Thread Number: 35860
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Post# 534773   8/3/2011 at 13:12 (4,828 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
So, I uploaded a few videos of the new washer. The links goes to my "Bauknecht big" playlist.

Two videos show an Express Wash cycle washing a bathroom rug with the door open - that stupid tinted window... And then there are three new ones of, you guessed it, a full load of towels. More is to come.



Post# 534791 , Reply# 1   8/3/2011 at 14:27 (4,828 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

joe_in_philly's profile picture
Very Nice! Like the slow-motion effect.

How did you get it to work with the door open? I see button taped, but what about tricking the door lock?

I have an older version (Kenmore HE3t), and it seems to use more water during the wash and rinse. My "express" cycle is 35 minutes and has two rinses, with the second rinse using additional water. My paddles are different, too.

Post# 534852 , Reply# 2   8/3/2011 at 20:29 (4,828 days old) by brastemp (Brazil)        

I really love this washer and WOW.. what a nice load!!

Post# 534873 , Reply# 3   8/3/2011 at 22:34 (4,828 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

Now THAT'S what i call a BobLoad!!  It's been certified as a BobLoad!!

Post# 534953 , Reply# 4   8/4/2011 at 11:31 (4,827 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
Yes, that black "thing" needs to be pushed in and the door lock tricked. That's pretty simple: all you need is to stick a screw driver (or even a toothpick) in there and it locks. However, you should find yourself a hook or something to unlock the mechanism. The actual latch (the one attached to the door frame) pulls the door lock into the open position when the door is being opened. That's why you can see me pulling this blue/green thing out of the door lock: it's to unlock the mechanism.

The Express cycle only does one rinse - up to three are selectable. And yes, the water level on this thing is really low. Even the Bulky cycle uses the low level. But it still rinses well as it sprays the water over the laundry after each spin. Much better than the Electrolux we have. The paddles are smaller to increase drum volume, I suppose, as every .1 cu.ft. counts...

Thanks for the certification! :-D Yeah, I run a load of towels about once a month with this monster. Bedding once a month, too. I need more people here! *lol*


Post# 535040 , Reply# 5   8/4/2011 at 14:19 (4,827 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

joe_in_philly's profile picture
Thanks for the info. I found the videos interesting, since my washer is the first generation (KENMORE HE3t). You washer does some things differently, such as the balancing for the spin, rinse fill, and the final spin sequence.

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