Thread Number: 35890
Dependable Care
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Post# 535222   8/5/2011 at 16:57 (4,739 days old) by mixfinder ()        

Last December a new repairman at the local Maytag dealer cut his teeth on mom's Dendable Care Maytag. The brake needed work. The machine was sidelined while we waited for a part and the repair was done in house. During it's first cycle parts came loose, the machine made terrible noises and it screeched to a halt. It was taken in to the shop were it remained for 5 weeks waiting for a transmission, first two defective (repairboy learning curve) and third installed under the direction of the district service manager. Total bill for both repairs $418.oo. The last month the washer has knocked during spins and clunks when it stops. Now it indexes to the point of spinning while agitating, shrieks and knocks during a 100 rpm spins and leaves the clothes wet. I went in to the store where we've done business for 30+ years. The most they'll credit for repairs is offering a new Maytag MVWC200X for $425.00. Needless to say ties are severed with the store.
Shall I give her my 806 and use the 1-18 I have in reserve, buy the new Maytag for myself and give her the 806 or keep the 806 and trust a crazy lady to make peace with a new machine that locks her out, doesn't have an adjustable timer and makes odd noises compared to what my mother is used to?

Post# 535241 , Reply# 1   8/5/2011 at 18:31 (4,739 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Kelly I wish I were closer, these MTs are so easy to fix and I have parts for them coming out of my ears. Maybe it could be sent to Andy in Nevada I sure that he could also repair it with little trouble. If you are going to buy new washer get a SQ TL or FL washer and be done with it for a long time Good Luck  John.

Post# 535256 , Reply# 2   8/5/2011 at 20:17 (4,739 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture



It sounds as if you're about to become stuck between a rock and a hard place. As I see it, you have more options than you list


- try to get her machine fixed again (how much money to throw at is another question)

- try and find a near identical machine that's been looked after to prevent 'culture shock'

- as suggested 'donate' your 806 to a worthy cause. At least it's the same brand, and because of its age and her familiarity with older things it may be a sound option (Am I correct in thinking a form of Dementia exists here where years ago is like yesterday but yesterday can't be remembered?)

- consider spending money on a new, modern machine that replicates the functions, if not the noises of the old one (Speed Queen may be your only option)

- go part way to testing the limits of your own sanity with an old style, yet modern front loader (2140?)

- go the whole hog and shock the living daylights out of her with a modern 'bling' front load machine.


My mothers 71 and is only just on her 3rd washing machine since 1968 (68/89/09)....she still took a couple of months to get comfortable with the latest as she had gone from seperate functions for programme and temperature, no display and different cycle additions to electonics, single dial and less additions....


If her machine is not an economically viable propostition, what would she like to do?

Post# 535345 , Reply# 3   8/6/2011 at 12:03 (4,738 days old) by mixfinder ()        

Money is not a consideration in the equation. To that end we spent a small fortune reviving the Dependable Care because mom gets angry when there is change and she didn't want a different machine. She has been in stage III Alzheimer's and is showing signs of progression forward into IV. She still dabbles in various homemaking endeavors but never finishes anything. Washing is the one thing she hangs onto and pitches a fit if anyone else tries to help. We need a washer that is extremely quiet so she cannot hear it running and be tipped off to laundry interlopers. The washer needs to be relatively simple. One that has to reset itself athrough a series of clicks and clacks if the lid is opened would set her off and I can her with a screwdriver or pry bar trying to open a locked machine. If there was anyone who could work on the Maytag we might consider another repair attempt. The only Maytag service man cut his teeth on mother's washer, failed and has since been let go. There is no service man in the area who will work on anything but direct drive machines. We could truck it to Yakima or the Tri Cities but I am having surgery next week and I will not be home or able to orchestrate any load out or swaps after the 10th. That leaves Monday and Tuesday to reach a solution. I guess sending the 806 to her is the logical decision and it may jog something inside since she had a 606 for 27 years.

Post# 535411 , Reply# 4   8/6/2011 at 20:35 (4,738 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        

Get a Speed Queen top loader. Mine even sounds like my old Maytag....

Post# 535428 , Reply# 5   8/6/2011 at 22:02 (4,738 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Speed Queen

The only business to sell Speed Queen in our area is the same business that charged the outrageous repair costs on the Maytag. Since they aren't willing to credit back repair I am loath to give them the business. I am running into a time crunch since there's only two days to get the washer in place before I am gone for surgery and rehab.

Post# 535709 , Reply# 6   8/8/2011 at 13:30 (4,736 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
I am sorry about your mother's health

iheartmaytag's profile picture

If you were closer I would give you the Dependable Care in my storage shed. 


Short of having to give them "the business" I think you are on the right track loaning her your 806. 


Post# 536922 , Reply# 7   8/14/2011 at 11:48 (4,730 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Minutes to Spare

With the clock ticking before checking for surgery I needed to make a decision regarding a washer for mom. Pdub had given me an 1-18 a year ago and it was just inside the garage door. Dad got a couple guys to help and we swapped out the Frigidaire for the Maytag. Mom gets upset with change and she felt overwhelmed with the cycle graphics on the Frigidaire, sure she could never figure it out. I reassured her as the machine filled. It took a spin out and a couple tugs on the pulsator to get the machine started. When it sprang to life, mom started to cry and said the washer scared her. She stood right next to the washer for the first load and complained bitterly. 5 Loads had them caught up and I left for Seattle about 7:00pm just in time to set for an hour waiting for rock blasting at the summit of the pass. Gratefully Powerfin64 has a Dependable care of near vintage so after I am released to come home we'll work out the pick up. Mom will be happy and I can bring the 1-18 for museum quality care.

Post# 541110 , Reply# 8   9/1/2011 at 19:41 (4,712 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Dependable Plus Member

The day before leaving for Seattle and surgery an independant repair guy came to look at the Maytag.  After the brake package replacement and three transmission replacements it was apparent the bearings are shot.  The bearings weren't replaced in any of the teardowns.  The last transmission was installed under the advisement of the district service manager.  I can't believe there is no recourse through Whirlpool for some compensations since it's an authorized dealer.  With the Frigidaire in place, mom crying and dad complaining about the noise of the washer I left for three weeks.  In 64 years of marriage my father couldn't have told you if my mom washed on a rock or had a Chinese laundry take care of the dirty clothes but he didn't like this 1-18 Frigidaire and insisted on a different machine.

I recieved an email shortly after surgery from powerfin64, a member about an hour from where I live.  He had a Dependable Care Maytag he purchased new and it was for sale.  The machine is absolutely spotless with in, with out and even underneath.  When it is running its almost impossible to hear standing right next to it.  I can wash for the next two decades and mom will never hear it.  The appearance and cycle selector are the same as the old one although mom's was a TOL and this machine is a MOL.  In reality its just a used washer from some guy in another town and we lucked out.  In truth it was a gesture of compassion for me and my family from a member of this club who took the time to help me.  I could not be more pleased, the washer couldn't be in any better condition if it had the tags still hanging on the dial and mom is not tormented by visible signs of change that are so distressing to her.  Today we took dad for cataract surgery and in two weeks I'll start physical therapy and take mom with me to work on her stride after the hip replacement last Novemeber.  Her former PT therapist sat her on a machine or table, gave a list of things to do and walked off.  She happily stared in space until her hour was up.  No escape for mom from the no neck monster, we'll be working together.  And so it goes, on and on...............and until the chance comes to truly repay the kindness, thank you Rich.

Post# 541114 , Reply# 9   9/1/2011 at 21:06 (4,712 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

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Your most welcome Kelly.


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