Thread Number: 36245
Bosch/Siemens: Spin clockwise or counterclockwise
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Post# 540084   8/28/2011 at 05:46 (4,804 days old) by virabhadrasana (France / Italy)        

I noticed that Bosch/Siemens FL washers with small door from the 80's and 90's exsist both with door opening to the right and spin counterclockwise or door opening to the left and spin clockwise. I think that the clockwise ones are older. Do you have more information about that?

Post# 540086 , Reply# 1   8/28/2011 at 06:47 (4,804 days old) by newwave1 (Lincoln, United Kingdom)        

newwave1's profile picture
Machines made up until 1998/9 when the bosch maxx's were introduced span clockwise.

Bosch maxx onwards spin anticlockwise! I've had one from both periods! :-)


Post# 540130 , Reply# 2   8/28/2011 at 11:52 (4,803 days old) by splittub (Europe)        

Maybe this is a stupid question, but is there any performance advantage if a washing machine spins in one direction instead of the other?

Post# 540419 , Reply# 3   8/29/2011 at 15:33 (4,802 days old) by virabhadrasana (France / Italy)        
@ Splittub

I don't think there's a difference in terms of performance.
Personally I just prefer to watch a spin counterclockwise. Maybe because I was very scared by the washer we had when I was a child, which spun clockwise and used to jump at any unbalanced spin;)

Post# 540440 , Reply# 4   8/29/2011 at 17:31 (4,802 days old) by Hotpointwf220 ()        
my fav spinning direction is -----> direction

i saw a nice 1400 bosch that was a clockwiser i tested at bhf hudds

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