Thread Number: 35316
Whirlpool washer/dryer help needed plz
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Post# 527756   6/30/2011 at 01:57 (4,775 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        

hi all!
i have recent;y got this whirlpool AWG336 washer dryer. i had to have the beaings, drum gasket and pump replaced and its now working. however, i cant get it to dry. i am going to contact whirlpool SA to get a manual but f any of you know how to use the dryer plz let me know. i tried turning the wash programmer to the off positionn in the cotton and synthetic cycles, seting the dryer timer and starting but it didnt work. so last night when i washed slippers i set the wash programm, temp and dry time and it still didnt work. any help will be appreciated

Post# 527800 , Reply# 1   6/30/2011 at 07:28 (4,775 days old) by matthewza (Cape Town, South Africa)        
problem solved

i solved it! turns out you need to press the half load button if you want to dry a load

Post# 528225 , Reply# 2   7/2/2011 at 07:10 (4,773 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

All old washerdryers have half of the wash weight for drying. Congrats thogh on it

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