Thread Number: 35313
Maytag Atlantis Dryer
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Post# 527743   6/30/2011 at 00:09 (4,855 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
My mother called me tonight complaining that her Maytag Atlantis dryer doesn't seem to be working any more. She says clothes eventually get dry, but when she opens the door, she doesn't feel heat. Since it sounds like the they eventually get dry I'm inclined to think that it must be heating at least a little..if there was no heat it would take for every for them to dry from tumbling and air flow along. It's a gas dryer. Does anyone have any immediate thoughts on what I can check?

Post# 527747 , Reply# 1   6/30/2011 at 00:34 (4,855 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
She's not rinsing thoroughly enough. Have her try doing 4 rinses (with spin spray between each) see if the dryer works better.

Post# 527750 , Reply# 2   6/30/2011 at 00:36 (4,855 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Please try all temp settings and all cycles to see if a contact in the timer has failed or the temp sensor has died. If you can see the ignitor, see if it is sparking or if the heat bar is heating up (glowing red) when the dryer is started.

Post# 527971 , Reply# 3   7/1/2011 at 00:30 (4,854 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
Ha ha ha on the rinses, good thought. I didn't think to have her try the other temperatures. I'll try that.

Post# 527989 , Reply# 4   7/1/2011 at 07:09 (4,853 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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May be the solenoids.....................had this on one of my the start of the machine the burner would work fine, but half way thru it would not fire up, the glow tube would get bright, but when it came to the gas being released, nothing happened and the glow tube would go out, over and over, a repairman told me to grab and twist or take a screwdriver, and when the glow tube got bright and ready to ignight, twist the solenoids a little bit, then it fired up, once I released it the flame shut off....the slightest 1/16th of an inch offset would not let the valve solenoids, about 35.00, had it up and running ever since....

worth a shot......

Post# 527997 , Reply# 5   7/1/2011 at 07:42 (4,853 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
Thank you Yogi, I'll check it out.

Post# 528000 , Reply# 6   7/1/2011 at 07:46 (4,853 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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As with any slow dryer check the vent system first for good airflow, after that by far the most common problem problem on US gas dryers made in the last 30 years are weak or intermittent gas valve coils. This is a fairly minor repair and usually worth doing. All dryers should be disassembled and cleaned and lubricated where possible by a good technician every 5 10 or 15 years of use depending or the amount of use the machine gets, this is a good chance to have this done.


P S I would really ask her about her rinsing habits as over rinsing will make the clothes take longer to dry LOL.

Post# 528128 , Reply# 7   7/1/2011 at 18:24 (4,853 days old) by llmaytag (Southern California)        

llmaytag's profile picture
Okay now Combo.....point taken about cleaning and lubing. Yes, it is a good opportunity. Peter is just teasing me because I rinse my clothes a second time and usually do so by starting another rinse after the regular cycle on the washer because the "second rinse" doesn't have a spin-spray!

Actually mom did confirm the airflow for the exhaust and actually had tried all temp setting and the timed cycles in addition to the Electronic dry. Repair man is coming out on Tuesday!

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