Thread Number: 35375
Miele W4842 Sanitary Cycle Behavior
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Post# 528469   7/3/2011 at 14:00 (4,859 days old) by AZREOspecialist ()        

I just tried posting but I did not see my new thread, I apologize if this is a duplicate...

Can anyone else chime in and let me know if their Sanitary Cycle works the same as mine? On most of my cycles, the washer fills twice through the detergent drawer and the rest of the fills are done using the spray nozzle in the door jam. On the Sanitary Cycle, however, the internal spray is never utilized and all water flows through the detergent drawer. I also have Maximum Water Levels enabled in the service menu, which gives me up-to-the-door water rinse levels in all cycles except Sanitary. Here, I get the usual low rinse levels.

Do all W4842s work this way or is it just my machine? Thanks in advance for your help.

Post# 528503 , Reply# 1   7/3/2011 at 17:34 (4,859 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture

I know you need an answer to this question, but you will find the correct answer from our sister of appliance site THS.
Use this link and post this question in the Laundry forum.

P.S. Keep us posted on your answer.


Post# 528533 , Reply# 2   7/3/2011 at 22:35 (4,859 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        
Off Topic but.....

Azreospecialist...............What  brand and model Dw do you have?

Post# 528594 , Reply# 3   7/4/2011 at 10:13 (4,859 days old) by AZREOspecialist ()        
Quickly Off Topic, then back...

** off topic ** Hi Jerrod, I have a Miele La Perla bought in 2006.

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