Thread Number: 35475
Did or Does This Toploader Exist?
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Post# 529673   7/9/2011 at 12:47 (4,853 days old) by foo123 ()        

Direct Drive Toploader

Stainless Steel Tub

Kitchenaid - Style Large Vane Agitator

Suds Saver (*wash or rinse selectable*)

Hot Wash (is built in water heating too much to ask?)

Warm Rinse Selection

Extra Rinse Option

Pre-wash Soak Cycle that automatically continues into Normal Wash Cycle

Warm or Temp. Selectable Spray Rinses *At Every Spin* (not just last one)

Was a toploader with these features ever built?

If not, any close matches?


Post# 529970 , Reply# 1   7/11/2011 at 10:41 (4,852 days old) by foo123 ()        
Does This Toploader Exist?


Post# 529972 , Reply# 2   7/11/2011 at 10:58 (4,852 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture


If by direct drive you mean transmission-style ... there were none made with onboard water heating.


Far as I'm aware, the large-base/fin KA agitator wasn't used on anything but KA machines and none of them had stainless steel baskets.

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