10   6/29/2011 at 02:00 (4,976 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

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Set of videos....I like the Precision Dispense vid, didnt realise it had a cartridge in the dispenser draw, all the "Auto Dispense" machines here have a large reservoir that you fill, usually through the detergent drawer to a tank in the base!!

Post# 527538 , Reply# 11   6/29/2011 at 07:29 (4,975 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
No kids and I know better than to stick my hand in while it&

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Yes, but.  The companies have to show they did everything to protect you in this letigious society. 

I'm smart enough to not put a cup of hot coffee on the boys either, but that didn't stop McDonald's from having to pay out big time to someone that burned the jewels when the lid came off.


Post# 527665 , Reply# 12   6/29/2011 at 16:04 (4,975 days old) by nrones ()        
question about locking...

Now when we are talking about locking the lid..

Whay is it at the start of the wash, it first locks, then unlocks, and then locks - not quickly - takes about 40 seconds to do that...

So what's the point of that?


Post# 527725 , Reply# 13   6/29/2011 at 20:41 (4,975 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

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me i think that this locking lid thing is going to be a pain if we have to wait 40 second everytime we have to had something and that also going to push alot of consumers toward older refurbish machines that don't have a lid lock as well in my toughts.

Post# 527785 , Reply# 14   6/30/2011 at 06:22 (4,974 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Lid Lock

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I think that the lid locking is being added so they don't have to worry about having a tub break.  And all the front loaders have it, it is a selling feature.


Honestly, I cannot remember the last time I had to add a missed item to an already running load of wash.  I think you are reading too much into the lid lock thing.  There are ways around everything, IMO.



Post# 527799 , Reply# 15   6/30/2011 at 07:27 (4,974 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        
Speed Queen, Frigidaire, ..................................

are just a few brands that I remember having lid locks.....mostly for the spin cycle, but you are right Malcolm, they have been around for a while.

Post# 527804 , Reply# 16   6/30/2011 at 07:36 (4,974 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Frontloaders may have a safety start routine that locks the door, sprays water in for a moment (to warn a child inside that the machine is starting), unlocks briefly (to allow exit), then locks again and continues on.  Perhaps the example toploader is running its lock/unlock/lock routine for similar reasons.


A locking toploader lid is unlikely to be a serious impediment to the typical start-it-and-forget-it consumer.  Adding items to a running load isn't done so often in practice as one may worry about about in theory.  I've been using a dishwasher and a dryer for the past 7+ and 6+ years that have locking lids and it has been a total non-issue for me.

Post# 527825 , Reply# 17   6/30/2011 at 09:36 (4,974 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

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During the front loader's lock/unlock/lock sequence the computer is also verifying that the lock is truely engaged.   If you open the door during the first unlock and then shut it again mine will run the sequence again before starting.



Post# 527827 , Reply# 18   6/30/2011 at 09:45 (4,974 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

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Me i do not mind a lid lock what i do not like about the lid lock option is the clicking sound that makes as i find the sound annoying and for me in my case i do not see a use for having a lid lock on a top loading washer.

Post# 527836 , Reply# 19   6/30/2011 at 10:55 (4,974 days old) by glenfieldmathk1 (Glenfield-Leicester-UK)        
Precision dispense Ultra

After watching the film, the Ultra Dispense is very simply a copy of the Bosch & Siemens i-Dos Machines. The Siemens/Bosch ones hold more though.
And No It doesn't store the detergent in a tub, it simply sits in that device.

I Have noticed most of the top loaders don't mention they have agitators any more on Whirlpool site. I few which look like they would have agitators, don't if you read the description.
Still I like the Look of them, and automatic style.
I wonder could you confuse the lock, by putting a pen in the switch, making it operate with lid open? I should hope so!

Post# 527840 , Reply# 20   6/30/2011 at 11:12 (4,974 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

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I can see the locking needed for spinning, and since the washer in the video above does spin right at the beginning of the cycle as part of its load analysis, locking for that purpose makes sense. But it seems that the new TL washers with agitators are no longer like the TLs of the past. They need to use less and cooler water to meet energy requirements. The agitator washers, at least the ones made by Whirlpool, are no longer top-of-the-line machines, and I haven't seen any of the newer ones with a glass lid. That designation is saved for the new generation of washers with wash plates and the H2low wash systems.  With a solid, locked lid, more creative means are needed to observe a cycle in progress.


I have had a FL washer for over 8 years now, and am a convert as I find it cleans better, is more gentle, and is more energy efficient than the TL's I have used in the past. But I grew up fascinated by TL washers and how the different agitators worked, and feel sad as I watch an era come to an end.

Post# 527953 , Reply# 21   6/30/2011 at 22:14 (4,974 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

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I grew up with FLs and have one now. But I never met an agitator I couldn't appreciate.

Does that make me bi?

Post# 528008 , Reply# 22   7/1/2011 at 08:20 (4,973 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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No!  You are Agi-Curious...

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