Thread Number: 35772
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Post# 533569   7/29/2011 at 04:01 (4,876 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        

A friend is upgrading their optima to the 12kg samsung and I would be interested in it as it is only a few years old. Space being what it is means the hottie will have to go. Is that a wise move or checkmate?

Post# 533608 , Reply# 1   7/29/2011 at 10:26 (4,876 days old) by optima (Cumbria England)        

optima's profile picture
A wise move without a doubt. Think that model is quite a bit less than a few years old. Excellent wash performance all round even on the 29 & 44 minute programmes. Very deep rinsing water levels. Sensitive care button for large loads gives a total of 5 rinses. 59 Minute 60deg wash great for towels. What model number is your hotpoint you are thinking of replacing it with.

Post# 533611 , Reply# 2   7/29/2011 at 10:49 (4,876 days old) by aquarius8000 ()        
Hotpoint wd61


Post# 533612 , Reply# 3   7/29/2011 at 11:09 (4,876 days old) by optima (Cumbria England)        

optima's profile picture
mm yes maybe you should go for the optima.

Post# 533624 , Reply# 4   7/29/2011 at 14:00 (4,875 days old) by nrones ()        
Bot machines are excellent

From one side, that Hotpoint is very interesting
From the other, that Hoover is a fabulous machine, just as Optima said, and you would have another Candy product next to the Aquamatic! :D

Anyway, I dont know if your friend wants to give it to you for free? because he can sell it on ebay for quite good price :D


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