Thread Number: 35478
Found this regarding warm rinsing.
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Post# 529706   7/9/2011 at 17:13 (4,845 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

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There is a new comment on the post "Why can't modern washing machines rinse

Author: Nikki

You are a lady after my own heart! I started this whole argument off years ago
- if you wade back, you will find them.

I have found one washing power that rinses a better than any others, and that is
Ecover Biological - it is brilliant, it rinses out pretty well, although thick
towels need running through the wash cycle again with no soap added.

The problem is that modern washing machines only bring in a tiny amount of
water, and in addition to that only rinse in cold water. The scientific facts
of rinsing are that you need bags of warm/hot water to rinse properly, you

Well done you!

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Post# 529930 , Reply# 1   7/11/2011 at 02:51 (4,844 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

I can't compare warm water rinsing to cold water rinsing as in my (short) lifetime I've never seen a warm rinsing machine!
I can second that many machines don't rinse properly (see my crappy Whirlpool as an example of bad manifacturing) but others, like the Candy at my parents, rinse perfectly and for the same load it even uses less water!
Also towels have no residue on them.

Despite of what the article might say, warm rinsing to me is just a HUGE resource waste! If the machine doesn't rinse properly with standard settings, just add an additional, cold of course, rinse!

Post# 530905 , Reply# 2   7/16/2011 at 00:21 (4,839 days old) by gmmcnair (Portland, OR)        
Warm Rinses....

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....were much more important in the days when people still used soap flakes for laundry. Warm water rinses these out of the fibers better than cold. I'm old enough to remember (and own) machines with warm rinses, and it didn't make a noticeable difference when using synthetic detergents.

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