Thread Number: 36239
What appliance manufactures are made in uk?
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Post# 539945   8/27/2011 at 12:15 (4,717 days old) by marthalover4eve ()        

What appliance manufactures are made in the uk ??


my nan has recently replaced her indesit iwb5113 she said she didnt get on with it so i said ill buy it off her but she said nope and gave it to me for free in the door it says made in P.R.C i dont no what that means but i thought beko was made in turkey :/

Post# 539948 , Reply# 1   8/27/2011 at 12:21 (4,717 days old) by hotpoint9534 (UK)        

Belling and Stoves cookers are made in Prescot, Merseyside. Indesit group tumble dryers at Yate near Bristol. Crosslee/White Knight tumble dryers in the old Philips factory in Halifax.

There really isn't much else left sadly.


Post# 539950 , Reply# 2   8/27/2011 at 12:26 (4,717 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
I think you will find is the Peoples Republic China..

in other words is made in China...:)


Post# 539952 , Reply# 3   8/27/2011 at 12:34 (4,717 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

this should explain about beko and thier factories :)
Tom :)
P.S my beko wme 747s is made in turkey

CLICK HERE TO GO TO aegokocarat's LINK

Post# 539989 , Reply# 4   8/27/2011 at 17:26 (4,717 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
There is nothing wrong with 'Made in China'

ronhic's profile picture

...provided the actual manufacturer, assuming the item is made for the brand rather than in one of their own factories, is provided with reasonable specifications to provide underlying quality.


In the instance of Beko, they have their own factory AND have worked very hard over the past decade to improve the quality and performance of their products to the point of purchasing German brand Blomberg in 2002....I would have no issue purchasing a Beko made in China at this point in time.


Let's not forget that Miele manufacture in China.....


Post# 539990 , Reply# 5   8/27/2011 at 17:32 (4,717 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Made in China

ozzie908's profile picture
I was not inferring there was anything wrong with made in china products ! Just explaining what PRC meant.


Post# 539996 , Reply# 6   8/27/2011 at 17:47 (4,717 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

....I didn't think you were....


I was commenting that it comes down to specification more than where it is made and just highlighting that a brand that trades on its' good name - Miele - also manufacture there.

Post# 539999 , Reply# 7   8/27/2011 at 17:58 (4,717 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Sorry Chris

ozzie908's profile picture
Its late I am tired I do apologise I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Post# 540003 , Reply# 8   8/27/2011 at 18:06 (4,717 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
It's all good...

ronhic's profile picture



What is the appliance next to the can-opener on your kitchen work surface? Is that a coffee maker of some sort?

Post# 540004 , Reply# 9   8/27/2011 at 18:10 (4,717 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

ooo! i see Austin has a krups dolche gusto!
tisk tisk! wonder how much you spend on coffee cartages fir it on your weekly shop.
i am thankful that i have a krups pro aroma coffee maker that uses normal filter or intant coffee :)

Post# 540006 , Reply# 10   8/27/2011 at 18:17 (4,717 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Its a dolce gusto cofffee machine

ozzie908's profile picture
I was given it as a present for a housewarming :)

I don't spend that much on pods as buy them when I think of it tend to drink either instant or use a cafetiere..:)


Post# 540008 , Reply# 11   8/27/2011 at 18:21 (4,717 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

I cant use a cafetire, every time i do i end up with crunchy coffee lol

Post# 540009 , Reply# 12   8/27/2011 at 18:27 (4,717 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Thanks Austin

ronhic's profile picture

I have a Bodum Santos which I love....a tad fiddly first thing in the morning, but great for the weekend.....The Bodum is shown in the middle of the page and in use on the same page.


Post# 540016 , Reply# 13   8/27/2011 at 19:07 (4,717 days old) by boschlover1997 ()        

if miele are so good, and beko not the worst, why do people say chinese made machines are so s**t?
thans, george

Post# 540018 , Reply# 14   8/27/2011 at 19:27 (4,717 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

Because sometimes products can be rather badly made, eg,cut corners.
my mam and dad always say to get a Tuesday Wednesday or a Thursday machine,
Friday worker cut corners as they want to get home to booze out like edina and patsy and on monday they are hungover from boozing like fishes lol

Post# 540034 , Reply# 15   8/27/2011 at 21:25 (4,716 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

...because that is often their experience.


However, what people seem to forget, it isn't that it is made in China or anywhere else that has a pool or cheap labour, what is important is the specifications that the product is built to. Any manufacturer can technically build a top quality or poor quality product - it isn't dependant of where it is made, just what actually goes in.


