Thread Number: 35907
Vacations-time for being as washing machine slut...
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Post# 535453   8/7/2011 at 03:54 (4,737 days old) by wilkinsservis (Melbourne Australia)        

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What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas-holidays are the perfect excuse to try out other machines (please no one tell the F+P at home). Mal and I are over in Western Australia (3000kms away on the other side of the continent) visiting his bro+SIL. They are being most hospitable and easy to get along with. Mal's mother has come too as she likes to see her two sons "playing together nicely". Anyway Rod and Sandy have a Bosch Maxx Classic 1000rpm which I assume is the Asian manufactured model not the one sourced from Europe. First impressions are of a neatly finished solid machine save for the plastic door. Sandy speaks of it quite highly and she can be particular about equipment that she uses. I did a mixed load and it seems to have washed well. Anyone else have one of these?

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