Thread Number: 35308
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Post# 527717   6/29/2011 at 19:59 (4,975 days old) by vac-o-matic ()        

Looking for some expert opinions on buying a new dishwasher to replace my Kenmore Ultra Wash which is at least 15-16 yrs. old. I do not work on major appliances, so a little hesitant on looking for a vintage model, although I do love the old Kitchenaids! I was in Home Depot today and looked at Amana and Maytag models side by side, both on sale for 100.00 off, making them very reasonable. The Maytag version looked nicer from the outside with no visible controls on the front of the door and a wide handle similar to an oven door handle. The Amana was also a tall tub type, but with the touch controls on the front. Inside they looked very similar, with the Maytag looking like it might have a little more coating on the racks? Are these basically the same? I asked a friend of mine who's a member of this forum and he said stay away from Whirpool, maybe go for a GE? I know things today do not last like they did 20 years ago, but I have a 20 yr. old Whirpool fridge, and 20yr. old Kenmore washer/dryer set that have given me no trouble, and I believe they were made by Whirlpool as well. I'm single and run my dishwasher maybe once/twice a week at the most, and don't want/need to invest in a high end machine. So, I'm hoping someone on here can guide me....please!

Post# 527721 , Reply# 1   6/29/2011 at 20:18 (4,975 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
You are correct, tghe Maytag will have a little bit nicer quality and finish than the Amana. I like my Kenmore Elite TT, does a very good job of cleaning bobLoads. and the Maytag is pretty much the same as what I have now.

Post# 527792 , Reply# 2   6/30/2011 at 07:01 (4,974 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Sears is still selling the standard tub Ultra wash machine, it was one of the best machines ever for cleaning and relilbilty. If you really want to wash dirty dishes and you liked the one you have now then this is the only DW that I would buy period.

Post# 527903 , Reply# 3   6/30/2011 at 16:31 (4,974 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
I agree with John. I have two of the Sears Kenmores similar to the standard tub Whirlpools and they truly get every nook and crannie making everything sparkle and shine. I use the Finish tabs and get unbelievable results NO PRE RINSING!!! Both of mine are convertible/portables. One is white on white. The other is almond with the black panel inserted on the front.Both are around 15 years old and the w/w one had never been used. I got it for $20 at an auction next door and found the other one at the Hilo Habitat for Humanity for only $10.That one had a bit of residue built up on the inlet hose's screen which I cleaned out and it worked fine afterwords. I highly recommend it.

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