If Miele were to use a motor in their washers that was 'good for 500 cycles', then imagine how long that machine would last and what it would do to their reputation. So Miele specify good quality motors (and other parts) to ensure the quality is built in.Miele also make very distinct models which HAVE KEY DIFFERENCES mechanically the further up the range you go. This differentiates the models.


As an example, and using motors, Miele use a different motor on their top models which is incredibly quiet. Electrolux, to achieve a better sound profile, supply an insert for the base of the machine to try and achieve a difference between one model and the next. Same motor, same chassis, same basic one insert to reduce noise - cost, probably about 50p.....but you won't be paying that...more like GBP40.00


In many ways, we have brought the demise of quality on ourselves. Consumers seem to have lost the focus of quality/price by associating 'quality' with 'gadgets' rather than build and longevity. Manufacturers have adapted to this miss-match, particularly with the availability of reliable and inexpensive electronics.


As an example. Electrolux import a range of front-load washers into Australia. Most are Zanussi based machines made in Thailand. Top range ones still come from Europe. They sell these across a couple of brands - Simpson for budget and Electrolux for mid-line and premium.... The Simpsons do look more basic. No digital display, less program options, generally lower spin speeds and smaller capacities.


However, the motors, basic electronics (and main programs!), chassis/suspensions are the same. There is nearly a 20% difference in price between the top 7kg/1000rpm Simpson without display and the same basic machine sold as a bottom line model in the Electrolux range.


When Electrolux was ditching the washing machine side of the Westinghouse brand here, I bought one. Same basic machine that was badged as John Lewis in the UK for AUD $570. The equivalent Electrolux was nearly $900.....


Bit of a ramble, but I hope it makes sense.....manufacturers distinguish by 'the frills' more often than not these days...with some exceptions AND where it is made does not always point to good or bad quality.

Post# 540116 , Reply# 16   8/28/2011 at 10:06 (4,716 days old) by solsburian (SE Northumberland)        

Some BSH built in appliances (i.e. Microwaves) are made in the UK.

Post# 540135 , Reply# 17   8/28/2011 at 12:29 (4,716 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
dyson washer

was the dyson washer made in the U.K.?-here in the U.S. at least,all the dyson vacs
i have looked at have been made in malaysia...

Post# 540167 , Reply# 18   8/28/2011 at 14:49 (4,716 days old) by ultimafan ()        
Miele may be chinese sourced, but they have high standards

Miele being Miele, they demand the best, so they will source high quality parts, and the machines are then assembled in Germany IMO (Hence the Made in Germany tag on their site).

The problem with these Chinese made machines is that the majority are made cheaply under Haier/HEC etc, as companies including Electrolux have outsourced to them. However LG/Samsung are made in the Far East and are one of the good ones.

Post# 540177 , Reply# 19   8/28/2011 at 15:35 (4,716 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture

I don't quite know what you don't understand about Miele making appliances in China. They may make and/or source some parts from China. but they also do full manufacture there too...some of their cleaners in Oz are stamped 'Made in China' - not 'assembled in China' or 'some parts made in China'.....MADE IN CHINA.


Check the link - click on 'locations' and then 'production plants'


Post# 540238 , Reply# 20   8/28/2011 at 19:31 (4,716 days old) by oldwasherguy (Ladson SC)        
Made in China

oldwasherguy's profile picture
I try my best to buy only items made in the U.S.A or Europe. But there are just some things you cant help.

Post# 540828 , Reply# 21   8/31/2011 at 10:35 (4,713 days old) by ultimafan ()        

Confused, actually because when I was on the Miele UK website recently (which sport very similar machines to the Miele Australia site), most, if not all washing machines, in their images section have the 'Made in Germany' image, almost like a logo. I've put the link in, if anyone would like to see, but wouldn't it be a bit misleading, if they are chinese made but state 'made in Germany'?

It's a real shame that no more washing machines are made in the UK anymore, with the last real ones being the Hotpoint WF*** series until 2008. Especially when you see all the vintage adverts of UK Machines being produced.


Post# 540858 , Reply# 22   8/31/2011 at 13:02 (4,713 days old) by dascot (Scotland)        
UltimaFan, if you read ...

... I believe it's just vacuum cleaners that Miele manufacture in China and have done for some time. Most, if not all, laundry products for sale in Europe are manufactured in Germany or Czech Republic.

They are legally not allowed to state "Made in Germany" if the product was made in China, some people do say "Assembled in..." rather than "Made in..." but I think to say "Made in..." it has to have a certain percentage of parts manufactured in that country.

Post# 540864 , Reply# 23   8/31/2011 at 13:12 (4,713 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

also it would be somhing like "made in.....finnesed in"

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